"Hi, Shaun,” Spencer addressed the tall, buff security guard as he entered Summerset Mall.
"Good morning, Spencer. Have a good weekend?"
"Yes, thanks,” Spencer lied. He'd spent some of his night restlessly tossing and turning, unable to sleep for thoughts of Jason and his flirting. “Did you have a good vacation?"
"Sure did.” Shaun winked, as he always did.
Spencer smiled and headed for the elevator, wondering why his stomach didn't go to butterflies when Shaun winked at him like it did when Jason smiled at him. Obviously Shaun was straight. The wink was probably just Shaun's way of teasing the nerd. It wouldn't be the first time someone had a laugh at Spencer's expense. He'd heard what everyone in the office was saying about him.
The elevator opened and Spencer headed toward his desk. The neon yellow Post-It note caught his eye and the morning's coffee churned in his stomach. Robotically, he sat in his chair and stared at the note stuck to his computer monitor. There hadn't been any of them for a while now. He'd thought that whoever was leaving them had become fed up with teasing him and moved on. But no. Of course not. It would be just his luck that a creepy note leaving stalker would be the only person in the world to not ignore him.
Good morning, Sunshine.
You looked so hot in those faded blue jeans yesterday.
Made me want to fuck you right there in Sky Hawk.
See you soon.
Spencer stared at the note and swallowed hard. His throat was drier than the Sahara—fear had a way of doing that. This note was different from the others. It was more personal. Had he been followed to Sky Hawk? Spencer wanted to get right back up, head for the elevator and call in sick. But... what kind of man was he if he was afraid of Post-It notes? There had to be a logical explanation for all this. The notes were probably left by one of his co-workers playing a joke on him, though it wasn't very funny. It could be Rosa, trying to ascertain if he was gay, hence the fuck you right there statement. Then again, Rosa seemed the dominating sort. Shaking off the image of Rosa wearing a strap-on, Spencer pulled the note off the screen, crumpled it and tossed it into the mesh trash bin next to his desk. He took a deep calming breath. No way was the prankster getting the satisfaction of seeing him rattled. Sooner or later, the person responsible would grow tired of it and leave him alone.
The door to the lunch room opened and closed, the squeak of its hinges making Spencer cringe. He looked up—maybe it was the note leaver—and saw Jason. That was unusual in itself. Jason never arrived at work early. He usually raced in with seconds to spare. And once or twice, Spencer had seen Jason writing 8:55 next to his name in the sign in book, when the time was actually 9:10.
"Hey, morning,” Jason greeted him and indicated the cup of coffee he was holding. “Want one? I need another. This time of morning sucks."
"Morning,” Spencer said, his gaze shifted from Jason to the crumpled note in the trash bin. “Thanks, I'd love one.” Could Jason have left the Post-It? That theory was quickly shot down, Jason never came in this early and he didn't seem the secret admirer/stalker type.
"No probs.” Jason disappeared back into the lunch room.
Spencer slumped in his chair. Okay, chances were that Jason hadn't left the note, but had he seen it? God, Spencer hoped not. Not with what it had written on it. Jason might think... well, he'd think that Spencer was some sort of slut who put out anywhere and everywhere. He groaned silently. Nothing could be further from the truth. He was a virgin. He was sure that female singer that was more butch than he was, Pink something, had been watching him when she wrote that song. It'd been just him and his hand—and a few select magazines—for as long as he could remember.
"Wakey wakey, hands off snakey.” Jason's voice interrupted his self-deprecating thoughts.
Spencer shook off the glazed look he must've had in his eyes and accepted the cup of coffee. “Um, thank you.” Damn, could Jason read his mind? That comment... Oh God, did he know? Spencer blushed. “I wasn't... um, didn't, don't... That is..."
Jason laughed and perched on the edge of Spencer's desk. “You don't what? Wank? You'd be the only one."
"I... uh...” Spencer wanted one of the cracks in the floor to open up and swallow him. No way was he answering that—best to redirect the conversation. “What are you doing here so early?"
"Car wouldn't start. It's been playing up for a while now, not like I wasn't expecting it.” Jason drank half the cup of his hot coffee. “Choice of two buses, one gets me here early, the other quarter past, and that's too late even for me to fux with the time book."
"Hope you get it fixed soon.” Spencer did not like his morning routine mucked with. Having Jason here early—and on his desk—was distracting to say the least. But it was getting his mind off the creepy note.
"You and me both. There's only one good reason to wake up early, and getting to work isn't it. What's your excuse?"
"I like the quiet of the empty office.” Spencer shrugged his shoulders, knowing just how lame that sounded.
"Yeah? Drives me nuts. There's nothing to do."
"There's always something to do. And no-one is around to distract you."
