Dialing for Dollars

Steve Watson has never had a problem taking risks. He fondly recalls the childhood summer ritual of catching snakes with his cousin in the Ozark Mountains. When he was eleven, he and his cousin thought it would be “fun” to move up from capturing nonpoisonous snakes to the poisonous variety. They found two large water moccasins. After pinning each snake down with a long branch and grabbing it tightly just below the head, they decided it would be a good idea to carry their quarry back to the family cabin, approximately a mile downriver, to proudly show their fathers what they had caught. After sloshing through the shallow river for about half a mile, with the snakes wrapped around their arms and their hands tiring from the tight grip needed to keep the snakes’ heads immobile, they had some second thoughts. “Maybe this wasn’t such a good idea,” they agreed. Finally, unable to maintain their grips for much longer, they hurled the snakes into the water and darted in the opposite direction. In comparison, buying and shorting stocks must seem pretty tame.

Watson has also been willing to take risks in his career. Two years after becoming a broker, he faced the growing realization that he had chosen the wrong path toward fulfilling his goal to trade stocks, so he quit and set off for New York. He did so without the comfort of any business contacts, job leads, or supportive résumé. In fact, there was absolutely no logical reason for Steve Watson to succeed in his quest—other than his determination. Several years later, he quit a secure job with a major fund to start his own hedge fund. He launched his new business without even enough money to rent office space.

When it comes to trading, however, Watson is willing to accept risk but not to take risks. “You have to be willing to accept a certain level of risk,” Watson says, “or else you will never pull the trigger.” But he believes in keeping the risk under firm control. His net long position is typically less than 50 percent of assets, often significantly less. Since starting his fund four and a half years ago his worst drawdown from an equity peak to a subsequent low has been just under 4 percent—the same level as his average monthly return after deducting fees. In terms of return to risk, this performance places him at the very top tier of fund managers.

One of the major lessons that I have learned by conducting the interviews for the Market Wizard books is that, invariably, successful traders end up using a methodology that fits their personality. Watson has chosen an approach that is heavily dependent on communicating with and getting information from other people, a style that is a good match for his easygoing manner. Asked whether he found it difficult to get people who were often complete strangers to take the time to speak with him, Watson said, “My father is one of the nicest people you could ever hope to meet. One thing he taught me was, ‘Don’t treat anyone differently than you would your best friends.’ I find if you approach people with that attitude, most of the time they will try to help you out.”

I met with Watson in a conference room at his firm’s Manhattan office. He was relaxed and friendly, and spoke with an accent that reflected his Arkansas origins.

When did you first get interested in the stock market?

I came from a family that never read The Wall Street Journal, never bought a share of stock, and never invested in mutual funds. I didn’t know anything about the stock market until I was in college. When I attended the University of Arkansas, I took an investment course that sparked my interest.

What about the course intrigued you?

Doing research on a stock. As a main project for the course, we were required to pick a stock and write a report on it. My group picked a local utility company that was experiencing some trouble. We did our analysis and came to the conclusion that it was a terrible company. We were all prepared to trash the stock in our presentation.

The day before the presentation, someone in our group came up with the bright idea of going to the local brokerage office and seeing what they said about the stock. The brokerage firm had this beautiful glossy report on the company, which was filled with all sorts of positive commentary and concluded with a recommendation to buy the stock. Here we were, a group of undergraduate students taking an elementary investment course, and we thought that since these guys get paid to do this for a living, we must be wrong. We completely transformed our report so that it reached a positive conclusion, even though it was the exact opposite of what we believed.

The next day, we gave our presentation, and the professor just tore it apart. “This is a terrible company!” he exclaimed, citing a list of reasons to support his conclusion—all of which had been in our original report. Of course, we couldn’t say anything [he laughs].

What ultimately happened to the stock?

It went down. That’s when I learned my first and most important lesson about the stock market: Stick to your own beliefs.

Did that course clinch your decision to pursue a career in the stock market?

Yes. After I graduated, I moved to Dallas, which was the only big city I had ever visited, to look for a job as a stockbroker. I thought being a stockbroker meant that you got to manage other people’s money and play the stock market all day long. I quickly found out that it was more of a sales job, and quite frankly, I’m a terrible salesperson. I picked up my largest client because his own broker wouldn’t answer the phone on the day of the October 1987 stock market crash—he couldn’t face talking to his customers—and I was the only one his client could reach.

