
Abbreviated Collection of Flower-in-the Sky’s Everyday Practice



Abhidharma Storehouse Treatise

abhūtavikalpa (thought of the unreal)


ālambana (objective support)

ālaya-vijñāna (storehouse consciousness)

all-at-once awakening and step-by-step practice.



anatman (non-self)

Anxin famen. See Dharma Gate of Quieting Mind





asvabhāva (no self nature)


atman (self)

avidyā (ignorance)

Awakening of Faith

ba feng (eight winds)

baihua (vernacular-based literary language)

Bai Juyi


bang (branch offshoots)

banzhou sanmei (engendered concentration)


Baotang (lineage/house)

Baotang Monastery.

Baotang Wuzhu (Li Liaofa)

Baoyue Chan Master


Beizong (Northern lineage): equivalent to Yogācāra practice program; five rubrics of; just gradual practice without sudden awakening; lowest evaluation in Chan Letter; part of first Chan axiom in Chan Prolegomenon; self-designation “East Mountain Dharma Gate,”. See also Shenxiu

benjue (original awakening)

benti kongji (basic substance void and calm)

ben wushi er wang qing (from the outset nothing to do and forget feelings)


benzhi (basic purport)

benzi juzu (spontaneous perfection)

Bhavaviveka (Bhavya)

bianji suozhi (completely imagined)

biaoquan (expressive explanation)

biaozong zhang (Designating-the-Axiom Section of Mind Mirror)

Bieji (Separate Record)

bieye (individual karma)

biguan (wall viewing)

biliang (inference, one of the three sources of knowledge)

bi zong houxue (Hongzhou’s junior trainees)

bodhi (enlightenment)

Bodhidharma, the first

Bodhidharma Anthology

Book of Rites (Zhou Rites)


buddha-in-embryo (tathagatagarbha)

Buddha-in-Embryo Sutra (Tathagatagarbha Sutra)

buddha nature.

Buddha Top-knot Sutra (=Śūragamasamādhi or Heroic Progress Samadhi)

Buddhist canon, three teachings of

bu de li (not have effective power)

bujue (non-awakening)

buliaoyi (neyārtha/incomplete meaning)

bu liao zixin (not understanding own mind)

bu xi (not rehearsed)

bu ying yu wenzi er ze ye (should not place blame on the written words)

bu zhu yiqie (apratihita/not fixed in anything)

buzuoyi (no mental activity)

Caoqi (Huineng)

Caotang chanshi jianyao. See Essentials of Chan Master Caotang’s Letters

Caotang Monasteryn.

cehui (privy waste)

cekong (privy hole)

Chan basket.

Chan Canon; enormous size of; how connected to Mahayana sutras and treatises; intended two audiences of; possible fragmentary survival in Mind Mirror; relationship to Chan Prolegomenon; tentative reconstruction of; tripartite structure of

Changes (Zhou Changes)

chang zhu xukong (fixed in mere absence/empty space)

Chan Letter; Chan Notes and; Chinul’s Excerpts and; dates of; editions used for translation; Essentials of the Dharma of Mind Transmission and; focus on four Chan houses in; genealogical chart of Bodhidharma Chan in; Hongzhou on; original title of; Outline of the Zen Axiom and; Pei Xiu and; simile of the wishing jewel in; translation of; Xixia in

Chan Master Gaofeng Yuanmiao’s Essentials of Chan

channa (dhyana)

Chan Notes; Chan Letter and; dates of; edition used for translation; seven houses of Chan in; slogan for each Chan house in; translation of; two aspects to each Chan house in

Chan Prolegomenon; Chan of incomplete and complete meaning in; chart of sentient-being mind in; dates of; editions used for translation; Five Mountains Zen and; Gozan edition; inclusive vision of Chan in; Khubilai khan and; Korean commentaries; Korean editions; Korean Fourfold Collection (Sajip) and; master metaphor in; modern Japanese scholarship and; Pei Xiu’s Preface; Song dynasty colophon; summa of Chan and the teachings in; tallies of teachings and Chan in terms of sudden/gradual in; tally of original awakening and non-awakening in; tally of sudden awakening and gradual practice in; tally of three types of teachings and three Chan axioms in; Tangut (Xixia) translation of; three Chan axioms in; three Chan praxis programs in; three teachings in; translation of; two types of all-at-once teaching in; Ui Hakuju and; Yanshou’s Mind Mirror as conduit for; Zongjinglu quotations and paraphrases

Chanyuan xia (Tangut Chan Prolegomenon)

Chanyuan zhuquanji. See Chan Canon

Chanyuan zhuquanji duxu. See Chan Prolegomenon

chanzang. See Chan basket

chanzong li jiao (Chan axioms are modeled on the teachings)


characteristics axiom

Chart of the Genealogy of the Patriarchal Masters from Generation to Generation

Chart of the Master-Disciple Succession of the Chan Gate That Transmits the Mind Ground in China

Chen Chuzhang

Chengguan. See also Qingliang Chengguan

Cheng of Zhangjing Monastery north of western capital mountains

Cheng weishi lun

Chen Qige

Chinggis khan


Chi of Jiangning

Chogye school

chŏmsu (gradual practice)

Chonggyŏng nok

Chongmil (Zongmi)

Chuanxin fayao. See Essentials of the Dharma of Mind Transmission

Chuji of Zizhou.

