Writings of Benjamin Disraeli

(Compiled by R. W. Stewart


1. UNIFORM EDITION OF THE NOVELS, published by David Bryce, 1853. It was for this edition that Disraeli made drastic revisions of the texts, particularly of Vivian Grey and The Young Duke. The revised texts were used in Longmans’ collected editions.

2. COLLECTED EDITION OF THE NOVELS AND TALES, 10 Volumes, Longmans, 1870–1. Revised texts. [The first volume of this collection was the first one-volume edition (the eighth) of Lothair.]


4. YOUNG ENGLAND, edited by Bernard N. Langdon-Davies, illustrated by Byam Shaw, 4 volumes, Brimley Johnson, 1904. This edition includes Vivian Grey, of which the original text is printed, Coningsby, Sybil and Tancred.

5. VIVIAN GREY (2 volumes) and THE YOUNG DUKE, edited by Lucien Wolf, Moring, 1904–5. The original texts are printed. These two works appear to have been intended as part of a new edition of all the novels.

6. THE WORKS OF BENJAMIN DISRAELI, EARL OF BEACONSFIELD, EMBRACING NOVELS, ROMANCES, PLAYS, POEMS, BIOGRAPHY, SHORT STORIES AND GREAT SPEECHES, with a critical introduction by Edmund Gosse … and a biographical preface by Robert Arnot … London and New York, printed for subscribers only by M. W. Dunne, 20 volumes, 1904–5.

7. UNIFORM EDITION OF THE NOVELS, edited by the Earl of Iddesleigh, 9 volumes, John Lane, The Bodley Head, 1905–6.

8. THE BRADENHAM EDITION OF THE NOVELS AND TALES … with introductions by Philip Guedalla, 12 volumes, Peter Davies, 1926–7.

9. THE NOVELS, 11 volumes, John Lane, The Bodley Head, 1927–8.


1. An Inquiry into the Plans, Progress, and Policy of the American Mining Companies, Murray, 1825.

2. Lawyers and Legislators: or, Notes on the American Mining Companies, Murray, 1825.

3. The present state of Mexico: as detailed in a report to the General Congress by the Secretary of State for the Home Department and Foreign Affairs, at the opening of the session in 1825. With notes and a memoir of Don Lucas Alaman, Murray, 1825. [The three ‘mining pamphlets’ were published anonymously.]

4. Vivian Grey, 2 volumes, Colburn, 1826. Published anonymously. Vivian Grey, volumes iii to v, Colburn, 1827.

5. The Voyage of Captain Popanilla, by the author of Vivian Grey, Colburn, 1828.

6. The Young Duke, by the author of Vivian Grey, 3 volumes, Colburn and Bentley, 1831.

7. England and France, or a Cure for the Ministerial Gallomania, Murray, 1832. Published anonymously.

8. Contarini Fleming, a psychological Auto-biography, 4 volumes, Murray, 1832.

9. The Wondrous Tale of Alroy [and] The Rise of Iskander, by the author of Vivian Grey, Contarini Fleming etc., 3 volumes, Saunders and Otley, 1833.

10. What Is He?, by the author of Vivian Grey, Ridgway, 1833. Reprinted in Whigs and Whiggism.

11. Velvet Lawn, a sketch written for the benefit of the Buckinghamshire Infirmary, by the author of Vivian Grey, Wycombe, E. King, 1833.

12. The Revolutionary Epick, the work of Disraeli the Younger, author of The Psychological Romance, 2 volumes, Moxon, 1834. [A revised edition] Longmans, 1864.

13. Vindication of the English Constitution in a letter to a noble and learned Lord, by Disraeli the Younger, Saunders and Otley, 1835. Addressed to Lord Lyndhurst. Reprinted in Whigs and Whiggism.

14. The Letters of Runnymede. [The first edition, published at Exeter, was unauthorized.]
The Letters of Runnymede, Macrone, 1836. [The volume includes ‘The Spirit of Whiggism’.] Published anonymously. Reprinted in Whigs and Whiggism.

15. Henrietta Temple, a love story, by the author of Vivian Grey, 3 volumes, Colburn, 1837. [Actually 1836.]

16. Venetia, by the author of Vivian Grey and Henrietta Temple, 3 volumes, Colburn, 1837.

17. The Tragedy of Count Alarcos, by the author of Vivian Grey, Colburn, 1839.

18. Coningsby, or, the new generation, 3 volumes, Colburn, 1844. [Fifth edition, with a preface by the author, 1849.]

19. Sybil, or, The Two Nations, 3 volumes, Colburn, 1845.

20. Tancred, or, The New Crusade, 3 volumes, Colburn, 1847.

21. Lord George Bentinck, A Political Biography, Colburn, 1852. [Actually 1851.] Eighth edition, revised, Longmans, 1872.