After I was there for about two years, I remember calling up my dad and saying, “I don’t like being a stockbroker. All I do is cold-call people all day, trying to sell them stuff they probably don’t need in the first place.” Verbalizing my feelings helped me decide to quit. I knew I really wanted to be a money manager. I moved to New York City to find a job more closely aligned with my goal.

Had you been successful picking stocks as a broker?

No, I had been very unsuccessful.

What then gave you the confidence that you could manage money successfully?

I didn’t expect to get a job managing money on day one. I just wanted to break into the business. Once I decide I am going to do something, I become determined to succeed, regardless of the obstacles. If I didn’t have that attitude, I never would have made it.

When I arrived in New York, I didn’t have any contacts, and my résumé—a 2.7 GPA from Arkansas University—and two years’ experience as a stockbroker were certainly not going to impress anyone. I couldn’t compete against people who had gone to Harvard and interned at Goldman Sachs. Therefore, I had to do it the hard way. I went to work for an insurance company, doing credit analysis, essentially to pay the bills, but also to gain some analytical experience. I also applied to business school at NYU but couldn’t get in. I enrolled at Fordham University for a semester, received good grades, and then transferred.

After I graduated, I interviewed with about forty different hedge fund managers, which was very helpful, because it gave me a feeling for what other people were doing. I landed a job at Bankers Trust working in the small cap department [group that invested in stocks with small capitalization]. Even though I was new to the game, the reason I was hired was that I knew small cap stocks better than anyone else. I can’t tell you how many nights I stayed up until 3 A.M., flipping through stocks on the Bloomberg. At that point, I probably knew something about every exchange-listed stock under the $300 million market cap level.

Why had you decided to focus on small cap stocks?

Small caps have always been a love for me because I can’t get an edge on stocks like Microsoft or Intel. I can’t call up the CFOs of those companies. In college, even though I didn’t have a job, I would call up CFOs, tell them that I was doing a project on their company, and ask them questions. I had stacks of company reports filling up my apartment.

What were your responsibilities at Bankers Trust?

I worked as Bill Newman’s right-hand person for one of the firm’s two small cap funds. He gave me tremendous leeway. If I liked an idea, he let me go with it. It was almost as if I were a portfolio manager because he rarely turned down one of my stock picks. Unfortunately, he left the firm three months after I joined. I didn’t get along with his replacement—our investment philosophies clashed.

In what way?

My new boss—who, incidentally, was one of the worst stock pickers I have ever seen—was a momentum player who believed in buying high P/E stocks [stocks trading at large multiples of their earnings] that were moving up rapidly, whereas I believed in buying value stocks and doing a lot of detailed research on a company. I left about a half year later, and after another extensive Wall Street job search found a job with Friess Associates, which ran the Brandywine Fund.

What job were you hired for?

Officially, I was hired as a consultant because I worked in a satellite office. At the time, the firm’s main branch was located in Wilmington, Delaware, and I worked in Manhattan. The way Friess operated was that everyone was both a research analyst and portfolio manager. They used what they called “a-pig-at-the-trough” approach. If you found a stock that you liked and wanted to buy, you had to convince one of the other people to liquidate one of their holdings to make room in the portfolio, just like one pig has to push another pig out of the way if he wants to get a spot at the trough.

How long were you there?

About two years.

Why did you leave?

The assets of the fund were growing rapidly. I love small cap stocks. But the assets of the fund were getting too large to bother with small cap stocks, and the fund’s focus shifted almost exclusively to mid cap and large cap stocks, which made it harder to get a hold of the CFOs and ask questions. Also, as the assets grew, the number of analysts increased. When there are fifteen analysts, your performance doesn’t have too much impact on the fund. I wanted to be in a situation where I had control over the performance. I decided to leave to start my own fund.

Where did you get the money to start your fund?

At the time, I only had about $20,000 to my name. I went to a few CFOs to whom I had given stock tips for their own personal accounts—recommendations that had worked out very well for them. I only raised $700,000 in assets; I’m the worst salesman in the world. But that was enough to start the fund.

How did you cover your operating expenses?

