The colt went over to his surrogate mother and began nursing.

Lady Elsmere suggested, “Logan, have your groom take the colt and his surrogate mother to a stall away from the other horses. We don’t want these horses further confused.”

The groom walked the unruffled dam to a stall with the colt duly following. As soon as they were out-of-sight, Asa told Shaneika to bring out Jean Harlow.

Shaneika opened the trailer doors and, with the driver’s help, led Jean Harlow out along with her companion goat. The scents of unfamiliar mares and the sight of a strange barn unnerved Jean Harlow, making her hard to manage. The driver and Charles had to help Shaneika calm the mare while the goat looked about for something to munch on, but that is the nature of a goat.

Lady Elsmere asked, “Logan, do you acknowledge this horse as Jean Harlow?”

Logan answered, “I was at Keeneland when you overpaid for her. Yes, this is Jean Harlow.”

“To confirm the horse’s identity, please read her tattoo number aloud and wand her for the chip. My lawyers have her racing papers verifying the tattoo number.”

Logan said, “June, I’ve already concurred this horse is Jean Harlow.”

“I want it officially on record that you have read the tattoo number and wanded her.”

Begrudgingly, Logan went over to Jean Harlow and lifted her quivering lip. “Whoa, girl. Just taking a quick peep.” He read the numbers which the lawyers confirmed were correct. Then he waved the wand over the horse. The digital data verified the horse was Jean Harlow and the legitimate owner was Lady Elsmere.

“Now what?” Logan asked.

“Now the dog comes into it,” Asa said. “Mrs. Reynolds, let Baby loose, please.”

Baby’s ears perked up at the mention of his name. He no doubt thought a treat would be in the offing. I dropped the leash.

Happy to be unfettered, Baby shuffled up to Asa, who gave him a dry biscuit. Curious about the unfamiliar barn, the English Mastiff looked about, sniffing the air.

“That’s right, Baby. Smell something familiar? Go find Last Chance,” Asa said, giving his collar a tug.

Baby slowly walked with Asa past the stalls until he stopped at one and barked, eagerly wagging his tail.

A small whinny sounded above the closed stall door.

Asa asked, “Please open this stall door and keep the dam inside. We want to see what the foal will do.”

Logan ordered Micah to open the stall door.

“Dad, can I talk to you alone?” Micah, pleaded with his father.

“Not now. We are going to see this through. Do what I tell you.”

Micah approached the stall as though walking to his doom. He opened the stall door and quickly leashed the dam’s halter to a hook so she wouldn’t follow the colt.

Baby immediately rushed into the stall, pushing Micah aside.

Logan cried out, running toward the stall, “STOP HIM!”

Asa held out her hand. “It’s okay, Mr. Kilkorn. It’s okay. See.”

An ebony colt emerged from the stall kicking and bucking while Baby followed giving a playful chase. The colt stopped momentarily to nibble from a pail of sweet feed left out, giving Baby the opportunity to lick him. The colt darted away, looking back to see if Baby was following him. Baby was about to give chase when Asa brought him to a halt.

“Baby, sit,” Asa ordered, giving him a treat. “Good boy.”

At the sight of the colt darting about, Jean Harlow sniffed the air and grew more agitated. She neighed and kicked while Charles and the driver struggled to contain her.

The colt raised his head and whinnied back, looking curiously at the horse held by two men. He cautiously ambled toward Jean Harlow, who was trying to pull away from her restraints.

Shaneika quickly grabbed the colt’s halter and rubbed her damp towel on the colt’s forehead and held it out for all to see—the towel was saturated with black dye. A partial white star stood out on the colt’s forehead.

Last Chance had been found!