
Barton, Gordon, Australians, A Historical Library—Australians from 1939 Vol. 5, Fairfax, Syme & Weldon, Sydney, 1987.

Buckley, Ken & Klugman, K., The Australian Presence in the Pacific: Burns Philp, 1914–1946, George Allen & Unwin, Sydney, 1983.

Burchett, Wilfred, At the Barricades, Macmillan Australia, Melbourne, 1981.

Coombs, Anne, Sex & Anarchy: The Life and Death of the Sydney Push, Viking, Ringwood, Vic., 1996.

Cummings, Katherine, Katherine’s Diary: The Story of a Transsexual, Beaujon Press, Tascott, 2007, 3rd edition.

Dick, Howard W., Surabaya, City of Work: A Socioeconomic History, 1900–2000, Ohio University Center for International Studies, Ohio University Press, Athens, c. 2002.

Diewke, Wendelaar Bunga, Eight Prison Camps—A Dutch family in Japanese Java, Ohio University Center for International Studies, Ohio University Press, Athens, 1996.

Gambotto, Antonella, Lunch of Blood, Random House Australia, Milsons Point, NSW, 1994.

Halloran, Paul & Hollingsworth, Mark, Thatcher’s Gold: The Life and Times of Mark Thatcher, Simon & Schuster, London & New York, 1995.

Heenan, T., From Traveller to Traitor: The Life of Wilfred Burchett, Melbourne University Press, Carlton, Vic., 2006.

Hocking, Jenny, Lionel Murphy—A Political Biography, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge & New York, 1997.

Jackson, Col, Centenary of Road Transport in Australia 1900–2001, Publishing Services Australia Pty Ltd, Fortitude Valley, Qld, c. 2002.

Kent, Jacqueline, A Certain Style: Beatrice Davis—A Literary Life, Penguin, Ringwood, 2001.

McCarthy, Gordon, The Great Big Australian Takeover Book, Angus &Robertson Publishers, Sydney, 1973.

Munro, Craig & Sheahan-Bright, Robyn (eds), Paper Empires: A History of the Book in Australia 1946–2005, University of Queensland Press, St Lucia, Qld, 2006.

Ogilvie, Judy, The Push: An Impressionist Memoir, Primavera Press, Leich-hardt, NSW, 1995.

Perkins, Kevin, Bristow: Last of the Hard Men, Bonmoat, Ashfield, NSW, c. 2003.

Perry, Roland, The Exile: Burchett, Reporter of Conflict, William Heinemann Australia, Richmond, Vic., 1988.

Russell, Charles W., Country Crisis, C.W. Russell, Brisbane, 1976.

Salsbury, Stephen, The Bull, the Bear and the Kangaroo: The History of the Sydney Stock Exchange, Allen & Unwin, Sydney, 1988.

Scott, Jocelynne (ed.), Lionel Murphy: A Radical Judge, McCulloch Publishing in association with the Macmillan Company of Australia, Carlton, Vic., 1987.

Sherington, Geoffrey, Shore: A History of Sydney Church of England Grammar School Sydney, SCEGS in association with George Allen & Unwin, Sydney, 1983.

Sorel, George, Reflections on Violence, edited by Jeremy Jennings, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 1999.

Spicer, Chrystopher, Duchess: The Story of the Windsor Hotel, Loch Haven Books, Main Ridge, Vic., 1993.

Walsh, Richard, FerretabiliaLife & Times of Nation Review, compiled by Richard Walsh; University of Queensland Press, St Lucia, Qld, 1993.

Warhurst, J. (ed.) Keeping the Bastards Honest: The Australian Democrats, The First 20 Years; Allen & Unwin, St Leonards, NSW, 1997.

Waterford, Van, Prisoners of the Japanese in World War II, McFarland &Company Publishers, North Carolina, 1994.

Articles and monographs

Atkins, A., Calder, W., Dandy, G., King, R., & Mills, D., Ipec Tigers— Environmental Effects of a Proposed Tasmanian Freight Terminal at Westernport, Centre for Environmental Studies, University of Melbourne, November 1977.