I was extremely lucky. Ed McGuinn, the man from whom I was renting office space at the time, wanted to help me get started. He knew I couldn’t afford to rent space on my own, so he let me have the use of a small office for free. It was the smallest office I had ever seen—about 12 feet by 5—but I was extremely grateful. He even paid the monthly fee for my Bloomberg.

I noticed that in your first year as a fund manager, your net exposure was considerably higher, probably double what it has been since then. Why is that?

I had a different risk/reward perspective the first year because I was managing less than $1 million. I allowed my net exposure to get up to 70 to 80 percent and individual positions to get as high as 5 or 6 percent of assets. As a result, we had triple-digit returns that year.

How do you select the stocks you buy?

We have two funds: the microfund, which invests in companies with a market capitalization of under $350 million, and a small cap fund that invests in companies with a capitalization of $350 million to $1.5 billion. In both funds, we begin by looking for companies that are relatively cheap—trading between eight to twelve times earnings. Within this group, we try to identify those companies for which investors’ perceptions are about to change. Typically, these may be companies that are having some trouble now, but their business is about to turn around. We try to find out that information before everyone else does.

How do you do that?

We make a lot of phone calls. The difference between our firm and most other hedge funds is that talking to companies is our primary focus. I have two people who spend three-quarters of their time booking calls with company management and five research people who spend virtually their entire day calling companies and talking to CFOs.

In this business, you can’t wait for a new product to come out and be successful. By that time, you will have to pay three times as much for the stock. We are trying to add value by doing our own research. If you are buying stocks that are washed out—stocks that are trading at only eight to twelve times earnings—any significant change can dramatically impact the stock price.

Won’t CFOs tend to paint a rosy picture of their company?

Of course. You can’t go strictly by what they say. CFOs are only human, and they will tend to exaggerate how well their company is doing. But we also speak to distributors, customers, and competitors. If we are going to own something, we’re going to talk not only to the company, but also to the people selling and using their products.

What did you teach your research people about doing phone interviews?

You want the other person to be on your side. Don’t ever tell a CFO he is wrong or try to tell him how to run his business. If you do, he probably won’t take your phone call the next time. You also have to ask questions the right way. You don’t want to ask a CFO a direct question such as, “What are earnings going to be this quarter?” because, obviously, he can’t tell you. But if instead you ask him about how his company will be affected by a product his competitor is putting out, you may well get some useful information. We are detectives. We are trying to find out information that is not widely dispersed and then put all the pieces together to get an edge.

What else do you look for when you buy a stock?

A low price and the prospect for imminent change are the two key components. Beyond that, it also helps if there is insider buying by management, which confirms prospects for an improvement in the company outlook.

Is insider buying something that you look at regularly?

Yeah, but I’d rather not put that in print.

Why not?

Because I don’t want to give away secrets.

But insider buying is not exactly a secret. In fact, it came up in a number of other interviews I did for this book.

Over the course of the two times in my career that I looked for a job on Wall Street, I must have interviewed with as many as eighty firms. I was amazed by how many hedge fund managers used charts and sell-side information [brokerage research] but didn’t use insider buying. In fact, I had a lot of managers tell me that using insider buying was stupid [he laughs].

Stock investing is not an exact science. The greater the number of useful things you can look at, the greater you increase your odds. The odds are better that we will make correct investment decisions if we talk to a company than if we don’t talk to them. Similarly, if we focus on companies with insider buying, it doesn’t mean that these stocks will go up, but it certainly improves our odds.

Do you also mean to imply that you don’t use charts or Wall Street research?

I never looked at a chart for 99 percent of the stocks I bought for our funds.

Is the reason you don’t use charts because you tried using them but couldn’t find any value or because you never explored this avenue of research?

Too many people use charts. If too many people are using an approach, I feel that I can’t get a competitive edge.

What about brokerage research? Is that also something you never use?

I will look at analysts’ earnings estimates because part of my job is to find out whether a company is doing better or worse than people perceive. But I have never called a sell-side analyst to ask for an opinion. Don’t get me wrong; there are some great analysts out there. But it really comes down to my philosophy: It’s much more valuable to do your own research so that you can make your own decisions about when to get in and out.