Chūka denshinji zenmon shiji shōshū zu. See Chart of the Master-Disciple Succession of the Chan Gate That Transmits the Mind Ground in China

chulei shi dao (everything is the Dao)

chulei shi dao er renxin (everything is the Dao and give free rein to mind)


ci ge shi (this matter)

ci lingjuexing (this spiritual awakening nature)

cisui chan/jusui chan (chan in conformity with words/phrases)

citta-mātra (mind only)

ciwai chan/juwai chan (chan beyond words/phrases)

ci xin (this mind)

ci xin ji fo (this mind is buddha)

Cizhou Zhiru

Classic of Poetry

Collected Essentials of the Discourses on the Chan Source

Collection of Expressions of the Chan Source

Collection of Zongmi’s Responses to Questions from Monks and Laypeople

Commentary on the Ten Stages

complete meaning


cong kongji ti shang qi zhi (from that void and calm substance arises Knowing)

Council of Tibetn.

cryptic teaching (teaching of cryptic meaning)

cuolue (scoop up an abridgement)

Da Baigaoguo (Great State of White and High)

dade (Great Worthy)

dadu (public land)

Da fangguang yuanjue xiuduoluo liaoyi jing lueshu zhu

Da foding rulai miyin xiuzheng liaoyi zhupusa wanxing shoulengyan jing

da gubaoyin (Great Ancient Treasure Seal)

Dahui Pujue chanshi shu. See Letters of Chan Master Dahui Pujue

Dahui yulu. See Sayings Record of Dahui

Dahui Zonggaon.

Dai-honzan Myōken-ji

Dainichi Nōnin

Daji (Hongzhou Ma)

Damo yi zong (Bodhidharma’s one axiom)

dan dao zhi ru (single sword that goes right in)

dan de wunian zhi xin (merely getting the mind of no mindfulness)

dangti (the very thing-in-itself)

Dangxiang (= Tangut)

dan renxin (just giving free rein to mind)

dan yi zhizi (just the one character “Knowing”)


Daosu chouda wenji. See Collection of Zongmi’s Responses to Questions from Monks and Laypeople


[Dao]wu of Jiangling


Daoyi (Hongzhou Ma)




Dasheng qixin lun

dayuan jingzhi (mirror knowledge)

Dayuan of the western capital

Dayun Monasteryn.

Da zhidu lun (often abbreviated)

Dechun Monasteryn.

Deer Park

de yi er wang yan (get idea and forget words)

de zhi (get it)

Dezong (emperor)

Dharani Nunn.

dharma and principles

Dharma Gate of Quieting Mind

Dharma Gate of the Mind Essence in Answer to Emperor Shunzong



dharmatā (dharma nature)


Donglin Monastery

Dongshan (East Mountain)

Dongshan famen (East Mountain Dharma Gate)

Dongshan jingmen (East Mountain Purity Gate)

dōshin (mind of the Way)

duanhuo mieku jiao (teaching of cutting off depravities and extinguishing suffering)

Dunhuang Chan manuscripts

dunjiao (alll-at-once/sudden teaching)

dunmen (all-at-once/sudden gate)

dunwu (all-at-once/sudden awakening)

dunwu zhi zong (all-at-once awakening to the axiom of Knowing)

duomu (multiple eyes)

duxu (“prolegomenon”)

East Mountain Dharma Gaten

Encouraging the Production of the Thought of Awakening

Enni Ben’en

ergen (ear sense organ in Heroic Progress Samadhi Sutra)

Essentials of Chan Master Caotang’s Letters

Essentials of the Dharma of Mind Transmission

Essentials of the Transmission of Dharma Within the Palace of the National Teacher of Tang (Tangut text)

Excerpts from the Separately Circulated Record of the Dharma Collection with Inserted Personal Notes (Korean text abbreviated as Excerpts)

Explanation of the Chan Prolegomenon (Tangut text)

Extensive Record of Yunmen

Extracts from the Great Commentary on the Perfect Awakening Sutra; dates of


Fahai of the Platform Sutra

Fahai of the western capital


fangbian tong jing (teaching devices pervade the sutras)

Fa of Yezhou

Faru of Luzhou

Faru of Mt. Taihang

fashu (methods of teaching dharma)

faxiang zong (dharma-characteristics axiom)

[Fa]xian of Jingzhou

faxing (generating practice)

faxing zong (dharma-nature axiom)

fayan (dharma eye)

Fayan (lineage/house)

fayi (dharma idea)

Fayi of Xiangzhou

Fazang (Huayan master)

Fazang of Shuzhou

fei suiyuan (not follow conditions)

fei zong bu yan (not say anything at all)

Fengguo Monasteryn


Five Mountains Zen; Chan Prolegomenon and; Mind Mirror and

Foding jing

[fo]jing (Buddha sutras)

Formula for Cultivating Mind

Fourfold Collection

fo[xin] (Buddha mind)

foyanliang (buddha word, one of the three sources of knowledge)

foyi (the Buddha’s intention)

Fo yijiao jing

fu (tally); Chan Prolegomenon and

fuchen kanjing fangbian tong jing (sweep away dust; gaze at purity; teaching devices pervade the sutras)

fu Digang (a Zongmi saying)

fuji (sweep away traces)

Fujiang (Fu River)

Funi dōjin

Funi ikō

furyū monji kyōge betsuden

fu xin (subdue mind)

fu xin mie wang (subdue mind to extinguish the unreal)

Fuzhou (Fujian)

gakumon (learning)

ganlituoye (real mind/true mind)

ganlu (sweet dew)

Gan of Tongde Monastery of the eastern capital

ganshijue (cylinder of dried shit)

ganxin (sweet heart)


Gaofeng Yuanmiao chanshi chanyao. See Chan Master Gaofeng Yuanmiao’s Essentials of Chan

