A Bridge Too Far, 226-227

AC-47, 129

Agutter, Jenny, 222

Air Commerce Act, 14

Air Commerce Department, 14

Air Mail Act, 14

Air Union, 102

Alcock, John, 12

Alexander, Edward, 168

Alexander, Harold, 115, 116, 147

Allen, Eddie, 30

Ambrose, Stephen, 67

American Airlines, 22, 30, 35, 39, 42, 45, 49, 52, 57, 99, 100, 102, 168

American Volunteer Group, 161

Annapolis, 9

Ant-35, 34

Appleton, Victor, 106

Arlen, Richard, 225

Arnhem, 69, 71, 76, 121, 122, 127, 134

Arnold, Henry, 129, 162, 164, 166

AT-2, 34

Atkinson Field, 57

Atwood, Lee, 21

Avro York, 192, 204

Axis Sally, 154

B-9, 17

B-25, 21

B-29, 30, 192

BABS, 189

Back from Eternity, 216-217

Baer Field, 57

Bakalyan, Richard, 222

Balderton, 57, 69, 76

Barron, Russell, 57

Barry, Gene, 217

Bastogne, 71

Battle of the Ardennes, 122

Battle of the Bulge, 71

Berlin Airlift, 77, 182-207

Bevin, Ernest, 191, 192

Blitzkrieg campaign, 129

Boeing Company, 17, 30

Boeing, William, 17

Bogarde, Dirk, 227

Bond, Ward, 219

Boreham, 126, 154

Borinquen Field, 57

Bourges, 108, 109

Braniff International Airways, 85

Brown, Arthur, 12

Brown, Walter, 14

Burton, Ed, 21

C-39, 132

C-53, 132, 145, 146

C-54, 105, 162, 192, 202, 203, 204

C-87, 162, 165

Caan, James, 227

Caine, Michael, 222, 227

Camp Toccoa, 65

Casablanca conference, 114

Cate, J.L., 165

Chandler, Jeff, 215

Chateaudun, 71

Chenault, Claire, 161, 175

Chevrolet, 132

Chiang Kai-Shek, 161, 162, 173

Chipping Ongar, 123, 126, 155

Churchill, Winston, 51, 114, 137, 146

Clay, Lucius, 191

Cloudster, 9, 11

Clover Field, 13, 14

Collbohm, Frank, 30, 45

Collingwood, Charles, 113

Connery, Sean, 227

Connecticut Aircraft, 9

Cover, Carl, 28, 45

Continental Airlines, 52

Craven, W.F. , 165

Crookenden, Napier, 122, 154

Currahee, 65

Curtis Commando, 53, 162, 164, 165, 166, 167

Curtiss Field, 13, 14

Curtiss Condor, 39

Curtiss P-40, 161

Cutting, Bronson, 34

Davis, David, 11

Davis wing, 11

DC-1, 10, 23, 24, 26, 28, 30, 42

DC-2, 10, 28, 29, 30, 34, 35, 39, 42, 51, 52, 102, 129, 132

DC-6, 105

DC-7, 105

D-Day, 61, 67, 68, 75, 114, 145

Decesaro, Joe, 98

De Havilland Comet, 30

Dexter, Brad, 221

Diddington, 170

DN-1 dirigible, 9

Douglas Aircraft, 9, 10, 12, 14, 15, 22, 23, 24, 35, 49, 53, 57, 100, 129, 132

Douglas, Donald, 9, 10, 13, 14, 17, 21, 23, 26, 28, 39, 42,45, 94, 129

Douglas Park, 13

Douglas Sleeper Transport, 42, 45, 49, 51, 57, 231

Douglas C-54 Skymaster, 105

Douvre River, 67

Drozda, Michael, 61

Dunn, James, 228

Duvall, Robert, 222

Eastern Airlines, 18, 30, 52, 92, 94, 95, 102

Eastern Airline Military Air Transport Division, 165

East of Sumatra, 214-215

EC-47, 129

Ecoquenauville, 65

82nd Airborne Division, 67, 121

Eindhoven, 69

Eisenhower, Dwight, 76, 114, 115, 122, 129, 147, 149, 151, 154

Ekberg, Anita, 217

Ethell, Jeffrey, 208

Federal Aviation Authority, 14

50th Troop Carrier Wing, 71, 76