"I like the distractions. Like the water delivery guy in his shorts... verrry distracting.” Jason finished his coffee. “Really should talk to him one day; probably straight though."
"I never paid attention to him.” Spencer couldn't believe Jason was still talking to him. Had Spencer entered The Twilight Zone?
"You don't let much distract you, from what I've seen. Don't be too much of a super hero, Spence, they'll expect it from you all the time."
"Nothing wrong with working hard.” Spencer usually detested that nickname; he thought it made him sound like a pimp. How hard was it to say the r? But when Jason said it... it sounded nice. Spencer wondered what it would sound like during more intimate circumstances. Oh God, he did not want to go through the day with a hard on. Interest rates... Taxes... Itemized profit and losses...
"Never let them know everything you know,” Jason countered, seeming to trade cliche for cliche. He leaned closer to Spencer. “Wanna come out tonight? Grab something to eat?"
Spencer's reply would forever be caught in that limbo of shock and surprise. Right at that minute, the elevator doors opened, ejecting Rosa, Jenny and Eli. The girls clattered by in their stiletto heels, a perfume cloud wafting behind them, gossiping about some girl in the make-up department, while Eli raised his eyebrows and grinned at Jason, never stopping his conversation on his mobile phone. Great, Spencer thought, there went his morning. Productivity would be down ten percent today. The sooner Jason's car was fixed...
"Jason,” Rosa called from her desk, holding up a little bright pink box. “Can you fix this?"
Jason rolled his eyes. “Later, Spence.” He pushed himself off Spencer's desk and headed for Rosa. “What is it? MP3 player..."
Rosa took the opportunity to hang all over Jason. The woman had no shame what so ever. It annoyed Spencer. More than it should've, since he didn't have any claim on Jason. Obviously Rosa and the rest didn't know Jason was gay. Spencer could kick himself for not answering Jason before the She-devil got her claws into him. Dinner would've been nice. Maybe Jason would ask again? Spencer knew better than to read more into it. Just two co-workers sharing a meal. Spencer didn't think Jason was playing with him.
But, someone in the office was playing with him, leaving creepy notes on his desk. Spencer watched his colleagues and tried to figure out who looked guilty. It was hard to believe that Eli, with his dark hair and eyes, and boyish features would even know the word fuck, let alone use it in a note like the one Spencer had received. Jenny or Rosa? No. For some reason, Spencer thought the note was from a male. And not Jason. Jason had just proved he didn't need notes, he just straight out asked.
Good morning, sweetheart.
I dreamed of you last night.
The things you can do with your tongue...
Pulling the note off the screen, Spencer tossed it in the trash. He was beginning to hate the color yellow. The neon Post-It seemed to mock him, reminding him that he wasn't accepted by his co-workers. Except for Jason. Now there was someone who could probably do wicked things with his tongue.
Spencer sighed and wished Jason had asked him to dinner again yesterday. Spencer would have said yes. Sadly, Jason hadn't; in fact Jason had been away from his desk for most of the day. Spencer didn't even recall seeing him leave or return. He glanced back at Jason's desk and wondered where the man was. Was his car fixed and Spencer could forget about the one morning of interruption he'd had yesterday? He turned his computer on and settled down for a productive morning.
"Morning, Spence. How are you, this morning?” Jason strolled silently out of the lunch room and placed a cup of coffee on Spencer's desk.
"Thank you.” Spencer picked up the cup. “Maintenance must have finally fixed it.” He gestured to the lunch room door.
"Or me.” Jason brandished a small can of WD40. “It drove me insane.” He pulled the chair from the neighboring desk over and sat on it, swinging around in a circle before stopping and looking at Spencer. “You look good today."
"Thank you, so do you.” Spencer felt his cheeks heat. Of course Jason knew he looked good. The man could make a potato sack look hot.
"Thank you.” Jason leaned back in the chair and propped his feet on Spencer's desk. “About grabbing dinner one night? Tonight?"
"I can't tonight” Figured the one night Spencer had plans would be the night Jason asked him out. Typical Spencer luck, he had no idea what he'd done in a past life to piss karma off.
"Hot date?” Jason asked, sounding mildly irritated.
"No.” Spencer fiddled with a loose thread on his chair. “I have my monthly meeting tonight.” Oh God, a monthly meeting sounded too much like AA. He quickly added, “Third Tuesday of every month the local Rock Hound Club meets at Summerset Library.” Again, Spencer wished the cracks in the floor would open and swallow him. Saying no to Jason for a bunch of rock hounders? God he'd be lucky if Jason ever talked to him again.
"Are you playing hard to get?” Jason's eyebrows disappeared under his spiky fringe and he was grinning.
"What? No!” Spencer cringed at the desperation in his voice. “I just...” He had no idea how to justify turning Jason down. Here he had a totally fucking hot guy wanting to go to dinner with him and Spencer was saying no.