Australian Law Reform Commission, Review of Sedition Laws: Discussion Paper, Australian Law Reform Commission, Canberra, 2006.

Australian Securities Markets and their Regulation: Part II Transcript of Evidence of the Senate Select Committee on Securities and Exchange, Parliament of the Commonwealth of Australia, 1975.

Barton, Gordon, ‘The Results of Individual and Corporate Decisions’, Architecture in Australia, August 1971.

Campbell, James, Couriers and the European Postal Monopolies, J Campbell Press, 1994.

Federal Hotels Limited, Annual Reports, 1968–1982.

Federal Secretariat of the Liberal Party of Australia, Federal Constitution of the Liberal Party of Australia, 1950.

Hood, Warwick, A Fast Container Ship for Bass Strait—A Feasibility Study Prepared for IPEC Transport Group, February 1977.

IPEC An Overnight Success 1955–1989: A History of Transport, <>.

IPEC Express Journal, Tjuringa Group News and Tiger Rag, IPEC, various editions, 1965–1988.

IPEC Insurance, Annual Reports, 1968–1976.

McPherson, Fergus & Whitington, Richard, ‘The Australia Party’s Campaign’, Australasian Politics Studies Association Journal, Politics, Vols 7–8, pp. 88–96, 1973.

Main, Alison, ‘New South Wales Club Conversion’ in Architecture in Australia, October/November 1978.

Pepper, William, ‘The Children of Vietnam’, Ramparts Magazine, San Francisco, c. 1966.

TNT Limited, Annual Reports, 1970–1996.

University of Sydney, Calendar Supplement, AH Pettifer, Government Printer, 1949 & 1950.

Magazine, television and radio interviews

Blain, Ellis, An Interview with Gordon Barton, ABC Radio, 1 March 1974.

Bunbury, Bill, Hindsight, ABC Radio National, 4 December 2005.

Guinness, Daphne, ‘The Flip Side of Gordon Barton’, Vogue Australia, June/July 1972.

Keavney, K., ‘The Ordeal of Joyce James’, Women’s Weekly, 21 February 1973.

Long, Malcolm, Gordon Barton interview [sound recording], ‘Creating a new political party’, University of Queensland Press, St Lucia, 1976.

Miller, Pat, ‘Gordon Barton—The Millionaire Dragon Slayer’, Woman’s Day, 8 & 15 April 1974.

Monday Conference, ABC TV, 27 March 1972, 7 April 1973.

Moore, Robert, Profiles of Power Episode 7—Gordon Barton, Australian Broadcasting Commission, Sydney, 1970.

Penberthy, Jefferson, ‘Barton empire strained financially’, Business Review Weekly, February 1983.

Reid, Peter, ‘Getting Away’, Four Corners, ABC TV interview, 1972.

This Day Tonight, ABC TV, 1967–1977, various dates.

‘Wings For Ipec?’, Four Corners, ABC TV, 1965.

Government records

ASIO: Barton, Gordon Page, ASIO File A6119/4130.

National Archives of Australia: Australian Communist Party and others vs Commonwealth and others—High Court action Validity of Communist Party Dissolution Act A432/109 Parts 1–3.

National Archives of Australia: Barton v Commissioner for Motor Transport 1956/89.

National Archives of Australia: Mr Gordon Barton—general representations A1209 1975/1339.

National Library of Australia: Papers of Francis James 1932–1992 (manuscript), NLA MS 8657 & MS Acc 04/138.

Manning, Peter, 1977—a journalist’s perspective, Paper to National Archives of Australia <>

Legal reports

Federal Court of Australia, Trade Practices Commission v. TNT Australia Pty Limited & Ors, Australian Trade Practices Review, pp. 41–375, 31 January 1995.

High Court of Australia, Barton v. Commissioner for Motor Transport, [1957] HCA 50, Commonwealth Law Reports, Vol. 97, p. 633 (1957).

High Court of Australia, Calwell v. Ipec Australia Ltd, 1975.

