- Tait, Archibald, Archbishop of Canterbury, 1, 2, 3;
- disapproves of Endymion, 1, 2
- Tancred (D), 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6;
- as one of trilogy, 1, 2, 3;
- sales of, 1;
- D’s views on race and religion in, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6;
- bathetic ending, 1;
- Monckton Milnes as Mr Vavasour in, 1;
- Milnes’ review of, 1, 2;
- paradoxes of, 1;
- least successful of trilogy, 1;
- character of, 1;
- reissued, 1;
- Gladstone reads, 1
- Tankerville, 6th Earl of, 1
- Tankerville, Lady, 1
- Tamworth Manifesto, Peel’s, 1, 2, 3
- Taunton, D’s defeat at (1835), 1, 2
- Tay Bridge disaster, 1
- Taylor, Colonel Thomas Edward, 1, 2n
- tea duty, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
- ‘Tea Room Revolt’ (1867), 1, 2
- Temple, Frederick, Archbishop, 1
- Ten Hours Act (1847), 1
- ‘Ten Minutes Bill’ (1867), 1, 2, 3
- Tenant Right Bill, 1
- Tennent, Sir James Emerson, 1, 2, 3
- Tennyson, Lord, 1
- Tenterden, Charles Abbott, 3rd Baron, 1, 2
- Test Acts, 1
- Tewfik Pasha, Khedive, 1
- Thackeray, W. M., 1, 2;
- lampooned in Endymion , 1, 2
- Thames Tunnel, 1
- Thebes, 1, 2
- Theodore, King of Abyssinia, 1, 2
- Thiers, Louis Adolphe, 1, 2, 3
- Thimbleby, Rev. J., 1
- Third Party, 1, 2
- Thistlethwayte, Mrs (rescued courtesan), 1
- Thompson, Colonel Perronet, 1
- Tillotson, Kathleen, 1, 2
- Times, The , 1, 2, 3, 4, 5n , 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11;
- D’s ‘Runnymede Letters’ in, 1, 2;
- D’s ‘Laelius’ letter in, 1;
- ‘Psittacus’ letter in, 1;
- and Young England, 1, 2;
- on Liberal side, 1;
- D tries to enlist support of, 1;
- ‘scoops’ 1859 Reform Bill, 1;
- on 1880 election, 1
- ‘Tita’ (Battista Falcieri), 1, 2, 3, 4n , 5, 6, 7
- Titchfield, Lord (later 5th Duke of Portland), 1, 2, 3, 4
- Tollemache, John, 1st Baron, 1
- Toplady, Augustus M., 1n
- Torquay, 1, 2, 3
- Torrens, William T. M., 1
- Totleben, Count, 1
- Tractarianism, 1, 2, 3
- Tracts for the Times , 1
- Trade, Board of, and patronage, 1, 2, 3
- Trade Union Acts (1875), 1, 2
- Trade Unions, Royal Commission on (1874), 1, 2
- Tragedy of Count Alarcos (D), 1, 2
- Transvaal, 1, 2
- Trebizond–Tabriz caravan route, 1, 2
- Tredegar, 1st Baron, 1, 2
- Trentaine or the Man of Refinement (Ward), model for Vivian Grey , 1
- Trentham, 1
- Trevelyan, Sir Charles, 1, 2
- Trevelyan, G. M., 1
- Trevelyan-Northcote Report, 1, 2, 3
- Trollope, Sir John, 1
- Trollope, Anthony, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5;
- his novels compared to D’s, 1;
- detests D, 1
- Trotter, Miss, a candidate for marriage to D, 1
- Tunbridge Wells, D’s honeymoon at, 1
- Turin, 1
- Turkish Army, D’s plan to volunteer for. 1, 2
- Turner, Sharon, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
- Turner, Rev. Sydney, Dean of Ripon, 1
- Tumor, Algernon, 1, 2
- ‘two nations’, 1, 2, 3, 4
- Tyrell, Sir John, 1