BEFORE the child of whiteness will be born, she will have been created from a violent and climatic act of passion.
From a mixture of sperm, her mother’s egg and DNA, will come, as the Harlot Orchid, an enigma of a creature. She shall be stunning of the physical, crippling rare of form and savage of the inner thinking world. She will be a white female Orchid mimic.
She will be frail, translucent, alluring and deadly to mere mortals that often fall to the illusion of the rarity of pure unmitigated flawlessness of the female form. Very much like the Orchid Lithophytes, pungent of a lilac and citrus aura, within a transparent membrane of skin that thrives as it clings to rock, open to attack from viruses, she will be born stunning. Needing to be nurtured as an embryo, she will be protected until she will be ready; ready to savage a world that will have no anti virus created to stop her.
Like the Saprophytes Orchid, struck of gold, silver and purples of impossible structure and hues and is anchored to soil and earth, she will be magnificence of perfection at its zenith. Her appearance will be pallid white, hair, skin, all centered of blazing titanium blue eyes. It will all be connected by a brain of unfathomable intelligence. Crushed of darkness, pain and pathos, she will be tolerated by parents, until they could bear her no longer.
Mimicking the Epiphytes Orchid and strung as citrine and indigo moths spun twine, she will be tenuous, strident and powerful in all of her appearance. She shall be fragile, yet powerful as the great roots of the Banyan tree of the rain forests. She will, become a white pearl flower. Thus, having been born of the womb, she will be anchored in the roots of the safety of unsuspecting parents.
She will be an air breather, her first memory, thriving on her mother’s, blood. Years will pass, many life times for her sisters of the petal world, which for Orchids, time is forever tenuous, an eye blink of memory.
When finally she will be brought to puberty, she will shed that umbilical cord of blood, thus freeing her to war. Echoing the Orchid, which uses its scent to seduce, sedate and ultimately survive, she will use an elegant structure of face and body of flawlessness. Thus, she will bring carnage to an unprepared world. It will be a virgin cosmos that will have no warning of her lethal and seductive ways, thus no defense for it.
Within a singular moment of rebirth, she will become a genius savant, an intruder bringing death within an ever revolving typhoon of madness. Thus, she will leave trails of red blood behind her every step, and it will be the blood of men.
She will be called the, “Death Orchid.”