Gaozong (emperor)


gejue (songs and secret formulas)

generating practice

geng li nianfo famen (further erect a buddha-recitation method)

geteng chan (kudzu Chan)

Gidō Shūshin

gong’an (Chan case)

gongcheng (imperial palace)

gongguo zhuang (books of merits and faults)

gongneng (latent power)

gongye (common karma)

goshu zenton (step-by-step and all-at-once in awakening and practice)

goudang (Public Affairs Officer)

Gozanban (Gozan editions)

Gozan Zen. See Five Mountains Zen

Grasping the Power of the Chan Prolegomenon (Korean commentary)

Great Ancient Treasure Seal

Great Dictionary of Zen Studies (Zengaku daijiten)

Great Expanded Dharma Sphere

Great Master Fu

Great Master of Fengguo Monastery (Shenzhao)

Great State on the Highlands in the West. See Xixia

Gregory, Peter

guancha (reflect)

Guang bai[lun]

Guangyao of Baozhen Yuan

Guangyao of Taiyuan

guan hu renqing yi (discipline human feelings)

guansi wen’an (lawsuit document)

guanxin (view mind)

gu baihua (old baihua)

Guifeng Answers Minister Pei’s Letter on the Purports of the Chan Lineages

Guifeng chanshi beiming bing xu

Guifeng da Pei Xiangguo zongqu zhuang. See Guifeng Answers Minister Pei’s Letter on the Purports of the Chan Lineages

Guifeng houji. See Posthumous Collection of Guifeng

Guifeng Zongmi; biography of

Guishan Answers Pei Xiu’s Letter of Inquiry

Guishan da Pei Xiu wenshu. See Guishan Answers Pei Xiu’s Letter of Inquiry


Guochang Monastery


Hai Kyū shūi mon. See Imperial Redactor Pei Xiu’s Inquiry

Hakuin Ekaku

Hanshan Deqing

Hanshan laoren mengyouji

hao (labels)

haojia (powerful family)

Headings of the Chan Prolegomenon with Inserted Personal Notes (Korean commentary)

headrope (of a net)

hehui (bring together)

helituoye (hdaya/lump-of-flesh mind or heart) Hengguan of the eastern capital

Heroic Progress Samadhi Sutra

hetu pratyaya (causes and conditions)

he yao xiuli (why would you have to fix it?)

Heze (lineage/house): central/orthodox line of descent from Bodhidharma; first sudden awakening and afterwards gradual practice in; “Knowing” in Tangut Chan and possibly Tibetan Chan; “Knowing” is no mindfulness in; the non-practice practice of no mindfulness in; parity with Hongzhou in Chan Prolegomenon; superiority to Hongzhou in Chan Letter; Zongmi’s “Knowing” and Shenhui’s Platform Talks

Heze Monastery

Heze Shenhui

hiketsu (secret judgments)

Hiranoya Sabē

Hoeam Chŏnghye

hŏji (empty Knowing)

Hongji of Luzhou


Hongzhi 6 (1493 Korean edition of Chan Prolegomenon)

Hongzhou (lineage/house): parity with Heze; Pei Xiu and; slogan of; Song iconoclastic image of; subsumed by Guifeng Chan in Xixia; Zongmi’s critique of

Hongzhou cishi (Hongzhou Prefect)

Hongzhou zongqu zhujie minghu ji (Tangut Chan text)

Hongzhou zongshi jiaoyi (Tangut Chan text)

Hongzhou zongshi qu zhu kaiming yaoji (Tangut Chan text)

houji (colophon)

houses of Chan: eight in Chan Prolegomenon; four in Chan Letter; seven in Chan Notes. See also specific houses or lineages

[Huai]hai of Baizhang


[Huai]kong of Heyang


huamen zhi shuo (verbal teachings)

Huangbo Xiyun


Huangting jing

huatou (topic of Chan case)

Huaxian Layman

Huayan Commentary Master

Huayan lunguan

Huayan Sutra

Huayan yifen (one part of Huayan Sutra)

huayi dun (all-at-once of rite of transforming beings)

Huichang Suppression


Huifang, the third

[Hui]jian of the western capital

Huijue of Jingzhou



Huishan Monastery



hui xiang gui xing (take characteristics back to the nature)

Huiyong [Huirong]

hui zhi ji jie shi (brought together, they are all right)



idea, houses and

Ikkyū Sōjun

Imperial Redactor Pei Xiu’s Inquiry

Indra’s net

inkyo osim (rely on teachings to awaken to mind)

Ishii Shudō

Issuing-the-Torch Record of the Chan Prolegomenon (Tangut text)

Japan: Chan Letter in Shōjō’s Kegon treatise; Chinese literary temperament of Five Mountains Zen; Gidō Shūshin and Zekkai Chūshin’s Guifeng Zen; Japanese editions of the Chan Prolegomenon; Japanese translations of Zongmi’s Chan works from 1939 to present; Kiyō Hōshū and Zongmi; Yanshou’s Mind Mirror; Zen scholarship’s usual portrayal of Zongmi and Yanshou

Jia Dao, vii

jianci xiuxi (gradual practice)

jiangshi pojing jiao (teaching that takes consciousness to eradicate sense objects)

Jiangxi (Hongzhou house)

jianjiao (step-by-step teaching)

jianmen (Chan step-by-step gate)

jianxiu (gradual practice)


jianzhao (mirror illumination)

jiao (teachings)

jiaomen (gate of the teachings)

jiaowai biechuan (separate transmission outside the teachings)

jiaowai biexing (separate practice outside the teaching)

jiaoxing bu ju er mie shi (not caught up in the teachings/practices and extinguish consciousness)