If I buy a company because of an analyst’s recommendation, and the stock suddenly drops 20 percent, I’m going to be dependent on that analyst for information. If I call the analyst and he says, “Everything is fine,” and then try to call the CFO of the company, he may well not return my call because he doesn’t know who I am. In the meantime, he’s talking to ten other people with whom he has built a relationship. If I was the guy who built the relationship with the company, maybe I would be the first person the CFO called back.

Another aspect is that sell-side research tends to be biased; it is driven by investment banking relationships. If a brokerage firm earns several million dollars doing an underwriting for a stock, it is very difficult for an analyst of that firm to issue anything other than a buy rating, even if he believes the company has significant problems. Some of my research analysts have good friends who are sell-side analysts and have seen them pressured to recommend stocks they didn’t like.

Let’s say a stock is trading in the 8 to 12 P/E range and you like the fundamentals. How do you decide when to buy it? Obviously, you’re not using any technical analysis for timing, since you don’t even look at charts.

You need a catalyst that will make the stock go higher.

Give me an example of a catalyst that prompted you to buy a stock.

A current example is Amerigon. Two weeks ago, they put out a press release announcing a five-year agreement with Ford Motors to manufacture ventilated car seats. The press release didn’t contain much information about the size of the contract. But by talking not only to the company but also to someone at Ford, we know the contract is huge. We also know that they’re working on similar agreements with the other car manufactures.

What is another example of a catalyst?

A change that will lead to a dynamic improvement in margins. Another one of our long positions is Windmere, which is a manufacturer of personal care products, such as hair dryers. Last year, they bought a division of Black & Decker and overpaid for it. The high operating costs of the acquired division acted as a drag on their earnings. We bought the stock recently when we learned that the company planned to close down some of these unprofitable facilities—an action that will bring their costs down and lead to better-than-expected earnings in coming quarters.

Any other examples of a catalyst?

Sometimes the catalyst can be a new product. One of our biggest winners last year was LTXX, a semiconductor company. They had come out with a new product, and by talking to their customers, we knew the sales were going to be very good. Wall Street didn’t know about it because the sales of this new product hadn’t shown up in earnings reports. When the earnings starting showing up above expectations, the stock took off.

If you buy a stock and it moves higher, when do you decide to liquidate the position?

Too early [he laughs]. We are always rotating our stocks. If we buy a stock at ten times earnings and it goes up, usually by the time it gets to twenty times earnings, we are out of it. We will rotate the money down to another stock with similar qualities so that we can keep the risk/reward of the portfolio as low as possible. LTXX is a good example. We started buying the stock around $5 and got out when it went up to $15, even though our earnings projections for the stock were still positive. Today the stock is trading at $45. That’s fairly typical. But that same trait of liquidating stocks too early has also helped us during market declines because we’re not long the stocks with the high price/earnings ratios that get hit hardest in a market correction.

If you buy a stock and it just sits there, at what point do you decide to get out?

If it looks like dead money and what I originally thought would happen is not happening, then it’s probably better to just move on.

In other words, you liquidate once it becomes clear that the reasons you went in are no longer valid?

Or because I have a better idea. We’re working with a finite amount of money. Consequently, it’s important to stay invested in your best ideas.

How many positions do you have at one time?

Over a hundred. We won’t let any single position get very large. Our largest holding will be about 3 percent of assets, and even that is rare.

For shorts, our maximum position will be half that large.

What is your balance between long and short positions?

Our total exposure will normally range between about 20 and 50 percent net long, although it could be even lower if I get very bearish on the market. Right now we’re about 80 percent long and 40 percent short, which is fairly typical. We’ve always kept a pretty good-size short position and will continue to do so. Part of the reason for that is that I am a perennial bear.

A perennial bear in the greatest bull market in history—that doesn’t like a beneficial trait. Why do you have a bearish bias?

Thank goodness we’ve been able to make money anyway. I have felt this way for a while, but certainly now [March 2000], I think we are seeing a mania in certain sectors, such as the Internet and technology. Valuations are up there in the ozone layer. It is no different from the market manias we’ve seen in the past: the Russian market a few years ago, the Japanese market during the 1980s, the real estate market in the 1970s, even the Dutch tulip craze in the seventeenth century. Right now, when everyone’s golf buddy is making money buying these stocks, there’s a lot of peer pressure to follow the group. You have a locomotive while prices are going up, but the problem is, what happens when the locomotive stops and reverses direction, as it invariably will.

