


One Life was created to help young people grow spiritually, but unexpectedly I have discovered this book is a powerful resource for adults, too. The stories, illustrations and quotes are invaluable in seasoning any presentation or personal study. Although the “Take the 50-Day Challenge” is a helpful way to motivate students to study the Word of God, it also offers a framework for parents, teachers, preachers and evangelists to find strength in God’s daily provision as evidenced in the stories and truths collected in this book.

One Life is a wonderful resource for all seasons that can be drawn upon for enriching our commitment to Christ Jesus. This devotional can be utilized in the following ways:

• Spiritual growth material for camps and retreats

• Illustrations for talks

• One-on-one or small-group devotions

• Personal studies

• Family discussions

• Stories and tales for Sunday School

• Sermon material for church worship

Many of these daily devotionals are some of my favorite illustrations from the lives and writings of others. Thank you for adding this book to your spiritual tool kit of resources, because I am confident you will find One Life an invaluable companion in helping young people grow in Christ’s wisdom and grace and in challenging adults to grow in the Lord’s love and good deeds.