B. | Robert Browning |
EBB. | Elizabeth Barrett Browning |
For books, the place of publication is London unless otherwise specified.
I Browning’s works
Sections 1, 2 and 3 list only those short titles which consist of dates or initials. References to individual poems included in this volume are either complete (e.g. My Star, Love in a Life) or use the first word or phrase of the title, omitting definite articles and apostrophes (e.g. Pippa for Pippa Passes, Patriot for The Patriot, Bishop Blougram for Bishop Blougram’s Apology). The full titles of these works can be identified from the Index of Titles and First Lines. References to individual poems not included in this volume, and to titles of books, are usually complete (Aristophanes’ Apology, Halbert and Hob), with the exception of one major work, The Ring and the Book, which is referred to as Ring; a few poems with very long titles are likewise referred to by their first word or phrase (e.g. Very Original Poem for Very Original Poem, Written with Even a Greater Endeavour Than Ordinary After Intelligibility, and Hitherto Only Published on the First Leaf of the Author’s Son’s Account-Book). The full titles of these works may be found in the alphabetical list of Browning’s works published as Appendix B in vol. I.
One case in particular requires mentioning. Browning’s 1887 collection Parleyings with Certain People of Importance in Their Day contains a number of poems which are headed ‘With’, the word ‘Parleying’ being understood: With Bernard de Mandeville, With George Bubb Dodington, With Christopher Smart, and so on. We use the short title Parleyings for the volume, and the names alone for the individual poems: Christopher Smart (Parleyings, 1887).
1 Collected works issued in Browning’s lifetime
1849 |
Poems, 2 vols (Chapman and Hall 1849) |
1863 |
Poetical Works, 3 vols (Chapman and Hall 1863) [on title page: ‘Third Edition’] |
1865 |
Poetical Works, 3 vols (Chapman and Hall 1865) [on title page: ‘Fourth Edition’] |
1868 |
Poetical Works, 6 vols (Smith, Elder 1868) |
1870 |
Poetical Works, 6 vols (Smith, Elder 1870) |
1875 |
Poetical Works, 6 vols (Smith, Elder 1875) |
1888 |
Poetical Works, 16 vols (Smith, Elder 1888–9) |
1889 |
Poetical Works, 16 vols (Smith, Elder 1889) |
Note 1865 is a revised reissue of 1863; 1870 and 1875 are revised reissues of 1868. 1889 is a partially revised reprint of 1888: before his death B. made corrections to the first ten volumes of 1888 as they appeared. Since their contents remained unchanged, these reissues are not separately listed in the textual history of each poem as it is given in the headnote, though significant variants are included in the notes.
2 Selections issued in Browning’s lifetime
18632 |
Selections from the Poetical Works (Chapman and Hall 1863) |
18652 |
Selections from the Poetical Works (Moxon, 1865) [‘Moxon’s Miniature Poets’] |
1872 |
Selections from the Poetical Works (Smith, Elder 1872) |
1880 |
Selections from the Poetical Works, Second Series (Smith, Elder 1880) |
1884 |
Selections from the Poetical Works, 2 vols (Smith, Elder 1884) [on title page of vol. i, ‘First Series’, on title page of vol. ii, ‘Second series’] |
Note 1884 is a revised reissue of 1872 and 1880. As with the reissues of 1863 and 1868, we do not list 1884 separately in the textual history given in the headnote, but do record its significant variants.
3 Single volumes and collections of shorter poems issued in Browning’s lifetime
B & P |
Bells and Pomegranates (see Appendix C., p. 883) |
B & P BYU |
B.’s copy of the one-volume Bells and Pomegranates (Brigham Young University) |
B & P Domett |
Alfred Domett’s copy of Bells and Pomegranates, with some MS corrections by B. (Harry Ransom Humanities Research Center, University of Texas, Austin) |
CE & ED |
Christmas-Eve and Easter-Day (Chapman and Hall 1850) |
DI1 |
Dramatic Idyls (Smith, Elder 1879) |
DI2 |
Dramatic Idyls, Second Series (Smith, Elder 1880) |
DL |
Dramatic Lyrics (Moxon, 1842) [Bells and Pomegranates iii] |
DL 1st Proof |
Corrected proof sheets of Dramatic Lyrics (Widener Library, Harvard) |
DL 2nd Proof |
Corrected proof sheets of Dramatic Lyrics (Widener Library, Harvard) |
DP |
Dramatis Personae (Chapman and Hall 1864) |
DP2 |
Dramatis Personae, 2nd edition (Chapman and Hall 1864) |
DR & L |
Dramatic Romances and Lyrics (Moxon, 1845) [Bells and Pomegranates vii] |
H proof |
Proof copy of Men and Women, at Huntington Library |
H proof 2 |
Copy of first edition of Men and Women with proof-readings, at Huntington Library |
L & AST |
Luria and A Soul’s Tragedy (1846) [Bells and Pomegranates viii] |
LS & TPC |
La Saisiaz and The Two Poets of Croisic (Smith, Elder 1878) |
M & W |
Men and Women, 2 vols (Chapman and Hall 1855); in textual notes 1855 |
1856 |
Men and Women (Boston: Ticknor and Fields 1856) [1st American edition; in one vol.] |
Note for a description of H proof and H proof 2, and a discussion of their significance in the textual history of M & W, (see Appendix C, III p. 742–3).
