
Day 7


His master replied, “Well done, good and faithful servant! You have been faithful with a few things; I will put you in charge of many things. Come and share your master’s happiness!”


Chris was a no-compromise kind of Christian high school student with an incredible vision to share the good news of Jesus Christ with every high school student at Dunwoody High School in Atlanta. As a senior, he shared this vision with his youth pastor, Andy Stanley. Even Andy was humbled by this kind of goal and this kind of faith.

Chris kept praying and believing. His entire senior year he remained faithful to the Lord and looked for every possibility to share the gospel with people at his school. One day he met a brand-new student named Mark. Mark had just moved to Atlanta from Florida to live with his dad after his mom basically couldn’t handle him anymore. Mark was angry and packed a major negative attitude. Chris didn’t care. He found some things in common and invited Mark to come over to his house to listen to music. Before the night was over Mark had opened up to Chris, admitting he was pretty much mad at the world and that his drug and alcohol abuse was a potential problem.

Chris listened carefully and then told him that God loved him in spite of all he had done. That night Chris introduced Mark to the eternal hope found in Jesus. The school year came and went, and Chris never had the opportunity to present the gospel to the entire student body, which had been his goal.

The next year, Mark, who was now a senior, came running excitedly into Andy’s youth group. He told Andy that the principal of his school had asked him to speak to the entire student body at an assembly right before spring break. The school officials were concerned about all the drug and alcohol abuse. They were bringing in a special professional speaker but wanted Mark to speak for a few minutes after the main presentation.

Mark was very nervous as he made his way up to the podium in front of every student in his school. He took the microphone off the stand and said, “When I first came to Dunwoody High School, I hated everything and everybody.” He talked about his life in Florida. He shared his intense anger. He delved into his experience with alcohol and drugs.

The entire student body was absolutely quiet. You could have heard a pin drop. Then Mark turned the corner. “One day a guy named Chris Folley introduced himself to me and invited me to his house. That night I told him about my life and my hate for everything and everybody. He listened and then told me about the love of God found in a relationship with Jesus Christ. That night I prayed with Chris and my life changed.”

The students rose to their feet and gave Mark a standing ovation. Although Chris Folley was now in college, I wonder if he later heard that God had answered his prayer, and that his vision to speak to the entire student body of Dunwoody High School had been accomplished through someone he had introduced to Jesus—Mark.

Don’t be surprised if God plants a vision in your heart, and then through your no-compromise faithfulness fulfills it in a greater way than you ever imagined.


1. What is the principle according to Matthew 25:21? If you need help understanding this principle read the entire twenty-fifth chapter of Matthew. How can it radically affect your life in a positive way?

2 What acts of faithfulness is God calling you to do today?

FURTHER READING: Deuteronomy 5:33; Luke 16:10.