Flickinger, Don, 175

Flight Into Nowhere, 218-219

Florida Airways, 92

Flying Blind, 224-225

Flying Tigers, 161

Fokker, Antony, 14, 53

Fokker, Tri-Motor, 14, 26, 45

Fokker, T-2, 11

Ford, Bob, 92

Ford, Tri-Motor, 23, 26

Fort Benning, 61

Fort Bliss, 11

Fort Bragg, 61

Fort Meyer, 9

439th Troop Carrier Group, 57, 61, 68, 69, 71, 76, 77

Fox, Edsward, 227

Fry, Joe, 72, 73

Frye, Jack, 21, 22, 23, 24, 39

Gable, Clark, 52

Galvin, John, 67

Gatow, 189, 192, 204, 206

Gavin, James, 116, 117, 121, 125, 154, 227

Gee Bee Racer, 30

General Aviation, 21

Golddiggers 1937, 30, 31,

Goodyear Field, 11

Grave, 151

Greenham Common, 68

Guadalcanal, 132

Hackman, Gene, 227

Hamilton Standard, 26

Handley Page Halifax, 126

Handley Page Hastings, 192

Hannah, George, 174

Herman, Fred. 21

Hitler, Adolf, 122, 129, 154

Hocking, Phyllis, 172

Hogan, Jack, 222

Holt, Jack, 219

Howard, Leslie, 51

Hughes, Carolyn, 222

The Hump, 160-181

Hunsaker, Jerome, 9

Imperial Airways, 102

Imperial War Museum, 184

Indianpolis Motor Speedway, 92

IX Troop Carrier Command, 71, 76, 123, 127, 154, 155

Jaffe, Sam, 225

Jenkins, Gordon, 15

Junkers, JU-88, 57

Ki-34, 34

Keegan, John, 62

Kimmel, Ruth, 98

Kindelberger, James, 21, 23

Kirchner, Otto, 42, 49

Kirk, Phyllis, 217

Kittyhawk, 9

Klare, George, 208

KLM, 30

Li-2, 53, 129

L2D, 129

Li-3, 53

L-5, 173

Ladd, Alan, 220-221

Langley engine, 9

Lea, Geoff, 134-135

LeMay, Curtis, 187, 205

Liberator, B-24, 11, 63, 76

Liberty engine, 10, 11

Lineas Aeroeas Postales Espanolas, 34

Lisunov, Boris, 53

Littlewood, Bill, 42, 49, 231

Lockheed Aircraft, 52

Lockheed Lodestar, 52

Lockheed Ventura, 52

Lockheed P-38, 63

Lombard, Carole, 52

Los Angeles County Museum of Natural History, 13

Lost Horizon, 225

Luce, Henry, 161

MB-1, 9

MB-2, 9

MacArthur, Douglas, 136

MacRobertson Race, 30

McNary-Watres Act, 14

Marrakech, 57

Martin, Frederick, 13

Marshall, George, 187, 192, 201

Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 9, 21

Maxwell, Marilyn, 215

Mays, Verne, 61, 76

Messerschmitt Bf, 110, 57

Millichamp, Ivy, 149

Mills Field, 98

Mitchell, Thomas, 225

Moore, Grace, 51

Morrison Field, 57

Montgomery, Bernard, 69, 115, 116, 121, 122, 129, 147, 149

Morgan, Leonard, 85

Mussolini, Benito, 149

Mustang, P-51, 39, 62

NATO, 201

National Air and Space Museum, 13

NC-4, 12

Nelson, Erik, 13

New York Times, 202

Nijmegen, 69, 121, 151

Nimitz, Chester, 136

92nd Troop Carrier Squadron, 57, 61, 62

None But The Brave, 221

Normandy, 61, 62, 65, 68, 69, 121, 122, 138, 141, 142

North American Aviation, 21

North American B-25, 173

Northrop, Jack, 23

Notre Dame University, 14

O-38, 21

Oleson, Malcolm, 51

101st Airborne Division, 61, 67

Olivier, Laurence, 227

O’Neal, Ryan, 227

Operation Chicago, 65

Operation Dragoon, 61, 62, 75

Operation Fustian, 116, 149

Operation Husky, 114, 116, 148