Are we near a top or will the top form three years from now? I can’t answer that question. All I can do is control the factors over which I have an influence. I can control the number of CFOs and customers we talk to each day, but I can’t determine what the market is going to do.

Isn’t it difficult to talk to the CFOs of companies you are shorting? I imagine they wouldn’t be too eager to talk to managers who are selling their stock.

We don’t really talk to CFOs on the short side anymore.

Because of the access problem?

No, because we got talked out of some of our best short positions. In earlier years, there were a number of times when I changed my mind about selling a stock because a CFO assured me that everything was fine, and then the stock tanked. If we are considering a stock on the short side, we spend a lot of time talking to customers, suppliers, and competitors.

How do you select your short positions?

We certainly look for the higher-priced stocks—companies trading at thirty to forty times earnings, or stocks that have no earnings. Within that group, we seek to identify those companies with a flawed business plan.

Give me an example of a flawed business plan.

My favorite theme for a short is a one-product company because if that product fails, they have nothing else to fall back on. It’s also much easier to check out sales for a one-product company. A perfect example is Milestone Scientific. The company manufactured a product that was supposed to be a painless alternative to dental novocaine shots. It sounded like a great idea, and originally we started looking at the stock as a buy prospect. One of our analysts went to a dentistry trade show and collected a bunch of business cards from attending dentists. The primary Wall Street analyst covering the stock assumed every dental office would be buying five of these instruments, and he projected unbelievably huge earnings.

I visited the company in New Jersey. There were three people sitting in rented offices who were outsourcing everything. We started calling dentists and found the product didn’t work as well as advertised; it wasn’t entirely painless, and it also took longer than novocaine to take effect. Another crucial element was that the company sold the product with a money-back guarantee. They booked all their shipments as revenues and left themselves out on a limb in terms of product returns.

We also talked to the manufacturer to whom the company was outsourcing their production and found out the number of units actually shipped as well as their future production plans. We could see that the orders were slowing down dramatically on the manufacturing side. The differences between reality and the Wall Street research report were about as far apart as I have ever seen.

What ultimately happened to the stock?

It went down below one dollar.

Wasn’t it difficult to get the manufacturer to talk to you in that type of situation, let alone give you all that detailed information?

If you call, there’s at least a chance the person will talk to you. One of things I tell my analysts is, “Make the calls. Maybe they won’t talk to you, but I guarantee that if you don’t call, they won’t talk to you.” In this case, the manufacturer was very helpful at the start, but then they wised up to what we were doing and stopped taking our calls. But by then, we had all the information we needed.

What do you say when you call a manufacturer in this type of situation?

I tell him the truth. I tell him that I am a fund manager and am doing research on the company and the industry. In some cases, when we call a company, we ask them to provide us with the names of some of their top customers to help us evaluate their product.

Does giving you this information sometimes work against the company because their customers don’t like them as much as they believe?

When I first started doing this I thought that contacting customers supplied by a company would be like talking to references on a résumé—they would only say complimentary things. I was amazed when this frequently proved not to be the case. I have often wondered whether a company had any idea what their customers really thought about them. Sometimes we have found our best information this way.

Any other examples of how you pick your short positions?

A good example is Balance Bars. You could walk into any GNC store and see shelves loaded with competitive products and the price of Balance Bar items marked down. Yet the stock was trading at a multiple of thirty-five times earnings; it should have been trading at ten times earnings.

That sounds a lot like Peter Lynch talking about getting trading ideas by going to the mall with his family.

Peter Lynch has probably inspired me more than anyone else. I read his book One Up on Wall Street at least ten times. One question I ask people I interview is whether they’ve read his book. If they haven’t, it tells me they are not as serious about the stock market as they claim to be.

What aspect of the book do you personally find so valuable?

The message that it is critical to do your own research rather than depending on Wall Street research.

What type of research?

Talking to companies and customers.

But the ordinary investor can’t call up companies.

