At ten forty-five the next morning, Lady Elsmere’s lawyers agreed to turn over Jean Harlow, Comanche, and the stolen colt with his surrogate mare to Logan Kilkorn on the conditions that he never file a police report or pursue a civil suit and sign a non-disclosure agreement. Lady Elsmere authorized the legal document as did Shaneika.

The horses were to be delivered at Logan Kilkorn’s farm at one-thirty that very day. Mike immediately got the vans ready for the horses while Shaneika cried on a few bales of hay in front of Comanche’s stall.

I learned about the agreement when I went to pick up Baby. Charles was sitting at the kitchen table, looking gloomy, while Bess fluttered about the room like a distressed bird. The atmosphere in the room was thick. “What’s happened?”

“Lady Elsmere and Miss Shaneika signed away Jean Harlow and Comanche,” Bess uttered.

I looked in astonishment at Charles. “She didn’t!”

“She had to if she wanted to save her reputation and the farm.”

I said, “She could have fought it in court.”

Charles snapped, “Again, we broke the law, Josiah. We stole Logan’s colt. The man has us dead-to-rights. We would lose in both a criminal trial and civil suit. Her Ladyship is giving up her dream of a Kentucky Derby winner to save what’s left of her legacy and the farm. She’s trying to protect my family’s future.”

I placed my hand on Charles’ shoulder. “I’m sorry. I know you had high hopes for that foal yourself.”

Baby padded into the kitchen looking around for me. He must have heard my voice. His ears perked up as soon as he saw me and rushed over. I gave him a big hug. “I hope he wasn’t too much trouble, Bess.”

Bess deadpanned, “He just chewed up the end of an expensive Persian rug and tinkled in the hallway on the parquet floors.”

My eyes must have widened to saucer size because Bess chuckled. “Gotcha!”

Relieved, I said, “You’re a pill, Bess. I guess Lady Elsmere turning over the horses is a joke, too.”

Charles rose from the table. “Nope. That’s all too true.” He went inside his office and shut the door.

Bess said, “It’s really true, I’m afraid. It’s not the end of the world, but my father doesn’t agree.”

I sank into a chair. I couldn’t believe it. Shaneika was giving up Comanche—her dream horse and Lady Elsmere was giving up Jean Harlow, whom she had paid millions for.

It was all too terrible to contemplate. “When are the horses going to be transferred?”

“This afternoon.”

“This afternoon! Why so soon?”

“That’s what the lawyers agreed upon.”

I asked “Where is Lady Elsmere?”

“In the study with her lawyers.”

“May I see her?”

“Let me check.”

Bess picked up a house phone and pushed a button. A few seconds later she said, “Josiah is here.” She listened for a heartbeat or two and then said, “I’ll send her in.” Putting down the receiver, Bess motioned toward the library. “Her Ladyship is waiting for you. Can you take this tray with you?”

“Sure.” I picked up the tea tray with cheesecake brownie squares and black walnut cake slices. The library door was closed so I kicked the door with my foot. A middle-aged man answered and opened the door wide when he saw the tray. “Here, let me,” he said, reaching for the tray.

“I’ve got it,” I said, buzzing past him and setting the tray before Lady Elsmere.

“Josiah, I’d like you to meet my lawyers. These gentlemen handled all my unpleasant legal issues.” She gave me their names, but I don’t remember them. “This is my next door neighbor, Josiah Reynolds.”

They apparently knew who I was as their eyes looked me up and down but not in a flattering way.

Lady Elsmere said, “Boys, stop by the kitchen and take a piece of cake with you. I’ll see you both at Logan Kilkorn’s.”

Seeing that they had been dismissed, the lawyers lumbered out of the room, shutting the door behind them. Lady Elsmere ordered, “Josiah, pour two cups of tea please, and I want both the cheesecake and the black walnut cake.”

I did as bidden and handed her a plate with several slices of cake and two cheesecake brownies. “Well, it seems like losing Jean Harlow has not dampened your appetite.”

“I’m not going to lose Jean Harlow.”

“How’s that?”

“Asa called last night. She says she should have figured it out before, but she wasn’t thinking clearly due to her injury.”

“Figured what out?”

“Come with me to Logan J. Kilkorn’s farm and see for yourself. And bring Baby, too.”

“You want me to bring a Mastiff to a strange horse farm?”

“Baby likes horses, doesn’t he?”

“Yes, but will Kilkorn’s horses like him? It’s dangerous bringing a strange dog around horses.”

Lady Elsmere took a bite of her cake and just gave me a little Mona Lisa smile. I knew she had something up her sleeve, but what did it have to do with my dog?

I guess I’d have to wait until the afternoon.