Jia Ruzhou

Ji chanyuan zhulun guanyao

ji chuanxiang er zun fo (rely on the transmission of the incense and maintain “buddha”)

Jietuo of Fengxiang

jiewu (understanding awakening)


jie ze shi she se mi ze se she shi (when understanding, consciousness absorbs forms …)

jie zhe (understanding)

ji jiao wu zong (by means of the teachings awaken to the axiom)

jijing ti (calm substance)

jin (present/now)

Jing (Tangut Chan text)

Jingang banruo jing shulun zuanyao

Jingang sanmei jing

Jingde chuandeng lu. See Jingde Era Record of the Transmission of the Lamp

Jingde Era Record of the Transmission of the Lamp

jing kong xin you (sense objects void mind existent)

jinglü (quiet thoughts)

Jingzhong (lineage/house)

Jingzhong Shenhui

Jingzong of Xiazhou

jinli wenzi fei zhongdao/chang zhu xukong shi xiaosheng (Bai Juyi couplet)

jinri geteng (today’s kudzu)

Ji of Tongquan county

Ji of Weizhou

Ji of Zhuzhou

jiongjue wuji (distantly cut off and not leaning on anything)

ji ru foxing (is your buddha nature)

jiujing dao (ultimate path)

Jiujing yisheng yuanming xin yi (Tangut text)

jiujiu chunshu (become practiced over a long period of time)

Jiu Tangshu. See Old Tang History

ji wei yi zu (say that they already have had enough)

Jiyun of Xiangzhou

jizhi zhi ti wunian wei zong (Knowing of calm points to the substance and …)



Jueguanlun. See On Cutting Off Examining


Jue of Yangzhou

juji (poetic sayings)

jun Zen no dentō (tradition of pure Zen)


ju yiqie shi bu qi wangnian (at no time produce false thoughts)

ju yixin wei zong (raise the one mind as the axiom)


kaishi benxing (show the original nature)

Kaiyuan Ming shi

Kamakura Japan

Kamakura-Muromachi Japan

Kamata Shigeo

kan ge huatou (gaze at the topic of Chan case)

kanhui (check and verify)

kanhwa (gaze at topic of Chan case)

kanjing (gazing at purity)



Keizan tō Hai Kyū monsho

kenmitsu Bukkyō (exoteric-esoteric Buddhism)

kenshō jōbutsu (see the nature and become a buddha)

keti (the very thing-in-itself)




Kim (Korean Jingzhong master;= Jin = Korean Musang = Wuxiang)

Kiyō Hōshū

knowledge, sources of


kong (void)

kongji zhi (void and calm Knowing)

kongxun wenju (vainly search through the canonical texts)

kong you xiangdui (opposition of voidness and existence)

kongzhong (in voidness)

kongzong (voidness axiom)


Korea: Chan Letter in Chinul’s Excerpts; commentaries on Chan Prolegomenon; influence of Yanshou’s Mind Mirror; Kihwa and Hyujŏng’s Guifeng orientation; large number of editions of Chan Prolegomenon in; Zongmi’s Chan works in the Chogye school’s Sajip

Koryŏ Canon

kotsuzen utoku (suddenly get it)

Kōzen gokoku ron

Kozlov, Peter Kuzmitsch

kuden (secret oral transmission)

Kūge nichiyō kufū ryakushū


Kuroda Ryō

Kuroda Toshio

Kwanŭm Monastery of Sokri Mountain

kyōge betsuden (separate transmission outside the teachings)

kyōzen dōi (sameness and difference between the teachings and Zen)

kyōzen itchi (union of the teachings and Zen)

lai ji cong ta lai (if coming, then follow other in coming)

lakaa (characteristics)

Lang of Fuzhou

Lang of Huangmei

Lanka Descent Sutra


lao su (Old Monk)

Leidai zushi xuemai tu. See Chart of the Genealogy of the Patriarchal Masters from Generation to Generation

Lengjia renfa zhi

Lengjia shizi ji. See Record of the Lanka Masters and Disciples Lengyan jing tongyi

Letters of Chan Master Dahui Pujue

Liao state/court

liaoyi (nītārtha/complete meaning)

Lidai fabao ji. See Record of the Dharma Treasure Through the Generations

Li Liaofa of Baotang (Baotang Wuzhu)

lineage. See houses

ling (collar)

lingjue (spiritual awakening)

lingjue zhi xing (nature of spiritual awakening)

lingzhi (spiritual Knowing)

lingzhi bumei (spiritual Knowing that never darkens)

Linjianlu (Record of Pure Talk in the Forest)

Linjilu. See Record of Linji

liru (entrance by principle)

liuxing bu jue (circulation uninterrupted)

li xian yu xinyuan (principle appears at mind source)

Li Xun

li yue jian xue (ritual and music learned gradually)

li ze dunwu chengwu bingxiao (in principle sudden awakening …)

li zushi ta (bow at patriarchal-master stupa)


mae ni deru (charge directly forward)

Man-of-the-Path Non-Duality

Ma of Mt. Changsong


Mazu Daoyi


merits and faults

Mi (= Mi-nia = Xixia)

Mianzhou cishi (Mianzhou Prefect)

miaoer men (gate of the wonderful ear)

