
Topics for Your Book Club’s Discussion of Orange as Marmalade


If you’ve never belonged to a book discussion group, now may be the time to join one. If you can’t find one, why not get a few friends together and start one? A search of the Internet for Book Discussion Clubs will give you a good starting point.

There are, of course, many topics for discussion in any good book. The following list is intended to be used as a springboard for conversation about Orange as Marmalade. Please feel free to bring up your own questions. It helps if everyone in the club has read the book to be discussed, and many people like to make notes in the book margins as they read, to make it easier to find specific passages that relate to the topic under discussion.




Do you have sisters by birth, sisters by choice, or both?

Would you trust your sister if she had failed you somehow in the past?

Has the age difference between you and your sister affected your relationship? If so, how?

Are you closer to your sister now than when you were growing up?

Why or why not?




If you have children of your own, did having them change your opinion of your own parents?

Describe your parents in terms of what lessons they’ve taught you.

When you were young, which set of parents in your neighborhood would you like to have had?

What did you learn from those people?




Did you have a favorite pet as a child?

I hope so.

Do you have an animal that brings richness to your life? In what ways?

I have some special humans in my life.

What is the most important lesson you’ve learned from an animal?

Think carefully about this one.

How do you balance meeting the needs of your pet with meeting the needs of your family? Has this been easy or are there challenges?

Does your animal have a Goodhands to help?

What has been your experience with receiving messages from your special animal friend(s)?

It is much easier if you relax your heart and LISTEN.




Throughout Orange as Marmalade, Biscuit McKee writes a gratitude list at the end of each day.

So do I.

What has been your experience with gratitude lists?

Are there other ways in which you can increase your awareness of the positive elements of your life?

Those are good questions.




In what ways are you supported by the people in your neighborhood?

How would you rate your neighborhood on a scale of 1 to 10?

In what ways do you contribute to a sense of connection with your neighbors?

If you have lived in both cities and towns, how would you compare these experiences?

Is there one thing you could do to increase the “neighborliness” of the area in which you live?

Is your neighborhood ethnically diverse? Are there many different religions represented? How would you rate the “tolerance level” of your community? How could that level be improved? What one thing could you do this week to make a difference?




What was your very best after-school job?

What have been the best lessons you’ve learned from working?

What advice would you give a new parent about how to instill a work ethic without overdoing it?

What are five ways you can increase the amount of joy you have in your current job?




What is your experience with photography? gardening? cooking? decorating? birding?

If you could spend time increasing your skills in one area, what would you choose to do?

Did you grow up in a family where hobbies were encouraged? In what way?

Have you ever considered writing a book that relates to a hobby of yours?




What was your own mother’s way of handling motherhood and career?

Did you or would you choose to do it differently? Why or why not?

If you have a daughter or a favorite niece, what can you do to help her prepare for the time when impending motherhood might conflict with her chosen work?




Has anyone close to you ever been diagnosed with bipolar disorder? If so, how would you characterize the impact that person had on you or your family?

Are you familiar with the signs and symptoms of depression? A confidential screening for bipolar disorder is available from the Depression and Bipolar Support Alliance at or toll-free 1-800-826-3632. Lists of symptoms of depression and bipolar disorder are available from the National Institutes of Mental Health at or toll-free 1-866-615-6464.

There are many illnesses, disorders, or dis-eases that affect family members. Have you ever had to deal with a family member who had a long-term physical, mental, or emotional challenge? If so, what were the specific challenges, and how did your family cope with them?




Who’s the zaniest relative you have? Is it yourself?

What have you learned from that person’s life experiences?

Do you have any relatives you don’t claim in public ... or at all?

What have you learned from them?




What’s your favorite family wedding story?

If you are married, is there one thing you wish you could have changed about your wedding?

Describe your idea of the ideal wedding.

Do you know anything about the weddings of your grand-parents? If it’s not too late, can you find out the details from them or from someone who knew them? Why would this be an important project?