High Court of Australia, The Queen against Anderson; Ex parte Ipec-Air Pty Limited, Commonwealth Law Reports, Vol. 113, p. 170 (1965).

NSW Law Reports, Osborne & Ors v. AMGF, The Law Book Company Ltd, Sydney, Vol. 1, p. 100 (1972).

Privy Council, Hughes and Vale Pty Ltd v. New South Wales, 28 April– 17 November 1954.

Weekly Notes NSW, IPEC Insurance Ltd v. Shapowloff, Vol. 85 (1967).

Original materials and manuscripts

Barton, Antoinette (Kitty), Personal correspondence 1953–1972. In private possession.

Barton, George, Personal correspondence 1953–1957. In private possession.

Barton, Gordon, Memoirs and anecdotes. In private possession.

Barton, Gordon, Personal correspondence 1946–2002. In private possession.

Barton, Gordon, Speech on the Opening of the 1972 Election Campaign.

Barton, Gordon, What Should be the Role of Government?’, Paper to Royal Institute of Public Administration, Annual Conference, November 1978.

Cummings, Katherine, Personal letters. In private possession.

Hand, Yvonne, Personal correspondence 1955–1957. In private possession.

Ipec Holdings, Board of Directors Meeting Minutes 1979–1982.

O’Grady, Rosemary, A Memoir of Gordon Barton 1971–2003, notes from personal diaries. In private possession.

Sayer, Ian, IPEC Europe business correspondence 1978–1983. In private possession.

Sedgwick, Jon, Personal business diaries and notes 1979–1983. In private possession.

Thomas, Ken, Personal correspondence 1966–1986. In private possession.

Newspapers and magazines

The Age

The Australian

Australian Financial Review

Australian Women’s Weekly


The Bulletin

Honi Soit

The Living Daylights

The Mercury

National Times


Sunday Observer

The Sunday Review (later The Review and Nation Review)

Sydney Morning Herald

Vogue Australia

Woman’s Day


Many thanks are due to the following who gave up their time to provide their recollections: Kate Ayrton, Cindie Barton, Geoffrey Barton, Mary Ellen Barton, Bob Bass, Alice Beauchamp, Derek Bimson, Don Benjamin, Tony Blackshield, Greg Boulton, Grahame Bunyan, Jim Campbell, Mary Coleman, Stewart Crawford, the late John Crew, Sir Ross Cribb, Katherine Cummings, Kevin Dash, Sir William Deane, Edward de Bono, Chris & Trish Dos Remedios, Bev Dyke, Michael Dysart, Mick Egan, Barry Ellis, Ossie Emery, Julia Farrell, John Fisher, Freddie Gardiner, Colin Green, John Haddad, Dianna Hand, Michael Hand, Peter Hand, David Harris, Dick Henderson, Malcolm Hilbery, David Hill, Dee Horsley, Graham Hurst, Peter Janson, Frances Knight, Philip Knightley, John Konstas, Lib Lander, David Lesnie, Tony Lewis, Tamp Lynam, Rod Maclure, Alison Main, John Mant, Marion Manton, Gordon McCarthy, Brom McKillop, David McIntosh, Mary McNish, Fergus McPherson, Grant Meares, Fred Millar, Bob Miller, David Mortimer, Peter Muller, Meg Nicholson, Rosemary O’Grady, Neil Ohlsson, Bill O’Neill, Hugh O’Neill, Ray Patteson, Frank Pieterse, Gretel Pinniger, Bill Pursche, Geoffrey Robertson, Ian Sayer, Stephen Scott, Jon Sedgwick, Crocker Snow, Jim Staples, Sir Laurence Street, Nick Street, John Sutton, Trevor Sykes, Allen Tapp, Rhody Thomas, Shann Turnbull, Rick Utz, Maria Vandersman, Freddie Van Gaever, Aleco Vrisakis, Harry Wallace, Judy Wallace, Richard Walsh, Diana Ward, Liz Weeding, Kevin Weldon, Richard Whitington, Peter Wolfe.