22. Lothair, 3 volumes, Longmans, 1870. [Fifth edition, revised by the author, 1870. Seventh edition, revised and with a preface by the author, 1870.]

23. Endymion, by the author of Lothair, 3 volumes, Longmans, 1880.


1. *‘The Court of Egypt, a Sketch’, by MESR, in New Monthly Magazine, June 1832.

2. *‘The Speaking Harlequin’, ibid., August 1832.

3. *‘The Bosphorus, a Sketch’, by MARCO POLO JUNIOR, ibid., September 1832.

4. *‘Egyptian Thebes’, by MARCO POLO JUNIOR, ibid., October 1832.

5. Letter [on a speech at Wycombe], in The Times, 13 November 1832.

6. *‘Ixion in Heaven’, in New Monthly Magazine, December 1832 and February 1833.

7. *‘Ibrahim Pacha, The Conqueror of Syria’, by MARCO POLO JUNIOR, ibid., February 1833.

8. *‘Walstein, or a Cure for Melancholy’, by the author of Vivian Grey, Contarini Fleming etc., in Court Magazine, July 1833.

9. *‘An Interview with a Great Turk, From the Notebook of a recent Traveller’, by the author of Vivian Grey, ibid., January 1834.

10. *‘The Infernal Marriage’, by Disraeli the Younger, in New Monthly Magazine, July to October 1834.

11. *‘The Carrier-Pigeon’, by the author of Vivian Grey, in Book of Beauty for 1835.

12. Letters between Disraeli and Morgan O’Connell, and Disraeli’s Letter to Daniel O’Connell, in The Times, 6 and 8 May 1835.

13. †Leading Articles. 14 articles in The Morning Post, 22 August to 7 September 1835. [Written at the request of Lord Lyndhurst in defence of the House of Lords. Reprinted in Whigs and Whiggism under the title, ‘Peers and People’.]

14. *‘The Consul’s Daughter’, by the author of Vivian Grey, in Book of Beauty for 1836.

15. Letters to the Editor of The Times, 28, 31 December 1835, 9, 14 January 1836, and A Letter ‘To Joseph Hume, Esq., M.P.’, in The Times, 12 January 1836 [regarding allegations in the Globe newspaper about Radical support of Disraeli in his early elections].

16. †‘The Letters of Runnymede’ (19 articles), in The Times, 18 January to 15 May 1836. [See also section 2.]

17. †Leading article on Lord Lyndhurst’s Speech, in The Times, 19 August 1836.

18. ‘To a Maiden Sleeping after her First Ball’, by the author of Vivian Grey, in Book of Beauty for 1837. [Verse.]

19. ‘Calantha’, by the author of Vivian Grey, ibid.

20. ‘A New Voyage of Sindbad the Sailor, Recently Discovered’ (11 articles), in The Times, 15 December 1836 to 10 February 1837.

21. †‘To the Lord Lieutenant of Ireland’, by RUNNYMEDE, ibid., 13 February 1837.

22. †‘A Character’ [Spring Rice] by SKELTON JUN., ibid., 7 March, 1837. [Verse.]

23. †‘Open Questions, a Political Eclogue’, by SKELTON JUN., ibid., 9 March 1837. [Verse.]

24. †‘An Heroic Epistle to Lord Viscount Mel——e’, by skelton jun., ibid., 20 March 1837. [Verse.]

25. †‘To Lord Viscount Melbourne’, by RUNNYMEDE, ibid., 17 April 1837.

26. Review of ‘England Under Seven Administrations’, by A. FONBLANQUE, ibid., 17 May 1837.

27. Review of ‘Society in America’, by HARRIET MARTINEAU, ibid., 30 May 1837.

28. *‘A Syrian Sketch’, by the author of Vivian Grey, in Book of Beauty for 1838.

29. †‘Old England by Coeur-de-Lion’ (10 articles), in The Times, 3 to 15 January 1838.

30. ‘On the Portrait of the Lady Mahon’, in Book of Beauty for 1839. [Verse.]

31. ‘On the Portrait of the Viscountess Powerscourt’, ibid. [Verse.]

