AGENCY. An administrative department within the U.S. government that provides goods and services to reservation Native Americans. Also refers to land set aside for their use. See reservation.
ALLIANCE. An agreement between different groups that unites them for a common purpose.
AMBUSH. A surprise attack by people who were hiding in a concealed position.
ANNUITY. A sum of money paid once a year.
APPROPRIATION. The setting aside or assigning of something, such as money, for specific purposes.
ASSIMILATION. Integrating a smaller, usually ethnic, group into a larger one and causing it to lose its identity.
BREASTWORKS. A protective barrier that is chest high.
BUFFALO. This symbol of the American West is properly named the North American bison. It got the name buffalo because it reminded European explorers of African and Asian buffalo.
CASUALTY. A person killed or wounded in battle.
CAVALRY. Soldiers who fight on horseback.
CESSION. A formal giving up of rights or property, usually through the signing of a treaty.
COLUMN. In the military, a line of troops moving in the same direction.
COMPLIANT. Willing to agree or to obey the rules of others.
CONDUCT. The way a person acts or behaves.
COULEE. A streambed or small ravine.
DIPLOMACY. The act of dealing with people in a sensitive way in order to reach an agreement or avoid conflict.
FORAGING. Searching for food in a large area.
GUERRILLA. A person who takes part in irregular fighting, often through hit-and-run raids, rather than participating in an organized military campaign.
HOWITZER. A short-barreled cannon that shoots shells in a high arc.
INFANTRY. Soldiers who march and fight on foot.
LANCE. A spear.
MARAUDING. Making attacks for the purpose of stealing things, damaging property, or intimidating people.
MILITIA. A force of civilians organized in an emergency to fight an enemy.
MULATTO. A person of mixed white and black ancestry.
MUTINY. An open rebellion against authorities.
PARLEY. A meeting between two opposing groups in an attempt to reach a peaceful agreement.
PEMMICAN. A concentrated, dried food consisting of lean meat and fat.
PROSPECTOR. A person who searches land for minerals, usually gold.
RELINQUISHMENT. The releasing or letting go of something.
RENDEZVOUS. To meet at a particular place and time.
RESERVATION. Land set aside for the use of Native Americans. See agency.
RICOCHET. To bounce one or more times off something; also something (like a bullet) that ricochets.
STOCKADE. A wall formed by upright posts and designed for defense against attack.
SUBJECTION. A state of being controlled or dominated through the use of force.
TANGIBLE. Real, clearly seen, touched, or understood.
TRAVOIS. A type of sled made of two poles and strapped to a horse or dog used by Plains Indians to carry possessions.