"No matter,” Jason said as if Spencer hadn't even spoken. “I'm sure I'll find a way to get you all to myself one-day. Tomorrow for lunch, maybe?"
Spencer's eyes widened in surprise and his cheeks burned with embarrassment. Why on Earth would Jason want Spencer all to himself? Surely Jason had better ways to spend his time then with an average, boring, dull, bland... Spencer stopped before he depressed himself. “Okay?"
"And maybe we'll forget to come back to work..."
"No.” Spencer was appalled at the mere thought of skipping out after lunch.
Jason laughed. “Have you ever done anything naughty?"
"I'm not a prude."
"Can't wait to find out.” Jason winked and dropped his feet to the floor just as the elevator dinged.
Spencer stared, sure that his jaw was hitting the floor. What did Jason mean by that?
Rosa, Jenny and Eli left the elevator, filling the office with chatter.
"Later, Spence.” Jason pushed the chair back to its place and ambled over to his own work area.
Good morning, my darling.
Damn, I want to take you home and do wicked things to you.
How about it?
Spencer quickly ripped the note off his computer screen, tossed it in the trash bin. Out of sight, out of mind. Nothing was going to spoil his good mood today—not even some sick fuck who had nothing better to do than to pick on him. Today was Spencer's lunch ‘date’ with Jason. Granted they were only going to the mall's food court, but it still meant something to Spencer. Hopefully he wouldn't do anything to embarrass himself. He glanced at the lunch room door. Curious to know if Jason were in there making coffee, Spencer stood and walked over to check. He pushed open the door and collided with Jason, who was on his way out and carrying two cups of coffee.
"Oh shit, sorry love."
"Holyfuckinghell!” The hot coffee drenched Spencer's pristine white shirt. He stood there, covered in coffee, gaping at Jason like a fish out of water. Love? His heart began hammering in his singed chest. “It's... I'm... Okay...” Spencer wanted to run for the elevator and just go home and crawl into bed. He must look like such a dork. He should've known the day was going to Hell when he saw the note on his monitor.
Jason dragged Spencer back into the lunch room and grabbed a damp sponge. He wiped ineffectually at the coffee colored stain on Spencer's shirt. “Not sure it's doing any good. White and coffee's not a good combo."
Jason was invading Spencer's personal space and Spencer found that he liked it—a bit too much. The last thing he needed was to get hard and embarrass himself further.
"I'll just go buy a shirt.” Spencer moved out of Jason's reach. “We do work for the largest and best department store in Summerset."
Jason reached into the back pocket of his jeans and pulled out a twenty. “Here, my fault."
"It was an accident.” Spencer refused to take Jason's money. Feeling a little bolder, he added, “You can buy lunch.” Spencer bit his lip and held his breath waiting for Jason's response.
Jason tucked the money into the front pocket of Spencer's trousers. “I was going to."
"Oh, hello boys.” Rosa pushed open the lunch room door and clicked over to the cupboard where the coffee mugs were kept. “Ooo, Spencer, that doesn't look too good, sweety."
"I'm getting a replacement.” Spencer groaned inwardly, of all the people to see him covered in coffee it had to be her. She already thought he was abnormal.
It was a most unproductive morning for Spencer. Because he'd had to purchase a new shirt—luckily Julie, the head sales associate, had arrived early and happily assisted him—that set the day's productivity back another ten percent. When he'd returned to accounts, Jason was nowhere to be seen, having been called out to fix a register in house-wares. Which was a blessing; he was already distracted, unable to concentrate on the figures on his screen. His thoughts kept drifting to lunch and he kept glancing up at the clock, which was taunting him with its slow moving hands. It was only lunch at the food court, but it was causing butterflies in Spencer's stomach. Jason was an attractive guy and, for some unfathomable reason, interested in spending time with him.
As soon as the clock struck noon, Spencer sprang from his chair and rushed toward the elevator. He dashed through the crowds, side-stepping mothers with strollers containing screaming babies. Spencer entered the food court and found a table near The Golden Dragon. He took a moment to get his breathing under control after his mad dash through the mall. It was silly that he was so excited about this sure to be sodium and calorie loaded lunch. But he couldn't help it—he was excited, he was happy.
That changed as time went on and Jason was a no show. Why would Jason go through all that trouble just to stand Spencer up? Spencer took a sip of the soda he'd bought and tried not to get too depressed.
"Not much of a lunch, that.” Mark from accounts slid into the very empty chair opposite Spencer. “Mind if I join you for a few?"
"Sure.” Spencer didn't want to be rude, even though he didn't want the company. What had suddenly changed? As long as a week or so ago, there was no way Mark would have sat with him of his own free will. Jason had never even so much as looked at him. He looked around for television cameras, quickly, not wanting Mark to think him insane. If this last week of his life turned up on some stupid television show, it would surprise him less than what was happening.