1894 |
Vol. xvii of 1889, consisting of Asolando and notes to the poems, ed. E. Berdoe |
Centenary |
The Works of Robert Browning, ed. F. G. Kenyon, 10 vols (Smith, Elder 1912) |
Florentine |
The Complete Works of Robert Browning, ed. C. Porter and H. A. Clarke, 12 vols (New York: Thomas Y. Crowell 1898) |
New Poems |
New Poems by Robert Browning and Elizabeth Barrett Browning, ed. F. G. Kenyon (Smith, Elder, 1914) |
Ohio |
The Complete Works of Robert Browning, gen. ed. Roma A. King Jr., Ohio University Press 1969– |
Oxford |
The Poetical Works of Robert Browning, gen. eds I. Jack, M. Meredith, Oxford University Press 1983– [Oxford English Texts] |
Penguin |
Robert Browning: The Poems, ed. John Pettigrew and Thomas J. Collins, 2 vols, Harmondsworth 1981 [Penguin English Poets; in USA, publ. by Yale University Press] |
Turner |
Men and Women, ed. Paul Turner (Oxford University Press 1972) |
5 Browning’s Prose Writings
Chatterton |
Review of R. H. Wilde, Conjectures and Researches Concerning the Love Madness and Imprisonment of Torquato Tasso, 2 vols (New York 1842), in Foreign Quarterly Review xxxix ( July 1842) 465–83. [Usually referred to as the ‘Essay on Chatterton’; see Appendix C in vol. II of the Longman Annotated English Poets Poems of Browning, p. 475] |
Shelley |
Introductory Essay in Letters of Percy Bysshe Shelley, Moxon 1852 [Usually referred to as the ‘Essay on Shelley’; see Appendix A in this volume, p. 851] |
6 Letters (incl. those of Elizabeth Barrett Browning)
American Friends |
Browning to his American Friends: Letters between the Brownings, the Storys and James Russell Lowell 1841–1890, ed. G. R. Hudson (1965) |
B. to Fields |
I. Jack, ‘Browning on Sordello and Men and Women: Unpublished Letters to James T. Fields’, HLQ xlv, no. 3 (Summer 1982) 185–99 |
B. to Ruskin |
Letter from Browning to Ruskin, in W. G. Collingwood, Life and Work of John Ruskin (1893) i 193–202 |
Correspondence |
The Brownings’ Correspondence, ed. P. Kelley, R. Hudson, S. Lewis and E. Hagan (Winfield, KS 1984–) |
Dearest Isa |
Dearest Isa: Robert Browning’s Letters to Isabella Blagden, ed. E. C. McAleer (Austin, TX and Edinburgh 1951) |
EBB to Arabella |
The Letters of Elizabeth Barrett Browning to Her Sister Arabella, 2 vols, ed. S. Lewis (Winfield, KS 2002) |
EBB to Boyd |
Elizabeth Barrett to Mr Boyd, ed. B. P. McCarthy (New Haven 1955) |
EBB to Henrietta |
Elizabeth Barrett Browning: Letters to her Sister, ed. L. Huxley (1929) |
EBB to Horne |
Letters of Elizabeth Barrett Browning Addressed to Richard Hengist Horne, ed. S. R. Townshend Mayer, 2 vols (1877) |
EBB to MRM |
The Letters of Elizabeth Barrett Browning to Mary Russell Mitford 1835–1854, ed. M. B. Raymond and M. R. Sullivan, 3 vols (Winfield, KS 1983) |
EBB to Ogilvy |
Elizabeth Barrett Browning’s Letters to Mrs David Ogilvy 1849–1861, ed. P. N. Heydon and P. Kelley (New York 1973) |
George Barrett |
Letters of the Brownings to George Barrett, ed. P. Landis and R. E. Freeman (Urbana, IL 1958) |
Invisible Friends |
Invisible Friends: The Correspondence of Elizabeth Barrett Barrett and Benjamin Robert Haydon 1842–1845, ed. W. B. Pope (Cambridge, MA 1972) |
LH |
Letters of Robert Browning collected by Thomas J. Wise, ed. T. L. Hood (1933) |
LK |
The Letters of Robert Browning and Elizabeth Barrett Barrett 1845–1846, ed. E. Kintner, 2 vols (Cambridge, MA 1969). The volumes are paginated continuously. |