Miaole (Zhanran)

miaoyuan zhenxin (wonderful, perfect true mind)

milŭi sangchŏn ch’ŏ (Chan transmissions with a hidden meaning)

mind: Bodhidharma lineage and; four types of; nature and

“Mind Behind the Words of the Buddhas, The”

mind calmness

mind ground

Mind Mirror; attitude toward buddha-recitation in; Bodhidharma saying in; Chan Canon and; Chan Prolegomenon and; Five Mountains Zen in; Kamakura Zen in; Korea in; Yanshou’s explanation of his title; Yanshou’s rebuttal of “single sword that goes right in”; Zongmi saying

mind nature

Ming Dynasty: Hanshan Deqing’s sudden awakening and gradual practice in; Yinyuan Longqi and “pure Zen” in

mingfu (mysterious tally)

mingming bumei liaoliao changzhi (bright and never darkening, a clear and constant Knowing)

Ming of Kaiyuan


minjue wuji (cut off and not leaning on anything)

minjue wuji zong (axiom of cutting off and not leaning on anything)

Mirror, The (Tangut Chan text)

mi shi ren zhu fa jie shi fa zhu ren (when deluded, the person pursues dharmas …)

Miyao (= Mi-nia)

miyi (sadhāya/cryptic meaning)

miyi poxiang xianxing jiao (teaching of cryptic meaning that eradicates characteristics to reveal dharma nature)

miyi yixing shuoxiang jiao (teaching of cryptic meaning that relies on dharma nature to speak of characteristics)

miyu (secret oral transmission)

mo chuan xinyin (silent transmission of the mind seal)

Moguja (Chinul)


mohua (black script)

moni zhu (thought gem)

moran wuyan (silent and wordless)

mowang (do not allow the unreal)

mowang (do not forget)

Mt. Baizhang

Mt. Jing

Mt. Lu

Mt. Mingyue

Mt. Shuangfeng

Mt. Song

Mt. Zhongnan

mugyō mushu (neither practice nor cultivation)

muji (character “no”)

Myōan Yōsai

Myōe (Kōben)


Nālandā Monastery

Nanshan nianfomen chanzong. See South Mountain Buddha-Recitation Gate Chan Lineage

Nan-Shen (Zhishen of the South). See also Jingzhong; Zhishen

Nanyin. See also Weizhong


Nanyue Weijing

National Teacher Chikaku Fumyō’s Sayings Record

nature axiom

nature origination

negativistic explanations

nei gongfeng (monk’s title)

neiwai hu (internal and external protectors)

nenbutsu Zen (fusion of Chan and nenbutsu)

neyārtha (incomplete meaning)

nian qi ji jue jue zhi ji shi (if a thought arises, be aware of it; once you are aware of it, it will disappear)

nian qi ji jue jue zhi ji wu (if a thought arises, be aware of it; once you are aware of it, it will be lost)

Nie Hongyin

ningran (frozen)

ningxin ruding (freeze mind and enter concentration)

nītārtha (complete meaning)

Niutou (lineage/house): equivalent to Madhyamaka practice program; “having nothing to do” in; not awakened to the non-void; outside the Northern-Southern dichotomy; part of second Chan axiom in Chan Prolegomenon; practice of “forgetting feelings” in

nixin ji cha (deliberate and you are already in error)

niyi (shilly-shallying)


Non-Duality’s Bequeathed Draft Copy

Northern lineage. See Beizong

Old An

Old Man Hanshan’s Dream Roving Collection. See Hanshan laoren mengyouji

Old Tang History

On Cutting Off Examining

oni ni kanabō (metal cudgel on a demon)

Ōnin War

original awakening/real

Outline of the Chan Prolegomenon (Tangut text)

Outline of the Zen Axiom

ou ye (by chance called on)

Oxhead. See Niutou (lineage/house)

paichi sanzang jiao (discard the teachings of the tripitaka)

Patriarchal Hall Collection

Patriarch Lineage Transmission Record

Pei Xiu; calligraphic talent; Chan Letter and; Chengguan and; Encouraging the Production of the Thought of Awakening; Essentials of the Dharma of Mind Transmission and Wanling Record; hand-copy of the Chan Prolegomenon; Heze Chan and; Hongzhou Chan and; Huangbo Xiyun and; preface to the Chan Prolegomenon; Tangut text of his Chan encounters; Zongmi’s funerary inscription

Pei Xiu chanshi suiyuan ji (Tangut Chan text)

Pei Xiu shiyi wen. See Imperial Redactor Pei Xiu’s Inquiry

Perfect Awakening Sutra; Chan Letter’s jewel simile and; Chan Notes and; Chan Prolegomenon’s third teaching and; Chinul and; Dahui’s Letters and; four items in; Gidō Shūshin and; Hanshan Deqing and; Heroic Progress Samadhi Sutra and; one type of all-at-once and; Shun’oku Myōha and; structure of sudden awakening and gradual practice in; Tangut Chan text The Mirror and; Xixia and; Yanshou’s Mind Mirror and; Zekkai Chūshin and; Zongmi’s commentaries on; Zongmi’s first encounter with

ping (critique)

ping (standard)

Platform Talks

Poems in Three Styles

Pŏpchip pyŏrhaeng nok chŏryo kwamok pyŏngip sagi

Pŏpchip pyŏrhaeng nok chŏryo pyŏngip sagi. See Excerpts from the Separately Circulated Record of the Dharma Collection with Inserted Personal Notes

Posthumous Collection of Guifeng

poxiang zong (eradicating-characteristics axiom)

Pozao Duo

praxis programs of Chan houses

Preceptor Old Mother An (Lao’an)