The ordinary investor may not be able to call up the company CFO, but as Lynch advises, the nonprofessional can call the investor relations office and still get valuable information by asking the right questions. The gist of Lynch’s advice to the ordinary investor is: Invest in what you know—the company you work for (assuming it is doing well), companies in the same industry, or companies that make a product you can touch and feel. His point is that people would be much better off investing in companies they understand than listening to their broker and investing in companies they know nothing about. One part of Peter Lynch’s philosophy is that if you can’t summarize the reasons why you own a stock in four sentences, you probably shouldn’t own it.

Did you ever meet Peter Lynch?

I never met him, but I interviewed at Fidelity on several occasions. I was obsessed with getting a job there because I wanted to be the next Peter Lynch and eventually run the Magellan fund. The last time I interviewed with Fidelity, which was right before I took the job at Friess Associates, I got as far as meeting with Jeff Vinik [Lynch’s initial successor as manager of the Magellan fund]. He asked me only two questions, which will stick in my mind forever. First, he asked, “What is the bond rate?” I was a stock guy who never paid attention to the bond market. I subsequently learned that Vinik pays very close attention to interest rates because he trades a lot of bonds. His second question was, “You’re twenty-nine years old; what took you so long?” The interview was over in less than five minutes.

Do you, like Peter Lynch, get trading ideas by going to the mall?

All the time. I love going to malls. Investing is not as complicated as people make it out to be. Sometimes it just requires common sense. Anyone can go to the mall and see that a store like Bombay is empty and the Gap is filled with people. If you go to four or five malls and see the same thing, there is a reason for it. Bombay hasn’t had the right products to make people want to buy their stuff for years, whereas the Gap is continually changing with the times and getting in fresh inventories that meet their customers’ needs.

Does that imply that you bought the Gap and shorted Bombay?

We don’t trade the Gap because we only trade small cap stocks. We have been short Bombay from time to time.

What are examples of trades that were largely inspired by mall visits?

Last Christmas I went to Men’s Wearhouse because I needed a suit. I hated the clothes, and I noticed the store was virtually empty. We did some additional research to confirm the trade, but we ended up shorting the stock.

How about on the long side?

One stock we bought is Claire’s. I noticed that the store always seemed to be mobbed with teenagers. We also liked their financials and found their management very forthcoming.

We were talking about companies with flawed business plans. Any other examples?

Enamalon. The company’s single product was a toothpaste that supposedly did a better job of whitening teeth. If they didn’t spend a lot of money on promotion and advertising, they would never get a toe-hold in the highly competitive toothpaste market. On the other hand, if they did spend enough to get widespread consumer recognition, they would burn through most of their capital. It was a no-win situation from the start. The other problem was that the product cost a lot more than ordinary toothpaste but didn’t work any better. We had everyone in our office try it, and only one person liked it.

You said the name of the company was Enamalon? I never heard of the toothpaste.

Exactly, that’s my point.

What happened to the stock?

The last time I checked, it was trading for one dollar.

It sounds like an important element in your decision to short this stock was to have everyone in the office sample their product. Any other examples of short ideas that were derived by “consumer research”?

[He searches his memory and then laughs.] One of our shorts was Ultrafem. It was a one-product company that was trading at over a $100 million capitalization. The product was a substitute for feminine pads that used what the company termed “a soft cup technology.” The company had put out press releases trumpeting the superiority of their product to conventional alternatives. I called the manufacturer and got them to send me five free samples, which I gave to five women friends. After they tried it, they all came back to me with virtually the same response: “You’ve got to be kidding!” I shorted the stock. The stock was trading in the twenties when I conducted my “market research;” it’s now trading at three cents with a market capitalization of $260,000.

Where did you get out?

We covered our position recently.

You held it all the way down!

This was probably my number one short pick of all time, but unfortunately we had very few shares on the way down because we were bought in on a lot of our stock.

By “bought in” do you mean that the stock you borrowed was called back? [In order to short a stock, the seller must borrow the shares he sells. If the lender of those shares requests their return, the short seller must either borrow the shares elsewhere, which may not be possible, or else buy back the shares in the market.]

Exactly, and the stock was fully locked up [there weren’t any shares available to be borrowed]. That’s when I learned that the short game is very relationship dependent. If there is a scarcity of stock available for borrowing and I’m competing with a large fund manager who does more business with the brokerage firm than I do, guess who’s going to get those shares. This occurred back in 1997; we were a lot smaller then.

Why would loaned shares be called back?