Operation Knicker, 205

Operation Market-Garden, 68, 75, 121, 149, 151, 227

Operation Overlord, 62, 145

Operation Plainfare, 205, 206

Operation Repulse, 71

Operation Sledgehammer, 137

Operation Torch, 136, 137

Operation Varsity, 76, 122, 129

Operation Vittles, 205

Orbitello, 61, 76

Oswald, Bailey, 23, 28, 30

P-38, 62

P-51, 21, 39, 62

Pan American Airways, 102

Paratroop Command, 223

Parker, Jean, 225

Patrick, Mason, 12

Patton, George, 115, 116, 147, 148

Pearl Harbor, 85, 132

Percaro, Carmine, 57

Petty, Cecil, 61, 66

Porter, John, 172

Pratt & Whitney, 26

Quinn, Anthony, 215

R4D, 129, 132

Rabaul, 136

Ramsbury, 68

Randolph Field, 57

Raymond, Arthur, 21, 22, 23, 26, 28, 35, 42, 45, 132

Rebecca Eureka, 189

Redford, Robert, 227

Remagen, 76

Republic P-47, 68

Reichstag, 190-191

Richthofen, Manfred, 92

Rickenbacker, Eddie, 92, 94, 95, 98, 165, 167

Ridgeway, Mathew, 77

Roberts Field, 57

Robbins, Richard, 22, 23

Rockne, Knute, 14, 34

Roosevelt, Franklin, 52, 114, 132, 137, 146, 168

Root, Eugene, 28

Ryan, Robert, 227

Sainte-Mere-Eglise, 65, 137, 145

Schell, Maximillian, 227

Scientific American, 34

17th Airborne Division, 71, 122, 125, 154

Shakespeare, William, 113

60th Trrop Carrier Squadron, 61

63rd Troop Carrier Group, 61

Short Stirling, 126

Short Sunderland, 192, 204

Sikorsky, Igor, 35

Simonsen, Clarence, 208

Sinatra, Frank, 221

Skysleeper, 42

Skytrooper, 129

Smith, Cyrus, 39, 42, 51, 168

Smith, Lowell, 13

Smithsonian Institution, 9

Sosabowski, Stanislaw, 121, 154

Spanhoe Lodge, 62, 63

Spirit of St Louis, 14

Spitfire, 39, 68

Springer, Eric, 11

Stalin, Josef, 187, 192

Standard Air Lines, 21

Stillwell, Joseph, 165, 175

Steiger, Rod, 217

Stineman, Fred, 21

Stowe, Leland, 161

Sutherland, Donald, 222

Taylor, Maxwell, 114, 121, 154

Tegel Airport, 199, 206

Tempelhof Airport, 186, 188, 189, 192, 204

Temple, Shirley, 228

Tennyson, Alfred, 129, 146

The Big Jump, 220

The Eagle Has Landed, 222

The Paratrooper, 220

The Red Beret, 220

Thompson, Alexander, 98

Thunderbolt, P-47, 68

Tomlinson, Tommy, 24, 30

Tower, Harry, 61

Trimble, Charles, 57

Truman, Harry, 191

Tunner, William, 170, 173, 174, 205

Tusa, Ann and John, 184, 201

TWA, 12, 14, 17, 21, 22, 23, 24, 28, 30, 34, 39, 49, 52, 102

Ullman, Liv, 227

United Aircraft, 14

United Airlines, 17, 32-33, 39, 49 52, 98, 100, 102

United States Naval Academy, 9

Upottery, 65, 76

Urquhart, Robert, 121, 154

Utah Beach, 68

V-1 flying bomb, 121, 123, 151

V-2 rocket, 149, 151

Vickers Vimy, 12

Wade, Leigh, 13

Walker, Clint, 221

Warmwell, 68

Weisfeld, George, 72

Western Airlines, 21, 48-49

Wetzel, Harry, 21, 22

Wethersfield, 126, 154, 155

White, Theodore, 161

Wideawake Field, 57

World Cruiser, Douglas, 13

Wright engine, 26

Wright brothers, 9

Wunstorf airfield, 202

Wyatt, Jane, 225

Young, Charles, 57, 62

Zais, Melvin, 61

Zand, Stephen, 24, 42