Chapter 3

  1. Why is syntax highlighting an important feature for text editors?
    It makes it easy to spot syntax error, by using colors.
  2. How can we extend the functionality already provided by Atom?
    We can install extra Packages, or even write our own.
  3. What are the benefits of autocomplete when writing shell scripts?
    • It reduces typing, especially for multi-line constructs.
    • It makes it easier to find commands.
  4. How could we describe the difference between Vim and GNU nano?
    Nano is simple, Vim is powerful.
  5. Which are the two most interesting modes in Vim?
    Normal mode and Insert mode.
  6. What is the .vimrc file?
    It is used to configure persistent options for Vim, such as the color scheme and how to handle tabs.
  7. What do we mean when we call nano a WYSIWYG editor?
    WYSIWYG stands for What You See Is What You Get, which means you can start typing at your cursor.
  8. Why would we want to combine GUI editors with command-line editors?
    Because it's easier to write in GUI editors, but easier to troubleshoot with command-line editors.