Because the investor requests the stock certificate in his name. [Unless an investor specifically requests the stock certificate, the stock will be held by the brokerage firm (“in the Street name”) and loanable.]

Why would an investor suddenly request receipt of his stock certificate?

Companies whose stock price is very vulnerable because of weak fundamentals will often attract a lot of short selling. Sometimes these companies will encourage their investors to request their stock certificates in their name, in the hopes of forcing shorts to cover their positions when the loaned stock is recalled. Sometimes a few firms will buy up a large portion of the shares in a stock with a heavy short interest and then call in the shares, forcing the shorts to cover at a higher price. Then they will liquidate the stock for a quick profit.

Are you implying that large fund managers will sometimes get together to squeeze the shorts?

It is illegal for portfolio managers to get together to push the price up or down—that’s considered market manipulation. Does it happen anyway? Sure, it happens all the time. During the past five months, just about every stock with a heavy short interest got squeezed at one time or another.

Do most stocks that are squeezed eventually come down?

I am a firm believer that if a stock is heavily shorted, there is usually a good fundamental reason. Most of the time, those stocks will end up much lower. In the interim, however, even a near-valueless stock can go up sharply due to an artificial scarcity of loanable shares.

How do you time your shorts? Certainly there are a lot of overpriced stocks that just get more overpriced.

The timing is definitely the tough part. That is why we spread our short position across so many stocks and use rigorous risk control on our shorts. I don’t mind if I have a long position that goes down 40 percent, as long as I still believe that the fundamentals are sound. If a short goes 20 to 30 percent against us, however, we will start to cover, even if my analysis of the stock is completely unchanged. In fact, I will cover even if I am convinced that the company will ultimately go bankrupt. I have seen too many instances of companies where everything is in place for the stock to go to zero in a year, but it first quintupled because the company made some announcement and the shorts got squeezed. If that stock is a 1 percent short in our portfolio, I’m not going to let it turn into a 5 percent loss. We’ve had a lot of short positions that we closed out because they went against us and that later on collapsed. But we are much more concerned about avoiding a large loss than missing a profit opportunity.


The discussion of the inherent danger of being short a stock that is subject to a squeeze leads to a conversation about Watson’s childhood experience with poisonous snakes, which was described at this chapter’s opening.


Did you feel any fear while you were holding those snakes?

No, I would describe the feeling as closer to excitement. I was a pretty hyperactive kid.

Is there anything that you are afraid of?

I’m going skydiving next week—that scares me.

Why is that?

I thought about that. I realized what scares me—things I can’t control. When I held those snakes, I had control. I’m planning to learn race car driving in Italy this year, and that doesn’t scare me because I’ll have control of the car. But I have no control over the parachute. I just hope that the person who prepares my chute doesn’t have a bad day.

Why are you going skydiving if you have no control?

I just had my birthday this past Saturday; it was one of my gifts. I don’t have any choice. Maybe the person who gave me the present will forget—but I doubt it [he laughs].

What do you look for when you hire an analyst?

For a number of reasons, everyone I hire is in their twenties. First, they will work eighty to a hundred hours a week. Second, they haven’t made so much money that they will sit back and relax. Third, they won’t think twice about calling up a CFO, distributor, or customer. I also hire people who want to win.

Picking stocks is as much an art as a science. There are some people who no matter how hard they work, how much research they do, or how many companies they call, will not succeed because they don’t have the knack of figuring out what is and isn’t going to work.

Did you ever hire anyone who didn’t work out?

The first person I hired. He was one of the smartest people I have ever known. The problem was that he didn’t have any intuition, and he didn’t get the risk side. For example, he would say, “We have to short Yahoo at 10 because it is worth zero.” He didn’t have any instinctive feel for what was going on in the market.

So much of your approach seems to be tied to speaking to company management. If tomorrow you awoke in the financial Twilight Zone and found yourself to be an ordinary investor instead of a fund manager with hundreds of millions in assets, how would you alter your approach?

Well, first of all I would still have a telephone. I might not be able to call the CFO, but I could call other employees of the company, as well as consumers and distributors of their products. Also, the Internet today allows you to get a tremendous amount of information without speaking to anyone. You can get the company’s 10-Qs and 10-Ks [the quarterly and annual company reports required to be filed by the SEC], company press releases, insider trading statistics, and lots of other valuable information. Also, I could still go to the mall and check out a company’s product, which is a big part of what we do.