Preceptor Tang. See Chuji of Zizhou

principles, dharma and

Prolegomenon to the Collection of Expressions of the Chan Source

Propagate Zen and Protect the Country


Puping of Jingzhu

Puril Pojo

Pyŏrhaeng nok sagi hwajok

qin bi xieben (personally copied out a manuscript)

Qingliang Chengguan. See also Huayan Commentary Master

Qingliang guoshi shi miaojue ta ji

qing yu tingxue (belittle learning)

qishu renxin (discard art and give free rein to mind)

qixin (production of mind)

Qixinlun shu


qi yuan ba jian (seventh grabs on to eight’s seeing part)

Quan fa putixin wen


recompense (karmic)

Record of Linji; Rinzai Zen and

Record of the Axiom Mirror

Record of the Dharma Treasure Through the Generations

Record of the Hongzhou Axiom with Commentary and Clarification (Tangut Chan text)

Record of the Lanka Masters and Disciples

Record of the Mind Mirror

rentian yinguo jiao (karmic cause-and-effect teaching)

renxin (give free rein to mind)

renyun bu ju (give free rein to luck and don’t get caught up)

renyun zizai (give free rein to luck and exist in freedom)

Righteousness Learning Academy

rig pa (Tibetan “Knowing”)

Rinzai Zenn; Record of Linji and

rongtong fei li wenzi jietuo (= inexpressibility is not awakening)

rongyi xin (easy-going attitude)

Rudao fangbian ji

Ruizong (emperor)

ruseng (Confucian monk)

Ruyi of Yizhou


san ban (three kinds)

san ju yongxin wei jie ding hui (exertion in the three topics is precepts, concentration, and wisdom)

san liang (three sources of knowledge)

sanshiqi daopin (thirty-seven parts of the path)

Santai shi. See Poems in Three Styles

san xian (three worthies)

san yi (three principles)

sanzang fashi (Tripitaka Dharma Master)

san zhong jiao (three types of teachings)

san zong (three axioms of Chan)

Sayings Record of Dahui


Sengcan, the third


sentient-being mind

Separate Record. See Bieji

sheng huang (reeds in a sheng wind instrument)

shengmie (arising-disappearing)

shengmo (inked marking string)

Shengshou Monastery

shengtai (noble embryo)

Shenhui, the seventh



she xiang gui xing (absorb characteristics back into the nature)

shi (shit)

shi bujing guzhi (old toilet paper that wipes away filth)

shi di (ten stages)

shi’er men

shijue (initial awakening)

shili wuai men (gate of non-obstruction of phenomena and principle)

shimen shixiang yiqie bu xing (practices none of the phenomenal characteristics of Buddhism)


Shi of Yizhou. See also Jingzhong Shenhui

Shi Shanren

shi shen (ten bodies)

shishi tixi (constantly lift to attention)

shishuo (what the Chan masters say)

Shitou (lineage/house)

Shitou Xiqian

shi xuan (ten profundities)


shi zhi (ten knowledges)


shoryū kenge (views of various streams of Zen)

Shoulengyan jing. See Heroic Progress Samadhi Sutra

Shūmitsu (Zongmi)

Shun’oku Myōha

shuo geteng (speak kudzu)

shuxie shixing yi (copied and disseminated)


si deng (four immeasurable minds)

Sifenlü shu

si jie (four items)


similes (sometimes metaphors): activation of Indra’s jewel net in a Zongmi saying; adding a cudgel to a demon of Yamamoto Genpō; collar and garment in Chan Prolegomenon; drinking water in Chan Prolegomenon; gold and rings, utensils, etc., in Chan Prolegomenon; great official who dreams he is in prison in Chan Letter; headrope and net in Chan Prolegomenon; inked marking string in Chan Prolegomenon; opening right eye and closing left in Tangut Chan text; siddham letter in Chan Prolegomenon; for sudden/gradual in Lanka Descent Sutra; tripod in Tangut Chan text; various states of water in Chan Prolegomenon; water stirred by wind in Chan Letter; wishing jewel and reflected colors in Chan Letter; wishing jewel and reflected colors in Perfect Awakening Sutra

Siming zunzhe jiaoxinglu

si she (four articles of attraction)

si [wuai] bian (four unobstructed understandings)

si wuliang (four immeasurable minds)

slogans, for seven Chan houses

Solonin, K.J.

Song Canon

Song Dynasty: Chan Letter in; Chan Prolegomenon in; Heroic Progress Samadhi Sutra in; iconoclastic image of Hongzhou in; “moderate” and “rhetorical” Chan in; neo-Confucian criticism of Buddhism in; old-baihua Chan literature in; Perfect Awakening Sutra in; Posthumous Collection of Guifeng in; printing of Chan books in; Record of Linji and Extensive Record of Yunmen in; slogan “separate practice outside the teachings” in; Yanshou’s Mind Mirror in; zong-jiao terminology in

Songyue Monastery

Sŏno husu (first awakening and afterwards practice)

Sŏnwŏn jejŏnjip tosŏ kwamok pyŏngip sagi

Sŏnwŏnjip tosŏ ch’akpyŏng

Sōtō Zen

Southern lineage

South Mountain Buddha-Recitation Gate Chan Lineage

Śrīmālā Sutra

Stele Inscription for Chan Master Guifeng

step-by-step practice. See all-at-once awakening and step-by-step practice



storehouse consciousness

Straw Hut Temple

“Stupa of the Blue Lotus”


suiwen fanzhi (succession of questions affirmed and repudiated)

suiyuan (following conditions)

suiyuan yingyong (responsive functioning)



sunyata (voidness)

suojian/jianjie (view)

suojie/jie (understanding)

suowu li (principle awakened to)

suoxiu zhi dao (path practiced)

suoyuan (objective supports)

suozhi zhang (objects-of-knowledge hindrance)