32. †‘To Lord John Russell’, by LAELIUS, in The Times, 6 May 1839.

33. †‘To the Queen’, by LAELIUS, ibid., 13 May 1839.

34. †‘To Lord Melbourne’, by LAELIUS, ibid., 28 May 1839.

35. ‘To the Duke of Wellington’ [a sonnet] by B. DISRAELI, ibid., 29 August 1839. [The Oxford Book of Victorian Verse, 104.]

36. *‘The Valley of Thebes’, in Book of Beauty for 1840.

37. *‘Munich’, in Book of Beauty for 1841.

38. †‘The State of the Case: In a Letter to The Duke of Wellington’, by ATTICUS, in The Times, 11 March 1841.

39. *‘Eden and Lebanon’, in Book of Beauty for 1842.

40. *‘The Midland Ocean’, ibid., 1843.

41. ‘Fantasia’, in The Keepsake for 1845.

42. *‘Shoubra’, ibid., 1846.

43. †‘Coalition’ [the first leading article in The Press], 7 May 1853.

* Reprinted in Tales and Sketches, edited by J. Logie Robertson.
† Reprinted in Whigs and Whiggism, edited by W. Hutcheon.


1. Home Letters written in 1830 and 1831 [edited by Ralph Disraeli], Murray, 1885.

2. Lord Beaconsfield’s Correspondence with his Sister, 1832–1852 [edited by Ralph Disraeli], Murray, 1886.

3. Lord Beaconsfield’s Letters, 1830–1852, Murray, 1887. [The two previous volumes together, with some additions. Reprinted, with an introduction by Augustine Birrell, Cassell, 1928.]

4. The Letters of Disraeli to Lady Bradford and Lady Chesterfield, edited by the Marquis of Zetland, 2 volumes, Benn, 1929.

5. Letters from Benjamin Disraeli to Frances Anne, Marchioness of Londonderry, 1837–1861, edited with an introduction by the Marchioness of Londonderry, Macmillan, 1938.

6. Whigs and Whiggism, Political Writings … edited, with an introduction, by William Hutcheon, Murray, 1913. [The contents of this volume are indicated in sections 2, 3 and 4 above. Some other articles, of doubtful authorship, are included, and their attribution to Disraeli discussed.]

7. The Radical Tory, Disraeli’s political development illustrated from his original writings and speeches, selected, edited and introduced by H. W. J. Edwards, with a preface by G. M. Young, Cape, 1937.

8. Tales and Sketches … with a prefatory memoir by J. Logie Robertson, Paterson, 1891. [The contents of this volume are indicated in section 3. It also includes A True story (a magazine article published in 1820, sometimes attributed to Disraeli), Popanilla, and the Memoir prefixed to the writings of his father.]

9. The Revolutionary Epick and Other Poems … edited by W. Davenport Adams, Hurst and Blackett, 1904. [This volume includes Count Alarcos, The Dunciad of Today (see below, 11), and a number of poems from the novels.]

10. Falconet, an unfinished novel. Published in The Times, 20, 21 and 23 January 1905. Reprinted in Monypenny and Buckle’s Life, and with Endymion in Guedalla’s edition of the novels.

11. The Dunciad of Today, a Satire, and the Modern Aesop, with an introduction by Michael Sadleir, Ingpen and Grant, 1928. [Two pieces from the Star Chamber, attributed by Sadleir to Disraeli.]

12. Rumpel Stilts Kin, by B. D. and W. G. M. [William George Meredith], The Roxburghe Club, 1952. [With an introduction by Michael Sadleir.]

13. The Life of Paul Jones, from Original Documents in the Possession of John Henry Sherburne, Esq., Register of the Navy of the United States, Murray, 1825. [An abridged version of the work originally published in the United States. Edited, with a preface by Disraeli.]

14. Curiosities of Literature, by Isaac Disraeli, with a view of the life and writings of the author, by his son. Fourteenth edition, 3 volumes, Moxon, 1849. [The memoir of his father, dated Hughenden Manor, Christmas 1848.]

15. Ixion in Heaven, decorated by John Austen, Cape, 1925. [See section 3.]

16. The Infernal Marriage, decorations by John Austen, Jackson, 1929. [See section 3.]

17. Coningsby, with an introduction by Walter Allen, Chiltern Library, John Lehmann Ltd, 1948.

18. Sybil, with an introduction by Walter Sichel, World’s Classics, Oxford, 1926.