Anything stand out as your best trade ever?

[He thinks for a while.] I usually don’t get excited about winners; I’m too busy looking for the next trade.

What lessons have you learned about investment?

Do the research and believe in your research. Don’t be swayed by other people’s opinions.

Anything else?

You have to invest without emotions. If you let emotions get involved, you will make bad decisions.

You can’t be afraid to take a loss. The people who are successful in this business are the people who are willing to lose money.

One of the most common trading blunders cited by the Market Wizards is the folly of listening to others for advice—a mistake that proved very costly to some (Walton and Minervini for example). Steve Watson was lucky: He learned the lesson of not listening to others’ opinions from a college course instead of with his own money.

Watson begins his investment selection process by focusing on stocks that are relatively low priced (low price/earnings ratio), a characteristic that limits risk. A low price is a necessary but not sufficient condition. Many low-priced stocks are low for a reason and will stay relatively depressed. The key element of Watson’s approach is to anticipate which of these low-priced stocks are likely to enjoy a change in investors’ perceptions. In order to identify potential impending changes that could cause a shift in market sentiment, Watson conducts extensive communication with companies and their competitors, consumers, and distributors. He is also a strong proponent of such commonsense research as trying a company’s product, or in the case of a retailer, visiting its stores. Finally, Watson looks for insider buying as a confirmation condition for his stock selections.

Shorting is considered a high-risk activity and is probably inappropriate for the average investor. Nevertheless, Watson demonstrates that if risk controls are in place to avoid the open-ended losses that can occur in a short position, shorting can reduce portfolio risk by including positions that are inversely correlated with the rest of the portfolio. On the short side, Watson seeks out high-priced companies that have a flawed business plan—often one-product companies that are vulnerable either because the performance of their single product falls far short of promotional claims or because there is no barrier to entry for competitors.

Watson achieves risk control through a combination of diversification, selection, and loss limitation rules. He diversifies his portfolio sufficiently so that the largest long holdings account for a maximum of 2 to 3 percent of the portfolio. Short positions are capped at about 1.5 percent of the portfolio. The risk on long positions is limited by Watson’s restricting the selection of companies from the universe of low-priced stocks. On the short side, risk is limited by money management rules that require reducing or liquidating a stock that is moving higher, even if the fundamental justification for the trade is completely unchanged.

Watson has maintained the pig-at-the-trough philosophy he was exposed to at Friess Associates. He is constantly upgrading his portfolio—replacing stocks with other stocks that appear to have an even better return/risk outlook. Therefore, he will typically sell a profitable long holding even though he expects it to go still higher, because after a sufficient advance, he will find another stock that offers equal or greater return potential with less risk. The relevant question is never, “Is this a good stock to hold?” but rather, “Is this a better stock than any alternative holding that is not already in the portfolio?”

Update on Steve Watson

Not long after our interview, Watson turned over the day-to-day management of his funds to two of the company’s portfolio managers to allow him to pursue other interests on the West Coast. (He declined to discuss these new endeavors on the record.) Watson remains an investor in the funds and retains investment decision involvement through frequent phone consultations with his appointed portfolio managers. Insofar as Watson made his dramatic career shift near the end of the bull market, one has to wonder whether his innate market sense might have influenced the timing, at least on a subconscious level.


Why did you decide to shift away from active fund management?

I hired two guys I really respect, and I thought they would do well. It’s like the old man passing on the torch.

But you’re not an old man—you’re a lot younger than I am!

I wanted to pursue new challenges.

What’s your long-term view of the market?

I have never seen microcap stocks so cheap, but I also have never seen so many stocks that are lacking a catalyst to make them move higher. So the ingredients are there for a rebound, but the timing is not imminent. I just reviewed two hundred microcap stocks yesterday and was amazed by how many are trading at or below cash. Their businesses aren’t great, but they’re cutting costs. With their cost structures reduced, if the economy begins to improve and you get any increment in revenues, they’ll be in position to put up good earnings. Although the market probably still has some more weakness ahead of it [this interview was conducted August 2002], I’m quite optimistic about the longer-term outlook—say, beginning in 2003.