Susim kyŏl

suyu (popular language/slang)

Sweet Dew Incident

Taguchi Akiyoshi

taiken (personal experience)

Taiyi Yanchang Monastery on Mt. Wudang in Jinzhou

Tanaka Ryōshō

Tang Chang’an guoshi gongnei chuanfa yao (Tangut text)

Tang Mianzhou cishi (Mianzhou Prefect of the Tang)

Tangut (Tibeto-Burman language and people)

Tanyu. See Platform Talks

Teaching Devices for Entering the Path

Teachings and Practice Record of the Honorable One of Siming

Teachings and Rituals of the Hongzhou Lineage Masters (Tangut Chan text)

Teng Teng

Thirty Verses on Consciousness Only

Thunderbolt-Cutter Perfection of Wisdom Sutra

ti (substance)


Tibetan Buddhism: bifurcation of Mahayana into view and praxis in; four siddhāntas in; possible Shenhui influence on Rdzogschen in

ti ci yi nian (lifting up of this one moment)

Tong of Xiangzhou

tongyi zhenxing (identical true nature)

tongyi zong (same single axiom)

tongzu (same ancestor)

tono (sudden awakening)

Treatise on the Ten Stages

triple karma

Two Entrances and Four Practices

Ui Hakuju

ŭi Mil sa yŏshil ŏnkyo (rely on Master Mi’s oral teachings concerning things as they really are)

Unraveling the Deep Secret Sutra

Vajrasamadhi Sutra. See Jingang sanmei jing

vāsanā (fumigating habit energy from past lives)


Verses on Teaching Devices for Entering the Path

vijñāna (consciousness)

Vimalakīrti Sutra

vinaya (rules of discipline)

voidness axiom

wall viewing

wanfa lin jing (ten-thousand dharmas in a mirror)

wang (net)

Wang Fanzhi

wangnian (thought of the unreal/false thought)

wangqing (forget feelings)

Wang Zhihuan

Wanli 4 (1576) Korean edition (of the Chan Prolegomenon)

Wanlinglu. See Wanling Record

Wanling Record

wei du xinglu (have seen no activities record)


Weikuan ([Wei]kuan of Xingshan)

wei ping (as a standard)

Wei Preceptor of Guozhou

weixin (miind only)


wei zhun (as a norm)

Welter, Albert

wenda zhang (Questions-and-Answers Section of Mind Mirror)

Wen Shangshu

wenyan (classical literary language)

wenzi chan (canonical written-word Chan)

wenzi juji (written words and lines of verse)

Wenzong (emperor)

wishing jewel. See similes


Wu (empress)

wu fangbian (five teaching devices)

wu jianci (no gradual steps)

wuming (ignorance)

Wuming of Fucha

wunian (no mindfulness)

wushi (having nothing to do)

wuxiang (no thought)

wuxing (no self nature)

wuyi (no remembering)

wuzhangai fajie (unobstructed dharm sphere)

wu zixing (no self nature)

wuzong zhi zong (axiom that is a non-axiom)

Xiang Layman

xiangwai chiqiu (rush around seeking on the outside)

xiangzong (characteristics axiom)

xianliang (direct perception, one of the three sources of knowledge)

xianshi zhenxin jixing jiao (teaching that openly shows that the true mind is dharma nature)

xiepi (heterodox)

ximie wangnian (extinguish thought of the unreal)

xin chang jijing (mind’s constant calmness)

xing (dharmatā/dharma nature) Xingfu Monastery

Xingfu tayuan

Xingjue of Guochang Monastery

xingmen (practice gate)

xingqi (nature origination)

xingru (entrance by practice)

Xingshan Monastery


xing xiang ji ziti (nature, characteristics, and self substance)

xingzong. See nature axiom

xinjing (mind calmness)

xinjing (mind mirror)

xin jing ju kong (mind and sense objects both void)

xin jing ju you (mind and sense objects both existent)


xinshu (mentals)

xinxing (mind nature)

xin xiongjin (confidence in one’s subjective feeling)

xishen yangdao (stop spirit and nourish the path)

xiu xin bu qi (have mind take a rest so that it does not arise)

xiuxing/xing/xiu (practice or cultivation)

xiuxi zhi men (gate of practice)

xiwang xiuxin (stopping thought of the unreal and cultivating mind only)

xiwang xiuxin zong (axiom of stopping thought of the unreal and cultivating mind only)

Xixia: fascinating orthography of; Khara-khoto stupa cache of Tangut books; Pei Xiu and; Perfect Awakening Sutra in; self-designation of Tanguts; Shenhui’s “Knowing” in; special relationship between Tangut Chan and Guifeng Chan; Tangut translations of Zongmi’s Chan works in; threefold division of Chan in the Tangut language Hongzhou Axiom; three teachings of Chan in the Tangut-language Mirror

xiye yangshen (stop karma and nourish the spirit)


xuantong bi zai wangyan (dark understanding necessarily entails forgetting words)

Xuanya of Jianyuan

Xuefeng Yizun


xu ju er yan (must possess two eyes)

xunxi (fumigating habit energy)


Yamamoto Genpō

yangshen (nourish spirit)

yanjiao (oral teachings)

Yan Kai

Yan Ming

Yan of Jingzhou


Yanyi chao

Ya of Donglin Monastery


Yellow Court Classic

yi (idea)

yi chuanxiang wei zishi zhi xin (take transmission of the incense as faith between disciple and master)

yi dai shanqiao (one substitute skillful teaching device)

