I wish to thank the many people who assisted me in the writing of this book, including my wife, Efrat Shapir, and my always supportive extended family, especially my parents, Greg Theobald and Bronwyn McIntyre. Marc Milner and Brent Wilson, the New Brunswick Military Heritage Project general editors, deserve to be singled out for never wavering in their desire to bring this project to fruition. I would also like to thank Goose Lane Editions, particularly Julie Scriver, Angela Williams and Barry Norris, for taking a chance on a young author. Mike Bechthold drew the maps, while the following assisted in obtaining the photos: Doug Knight from Ottawa, Rob Blanchard from UNB’s Centre for Enhanced Teaching and Learning, Mike Meade and Christine Jack from UNB’s Harriet Irving Library, Jason Meade from the CFB Gagetown Military Museum, Isabelle Cormier and Kenneth Breau from the Centre d’études acadiennes at the Université de Moncton, Rhianna Edwards from the Mount Allison University Archives, Gary Hughes and Janet Bishop from the New Brunswick Museum, Father Joel Macpherson from PRUDE, Tim Cook from the Canadian War Museum, Harold Wright of Heritage Resources and UNB graduate students Gary Campbell, Charles Eddy and Chris Hyland.
Since this work was based on my Master’s Thesis, completed at the University of New Brunswick in 2002, the people who supported the original effort deserve my thanks as well. Professor Gail Campbell was a patient and knowledgeable supervisor, as were the rest of the faculty and my colleagues — notably Mike Pitblado, Matt Baglole and Jim Wood — in the UNB History Department. The support from the libraries I used, the archives I visited and the professionals who assisted me was unparalleled.