Learned Lady |
Learned Lady: Letters from Robert Browning to Mrs Thomas Fitzgerald 1876–1889, ed. E. C. McAleer (Cambridge, MA 1966) |
Letters of EBB |
The Letters of Elizabeth Barrett Browning, ed. F. G. Kenyon, 2 vols (1897) |
Letters of RB and EBB |
The Letters of Robert Browning and Elizabeth Barrett Barrett 1845–1846 [ed. R. W. B. Browning], 2 vols (1899) |
More Than Friend |
More Than Friend: The Letters of Robert Browning to Katharine de Kay Bronson, ed. M. Meredith (Waco, TX and Winfield, KS 1985) |
New Letters |
New Letters of Robert Browning, ed. W. C. DeVane and K. L. Knickerbocker (1951) |
RB & AD |
F. G. Kenyon, Robert Browning and Alfred Domett (1906) |
RB & JW |
Robert Browning and Julia Wedgwood: A Broken Friendship as Revealed in their Letters, ed. R. Curle (1937) |
Rossetti |
A. A. Adrian, ‘The Browning–Rossetti Friendship: Some Unpublished Letters’, PMLA lxxiii (1958) 538–44 |
Ruskin |
D. J. DeLaura, ‘Ruskin and the Brownings: Twenty-Five Unpublished Letters’, BJRL liv (1972) 314–56 |
Ruskin1 |
Letter from John Ruskin to Browning of 2 Dec. 1855, and Browning’s reply of 10 Dec. 1855: see Appendix B in this volume, p. 878 |
Tennyson |
The Brownings to the Tennysons: Letters from Robert Browning and Elizabeth Barrett Browning to Alfred, Emily, and Hallam Tennyson 1852–1889, ed. T. J. Collins (Waco, TX 1971) |
Trumpeter |
Browning’s Trumpeter: The Correspondence of Robert Browning and Frederick J. Furnivall 1872–1889, ed. W. S. Peterson (Washington, DC 1979) |
Twenty-two Letters |
Twenty-two Unpublished Letters of Elizabeth Barrett Browning and Robert Browning Addressed to Henrietta and Arabella Moulton Barrett [ed. W. R. Benet], New York 1935 |
Note the text of letters in Correspondence and EBB to Arabella has been very lightly normalized: EBB.’s habitual superscript for titles (‘Mr.’, ‘Mrs.’, ‘Dr.’) and for contractions (‘cd.’, ‘shd.’ etc.) has been standardized as ‘Mr.’, ‘Mrs.’, ‘Dr.’, ‘cd.’, ‘shd.’, etc.
II Periodicals
BBI | Baylor University Browning Interests |
BIS | Browning Institute Studies [see also VLC] |
BJRL | Bulletin of the John Rylands Library |
BNL | Browning Newsletter |
BNYPL | Bulletin of the New York Public Library |
BSN | Browning Society Notes |
EC | Essays in Criticism |
ELN | English Language Notes |
ER | Edinburgh Review |
Hood’s | Hood’s Magazine and Comic Miscellany |
HLQ | Huntington Library Quarterly |
JEGP | Journal of English and Germanic Philology |
MLN | Modern Language Notes |
MLQ | Modern Language Quarterly |
MLR | Modern Language Review |
MP | Modern Philology |
MR | Monthly Repository |
N & Q | Notes and Queries |
PMLA | Publications of the Modern Language Association of America |
QR | Quarterly Review |
RES | Review of English Studies |
SB | Studies in Bibliography |
SBC | Studies in Browning and His Circle |
SEL | Studies in English Literature 1500–1900 |
SP | |
SR | Studies in Romanticism |
TLS | Times Literary Supplement |
UTQ | University of Toronto Quarterly |
VLC | Victorian Literature and Culture [continuation of BIS] |
VNL | Victorian Newsletter |
VP | Victorian Poetry |
VS | Victorian Studies |
III Miscellaneous
Note Shakespeare’s plays and poems are cited from the Riverside Edition, 2nd edn, ed. G. Blakemore Evans et al. (New York 1997). Paradise Lost is cited from the Longman Annotated English Poets edition, 2nd edn, ed. Alastair Fowler (Harlow 1998).