[Yi]fang of Yuezhou

yi fen (one part)

yi lingxin (one spiritual mind)

yinben jianzun (printed edition extant)

yingjing yuanming (perfect brightness of jade-like purity)


yinxin yu (sealed mind from)

yinzheng zhang (Quotations-to-Authenticate Section of Mind Mirror)

Yinzong Dharma Master

yin zong shengjiao (noble teachings that seal the Chan axioms)

yiping you ju (a standard to be relied upon)

yiqie faxiang pin (“Chapter on All Dharma Characteristics”)

yiqie jie zhen (everything is the real)

yiqie ren ta (in everything give free rein to other)

yiqie shi zhen (everything is the real)

Yisheng Nun of Xiangru county

yishuo (discussion of principles)

yiti qi xing xiu er wu xiu (a substance-based cultivation that is a non-cultivation)

yiwu jianxiu (gradual practice grounded in awakening)

yixiang mu (unidirectional eye)

yixin (one mind)

yi xin chuan xin bu li wenzi (mind-to-mind transmission with no involvement with the written word)

yi xin chuan xin li wenzi gu (mind-to-mind transmission separated from the written word)

yixing sanmei (one-practice samadhi)

yixing xiuchan (rely on the nature to practice dhyana)

Yixueyuan (Righteousness Learning Academy)

Yizhou Nanyin

Yizhou Shi



Yŏndam Yuil

yong (functioning)

yŏngji pulmae (spiritual Knowing that never darkens)

Yongming Yanshou

you suoping (something taken as a standard)

yuan (condition or objective support)

yuanjiao (perfect teaching)

Yuanjuejing. See Perfect Awakening Sutra

Yuanjuejing dashu

Yuanjuejing dashu chao. See Extracts from the Great Commentary on the Perfect Awakening Sutra

Yuanjuejing lueshu chao

Yuanjuejing zhijie

Yuanjue Zongyan

yuanlü (pondering of objective supports)

yuantong (perfect penetration)

yuanyi san dian (three small circles of the letter i)

Yummen guanglu. See Extensive Record of Yunmen

Yunyu of Langzhou

yuqi (fish key)

Yuquan Monasteryn

zangshi (ālaya-vijñāna/storehouse consciousness)

zangshi jianfen (storehouse consciousness’s seeing part)

Zeami Motokiyo

Zekkai Chūshin

zen furi kyō kyō furi zen (Zen not separate from the teachings; teachings not separate from Zen)

Zengaku daijiten. See Great Dictionary of Zen Studies

Zengen shosenshū tojo

Zenshū kōmoku

Zhangjing Huaihui

Zhangjing Monastery

Zhao Gong

Zhao of that Jingzhong Monastery

zhao wanfa ru jing (illuminate the ten thousand dharmas as if in a mirror)

zheng (central/orthodox line)

zhengwu (realization awakening)

zhengzong (correct axiom)

zhenru (tathata/thusness)

zhenxin (bhūta-citta/true mind)

zhenxing (tattva/true nature)

zhequan (negativistic explanation)

zhi (Knowing)

zhiduoye (citta/mind)

Zhi Gong


zhi ju yi yan (possess just one eye)

Zhi lun. See Da zhidu lun

Zhiru of Cizhou



zhixian xinxing zong (axiom of directly revealing the mind nature)

zhixin (straight mind)

Zhiyan, the second



zhi zhi yi zi zhongmiao zhi men (one word “Knowing” is the gate of all excellence)

Zhonghua chuanxindi chanmen shizi chengxi tu. See Chart of the Master-Disciple Succession of the Chan Gate That Transmits the Mind Ground in China

Zhonghua xindichuan chanmen shizi chengxi tu yijuan (Tangut text)


zhongyuan (causes and conditions)

Zhongzong (emperor)

Zhou Rites


zhuanji (Transmission Record or “transmission records”)

zhuhua (red script)

zhujia zashu (miscellaneous writings of the Chan houses)

zhuji dun (all-at-once of responding to beings of the highest disposition)

Zhushuo chanyuanji duxu (Tangut text)

Zhushuo chanyuanji duxu faju ji (Tangut text)

Zhushuo chanyuanji duxu gangwen (Tangut text)

Zhushuo chanyuanji duxu luewen (Tangut text)

Zhushuo chanyuanji duxu zeju ji (Tangut text)

Zhushuo chanyuanji duxu zhi jie (Tangut text)

zhuti (jewel substance)

Zhuxian Fanxian (Jikusen Bonsen)

zhuzhi (main purport)

zhuzong suoshuo (what the Chan lineages say)

zhuzuyu yibai ershi ben (one hundred twenty books of the sayings of the Chan patriarchs)

zicheng bifa (own unique style of calligraphy)

zi chunshu (spontaneously become more practiced)

ziran zhi (spontaneous Knowing)

ziti (self substance)

zixin (own mind)

zixing benyong (intrinsic, original functioning)


zizhi (spontaneous Knowing)

zong (siddhānta/axiom realizations)


zong-jiao (Chan axiom realization and teachings

Zongjinglu. See Mind Mirror

zongren xinxing (indulge the mind nature)

zong-shuo (Chan axiom realization and theory/teachings)

zongtong ji shuotong (axiom penetration and theory penetration)

zongzhi (axiom purport)

zu nan dunchu (difficult to eliminate all-at-once)

Zutangji. See Patriarchal Hall Collection [zu]yi (intentions of the Chan patriarchs)

Zuzong zhuanji (Patriarch Lineage Transmission Record)