I doubled-checked the stalls and followed Shaneika outside. We searched around the barn and found an aged white Toyota with Juan Gomez sitting inside. He was the night watchman for three barns. If anyone knew what had happened to the colt, it would be him.
“Juan! Juan!” Shaneika called, running to the car.
Baby ran ahead to the car and jumped up, placing his paws on the open window ledge.
I followed and saw Shaneika push Baby out of the way.
“Juan, what has happened to Last Chance?” Shaneika asked frantically.
The man didn’t answer but looked asleep. How could he sleeping with all this racket?
“Juan, answer us! Juan?” I said, tapping on the windshield.
The man didn’t respond, so I opened the car door.
Juan toppled over and spilled out of the car, stiff and gray in pallor.
Shaneika and I both screamed and then froze, not quite understanding what we were witnessing. Baby reacted first, sniffing Juan and pawing the man with his massive paws.
“Stop that, Baby,” I commanded. Coming to my senses, I leaned over and felt for a pulse. Looking up with dread, I exclaimed, “He’s dead, Shaneika. Juan is dead!”