1. Earle, Ralph, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5;
    1. his alliance with D, 1;
    2. as secret informer to, 1;
    3. private secretary, 1, 2;
    4. lack of patriotism, 1;
    5. on patronage, 1;
    6. secret mission to Napoleon III, 1;
    7. his blunders over Derby, 1, 2;
    8. replaced by Corry, 1, 2;
    9. rebel over 1867 Reform Bill, 1;
    10. break with D, 1
  2. East India Company, 1, 2, 3, 4
  3. East Retford, 1
  4. Eastern question, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6;
    1. Victoria’s attitude to, 1, 2;
    2. recurrence of, 1;
    3. rebellion against Turkey, 1;
    4. nature of, 1;
    5. powers concerned, 1;
    6. Britain’s aim to sustain Turkish Empire, 1, 2;
    7. Balkan nationalism and, 1;
    8. Northern Courts propose mediation, 1, 2, 3;
    9. Berlin Memorandum rejected, 1, 2, 3;
    10. Serbian war, 1, 2;
    11. Bulgarian atrocities, 1, 2, 3, 4;
    12. D’s uncertain Turkish policy, 1;
    13. sharp conflict of opinion on, 1, 2;
    14. judgments of D’s policy, 1;
    15. Russian intentions, 1;
    16. Turkish armistice, 1;
    17. Constantinople Conference, 1, 2, 3;
    18. imminence of war, 1;
    19. military plans, 1, 2, 3;
    20. National Convention, 1, 2;
    21. D’s share in failure of Conference, 1;
    22. diplomatic moves, 1;
    23. outbreak of Russo-Turkish war, 1, 2;
    24. Cabinet division over, 1, 2, 3;
    25. Derby’s timidity over, 1, 2;
    26. increasing war tension, 1, 2;
    27. Russian victories, 1, 2;
    28. armistice at Adrianople, 1;
    29. D’s troop movements, 1, 2;
    30. San Stefano Treaty, 1, 2, 3, 4;
    31. proposals for peace congress, 1;
    32. Anglo-Russian Conventions, 1;
    33. Congress of Berlin, 1;
    34. Treaty signed, 1, 2;
    35. D’s policy assessed, 1;
    36. problems remaining, 1
  5. Ecclesiastical Titles Bill (1851), 1
  6. Edem Pasha, 1
  7. Eden, Anthony (now Lord Avon), 1n
  8. Edinburgh, Prince Alfred, Duke of, 1, 2, 3
  9. Edinburgh, 1;
    1. D’s speech at (1867), 1, 2
  10. Edinburgh, University of, confers honorary degree, 1
  11. Edinburgh Review , 1;
    1. its ‘profile’ of D, 1;
    2. attacks him, 1;
    3. on Endy mion , 1
  12. Education, Ministry of, 1
  13. Education Act (1876), 1, 2, 3n
  14. Edward VII – see Wales, Prince of
  15. Edwards, Captain (groom-in-waiting), 1
  16. Edwards’ Hotel, 1, 2, 3
  17. Egerton, Lord Francis, 1
  18. Eglinton, 13th Earl of, mock tournament of, 1
  19. Elcho, Lord, 1, 2, 3
  20. Eldon, 1st Earl of, 1, 2, 3
  21. elections:
    1. by-elections: Bath (1873), 1;
      1. Bucks (1837), 1, (1876) 2, 3;
      2. High Wycombe (1832), 1, 2;
      3. Liverpool (1880), 1;
      4. Marylebone (1833), 1;
      5. Newcastle-upon-Tyne (1873), 1;
      6. Southwark (1880), 1, 704;
      7. Stroud (1874), 1;
      8. Taunton (1835), 1, 2, 3
    2. general: (1832) 1, 2, 3;
      1. (1834) 1;
      2. (1837) 1;
      3. (1841) 1;
      4. (1847) 1;
      5. (1852) 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6;
      6. (1857) 1, 2;
      7. (1859) 1;
      8. (1865) 1;
      9. (1868) 1, 2, 3;
      10. (1874) 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6;
      11. (1880) 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9
  22. Ellenborough, Edward Law, 1st Earl of, 1, 2, 3;
    1. at Board of Control, 1, 2, 3;
    2. his Bill for Government of India, 1;
    3. resigns after censuring Canning, 1
  23. Elletson, D. H., 1n
  24. Ellicott, Charles John, Bishop of Gloucester, 1
  25. Elliot, Sir Henry, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8
  26. Ely, Lady, 1
  27. Employers’ Liability Bill (1880), 1, 2
  28. Employers and Workmen Bill (1875), 1
  29. Endymion (D), 1, 2n , 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9;
    1. Smythe pictured as Waldershare, 1;
    2. Dickens as ‘Gushy’ in, 1;
    3. and relations between Minister and secretary, 1;
    4. Bismarck as Ferrol in, 1;
    5. D completes, 1;
    6. one of his most delightful, 1, 2;
    7. publication of, 1;
    8. qualities of, 1, 2;
    9. theme of, 1;
    10. characters in, 1;
    11. reasons for making hero a Whig, 1;
    12. ‘grand world’ background, 1;
    13. profits from, 1
  30. Endymion; or a Family Party of Olympus (Aytoun), 1n
  31. England and France: or a Cure for Ministerial Gallomania, 1n , 2, 3, 4
  32. Enquiry into the Plans, Progress and Policy of the American Mining Com panies (D’s first authentic work), 1
  33. Erne, 3rd Earl of, 1
  34. Escott, T. H. S., 1
  35. Essays and Reviews , 1, 2
  36. Essex, Lady, 1
  37. Eton, 1
  38. Eugénie, Empress, 1
  39. Evans (solicitor’s clerk), involved with D in speculation, 1, 2n
  40. Evans, Eleanor (mother of Mrs Disraeli), 1
  41. Evans, Lieut. John, RN (father of Mrs Disraeli), 1
  42. Ewelme case (1872), 1
  43. Exeter, 2nd Marquis of, 1, 2
  44. Exeter, 3rd Marquis of, 1
  45. Exmouth, 3rd Viscount, 1
  46. Explosives Act (1875), 1n
  47. Eyre, Governor, 1