"That was a wicked car you were getting into on Sunday,” Mark enthused. “I love Mustangs."
Spencer's breath hitched as the tension began to build in his body with those words. Mark had seen him? Was Mark following him? Was Mark the leaver of the horrible neon yellow notes? Unlikely but, how well did he know his co-workers? Spencer wished he could retreat back to the office. Could he? Or would Mark think he was being rude? Damn it! What happened to his good day?
"Yes, it is a nice car,” Spencer tried to sound polite even though his heart was hammering away in his chest. He was thankful that he hadn't eaten anything for lunch—it would have made a second appearance on the mall floor.
"You okay there, Spencer? You've gone awful pale.” Mark peered at him.
"What? No, I'm fine, just a little tired.” Spencer looked at the man sitting opposite him in a different light. What if he was the one leaving the notes?
"Big weekend, huh? I've heard that Jason knows how to party.” Mark laughed.
This felt too much like gossip for Spencer's taste. He didn't approve of the gossip going on behind his back, so why would he tell someone he barely knew about his night out? Was Mark trying to get the skinny on Jason? Or did Mark want Jason? That was unacceptable; Spencer was feeling territorial. Which was silly, since Jason had stood him up.
"Just went to a friend's house.” Mark would just have to accept that answer—it was all he was going to get. “I should head back to the office."
"Now? But there's still ten minutes of lunch time left.” Mark stood and scanned the food court. “Enough time to get a donut. See you back there."
Spencer started the slow trek back to the office. No burning desire to get back—and face Jason. Not that he blamed Jason; not really, Spencer knew he was shy and that it took a while for him to open up to people. Maybe he should stop by Sky Hawk after work and buy one of those motivational tapes about boosting self esteem. It was time he instigated some changes in his life.
As Spencer entered the department store and made his way to the elevators, he noticed a pale green button down in men's wear and, on impulse, purchased it. It would easily stand out in his closet among the white shirts. Shopping bag in hand, Spencer entered the elevator and thought about what other changes he could make. The doors opened, and by the time Spencer sat his desk, he knew he was kidding himself. The new shirt would end up in the back of the closet among all the other clothing he'd never wear.
He heard Rosa's laughter and looked up to see her and Jason saunter out of the elevator together, almost as intimate as if they were lovers. She smiled coyly at Jason. “Thank you Jason, I'll certainly keep that in mind,” she trilled before tottering off to her desk.
Spencer caught Jason looking at him and turned his gaze back to his monitor before Jason saw the hurt in his eyes. It was becoming obvious that Jason was playing with him, especially if he'd rather have lunch with Rosa after he'd arranged to have lunch with Spencer.
"Sorry, got caught up with the computers in admin.” Jason's soft voiced apology came from behind him.
Spencer shrugged, trying to come off as indifferent. “No problem."
"Let's try breakfast tomorrow morning?"
Spencer jumped. Suddenly, Jason was so close he was whispering in his ear. Spencer looked around, hurriedly. Thank God no-one was watching.
"Sure.” Again Spencer tried to come off as cool. “When and where?” A breakfast ‘date', for lack of a better word, was better than a lunch one—right?
"If it can't be at my place after waking up with you,” Jason whispered. “Well, I can be here by eight, how about around ten past at the diner down the road?"
To say Spencer was shocked would be an understatement of the grandest proportions. He held onto his desk as the room spun around him and the ringing in his ears seemed to drown out everything except Jason's words. Jason wanted to wake up next to him? Oh, God. Spencer was both terrified and excited by the thought of spending the night in the other man's bed.
"Okay, I'll meet you there."
Just that one word from Jason surrounded Spencer's ear with warmth. Spencer wondered what would it be like listening to that voice telling him things in the dark, letting the honeyed words wash over him, and pretend he was someone else who these things happened to all the time?
"...shopping? Buy anything interesting?"
Snapping out of his daydream—and hoping what he was dreaming about wasn't too obvious—Spencer gave Jason a confused look.
"The shopping bag. It's okay, you don't have to tell me, my curiosity overrides my sense sometimes.” Jason retreated to his own desk, a few feet away from Spencer's.
"I bought a shirt."
"Can never have too many shirts,” Jason stated. “Not white, we need to jazz you up a bit.” He turned back to Spencer's desk.
We? What did that mean? Did Spencer really need jazzing up? He already knew the answer to that one—yes, he did. Spencer reached into the bag and pulled out the shirt.
"It's not white.” Spencer bit his lip and nervously held out the pale green shirt.
Jason nodded. “Wear it tomorrow.” He winked and was back at his desk, digging through a box of computer bits before Spencer had even realized he was holding his breath. Was Jason's approval really that important? He mentally rolled his eyes. Obviously.