An hour later, Asa was wheeled in on a gurney. I jumped to my feet when they brought her in. She looked terrible, but managed to grunt, “Mom.”

“I’m here, Asa. I’m here.” I stood in a corner until the nurse and orderlies scooted Asa onto her bed and finished hooking her up to a monitoring machine and IV’s. I thanked them before they left the room.

The nurse said, “I’ll be checking on her every hour if you want to go home and get some rest.”

“I’ll stay if I’m not in the way.”

“Suit yourself. I’m right down the hall if you need anything.”

“Thank you. You’re very kind.”

“It’s what we do,” the nurse said, giving me a friendly nod. She shut the door quietly.

I pulled my chair over to Asa’s bed. “Asa, can you hear me?”

Asa flicked a finger.

“Do you need anything?”


I found a blanket in the bureau and threw it on her. “Go to sleep, Asa. I’m not leaving.”

She muttered, “So sorry, Mom.”

“We’ll talk about it later.”

The nurse knocked on the door and stepped inside. “There is a Detective Drake and Detective Kelly outside. They say they need to speak with Miss Reynolds.”

“I’ll see them.” I followed the nurse into the hallway. “What’s up, guys? Why are you here?”

Kelly stood behind Drake and looked beseechingly at me. I knew he was here to see how Asa was doing. I wish that flame between Kelly and Asa would flutter out. Kelly would be much happier. I know his wife would be more content with her marriage.

Drake answered, “We’re here to question Asa about the murder of Juan Gomez. We think she might have some information concerning it.”

I replied, “Asa wasn’t even in town when Mr. Gomez was killed. What could she possibly know?”

“There was a little incident on Parkers Mill Road tonight. She have anything to do with that?”

“I don’t know what you’re talking about, Drake. What incident?”

“Logan Kilkorn says someone trespassed on his farm tonight and stole one of his foals. He thinks Lady Elsmere might have something to do with it.”

I snapped, “Then you’ll have to ask Lady Elsmere. Now, if you would excuse me, I want to tend to my daughter.”

“How is she?” Kelly asked, stepping forward.

“I don’t really know. They just brought her in. She’s still reeling from the sedation.”

Drake shifted his weight to one foot and asked, “Her doc called us and said she had a gunshot injury that reopened. Know anything about that?”

I must have looked surprised as Drake gave me a break. He knew that I knew doctors have to report bullet holes, stab wounds, and abuse to the police, so my shocked look informed Drake that I didn’t know about her injuries.

Drake said, “Looks like we can’t talk to her tonight, but we’ll be back tomorrow. Tell Miss Reynolds when she wakes up.”

“I’ll give her the news.”

“Until tomorrow then.” Drake tipped the brim of his hat and walked away.

Kelly stayed for just a few seconds longer. “Is Asa out of danger?”

“I don’t know. I hope so. I am as much in the dark as you are. I swear it.”

“KELLY!” Drake barked holding the elevator for his junior detective.

“I’ll see you later,” Kelly said quickly before joining his partner.

Going back into Asa’s room, I was very confused, but curious about Logan Kilkorn’s accusation. I looked at Asa fitfully sleeping. “What have you been up to, daughter of mine?” I murmured. “Doesn’t sound good.”

I gingerly pulled away the blankets and lifted her hospital gown. Asa was covered with fading bruises and new deep blue ones. There were several old scars around her left shoulder and a large bandage covering what must have been the bullet wound. “Oh, child, what have you done to your beautiful body?” I could have wept as I replaced her gown and blankets.

I went back to my chair and tried to sleep, determined to get some answers tomorrow. The night stretched out before me like a long, tangled, black ribbon.

It was lonely listening to the beep of the monitor and Asa’s ragged breathing.

I thought to myself—would the morning ever come?