The Temple

TRAILING BEHIND HER COMPANIONS, Esmeralda trod the rough-hewn granite steps with much greater care than her sure-footed pet. Above her head the great roots of ancient trees threaded the earthen roof of the passageway with gnarled vein-like intricacy. Reeking with the decay of millennia, the steep tunnel descended in a straight line down into the bowels of the tumulus until the claustrophobic darkness of its confines suddenly opened up into a vast underground cavern. This was another world. Originally the underground temple of the ancient megalith builders, it shimmered with the diffused light of a thousand flaming torches and now housed the straw-strewn pens that held the Baroness’ herd of sacrificial virgins.

Watched over by their eagle-eyed female guards, for a couple of hours in the evening the virgin slaves were usually allowed free reign to roam the temple but now that the time of the Ceremony was almost at hand, every one of them had been stripped naked, returned to their pens and chained to pitted iron hoops set into the rock walls; even the Baroness’ two favourites. With the two agents de police close at hand, Esmeralda ladled out a jug of water and allowed the ten new arrivals to drink before they too were stripped and chained into the pens that awaited them.

Still toting their grisly cargos the gypsies faded into the pitch darkness of an unlit Hellish black chapel at the far end of the cavern. Although they ventured no further, beyond that chapel lay a further two chambers and a long underground passage that led up into the bowels of the castle. Returning empty handed shortly afterwards, obviously having deposited the coffins in their designated resting place, the men paused briefly and with much nudging and winking exchanged a few words with Esmeralda.

“The trawlermen are waiting for us so we’ve got to get back to the boat now, but don’t fret, we’ll be back tomorrow to collect our dues.”

And those dues would not be only money. Esmeralda and her two companions would be fucking, sucking and drinking sperm until all six men felt that they had been fully compensated for their assistance in delivering the virgins. But that was a price that Esmeralda was only too delighted to pay because without their help she would have been in dire trouble with the Baroness.

“All right, you can have as much shagging, cock sucking and arse fucking as you want tomorrow for free, but then you go back to paying.”

Smirking and telling each other exactly what they were going to do to Esmeralda and her companions, the men took their leave and headed for the surface. With a wry look on her face, Esmeralda watched them go before turning her attention to the two women.

“Is everything in order in the chapel?”

“Yes, the earth has been scattered and the Count’s casket laid onto it just as you ordered.”

“Good. It won’t be long now; he’s been asleep a long time.”

Casting her eye around, she became aware that the virgins were becoming increasingly restless and muttering amongst themselves. It was hardly surprising that they had gathered that something important was to take place that night and their unexpected chaining seemed to confirm that it had something to do with them. Even though they were restrained, a vigilant eye had to be kept on them.

“You two, go and help Anna and Donatien keep those bitches quiet.”

Esmeralda’s use of ‘bitches’ included the boy virgins as well as the girls and whether they deserved it or not, the two women took great delight in landing slashing strokes of the cane to their unprotected bodies.

Unable to sense the tense atmosphere, Esmeralda’s pet goat trotted up and down in front of the pens, stopping occasionally to ‘sit up and beg’, ‘to play dead’ or perform other tricks from his repertoire of stunts. She watched him with an affectionate eye; he was her only real friend and in return for his devotion demanded nothing from her but food and a little love. He was also a source of income too; the tricks that she had taught him bringing in a torrent of loose change when she had him perform at the street markets at Auray and Vannes and in front of the cathedral at Quimper.

With the coffle of weeping peasant girls, their guards, and the coffins now safely below ground, Esmeralda permitted herself a sigh of relief. The late procurement of the final ten virgins had been a great worry, cursing her with many sleepless nights, but with barely a second to spare she had delivered as ordered. She had no doubt however that she would be severely disciplined, cutting things this fine was something the Baroness would not let to go unpunished. Esmeralda was well rewarded to provide the Baroness with fresh virgins but although she was virtually free to behave as she wished, her mistress never allowed her to forget that she too was still a slave.

Her eyes flashed with hatred as she glanced over at Anna, the moment of their first encounter several years earlier indelibly burned into her brain. Although Esmeralda did not know what it was, Anna’s current guise as a policewoman obviously served some purpose of the Baroness’; but back then, as the Baroness’ trusted ally and responsible for keeping the virgin herd up to strength, Anna had persuaded Esmeralda’s parents to sell her, ostensibly to be taken to the castle as a serving girl. Weird, lurid tales regarding the Baroness’ family had been passed down through the centuries and knowing them, Esmeralda could not believe that her parents, desperately poor as they were, would dispose of her like a piece of worthless trash.

But sell her they had, although she still comforted herself with the thought that her mother and father did not understand what her final destiny was intended to be. In the event, it had proved her great good fortune that when she was subsequently delivered to the castle as part of a consignment of virgins specifically selected to take part in the Ceremony, that the Baroness had been on hand to inspect the new additions to her herd and had seen a strength in her that set her apart from the usual pitiful wretches that fell into her clutches. So she had been spared the fate that befell the others and had taken over Anna’s role as the Baroness’ procurer of slaves, returning to the old country every few months to either buy or kidnap virgins to ensure that her mistress’ herd was kept to its full complement. Her two cohorts were in fact her older sisters, whom she had recruited on her first trip back to Carpathia to help in her slave-gathering, and who due to their well-fucked status had been ignored when she herself had been sold to Anna by their parents.

After the coming night’s conclusion and the current herd of virgins was gone, she would immediately have to begin harvesting innocent girls and boys in readiness for the next Ceremony, which would take place in exactly one year. But the fruits of her entire previous year’s scavenging lay before her, available and unable to resist any demand she might lay upon them. The temptation was irresistible, but first she had to get rid of Anna and Donatien.

“I know you’ve got a lot to do before the Ceremony and these frisky bitches seem to have calmed down now, so you can leave us to take care of things and get off if you want to.”

Anna did want to.

There were sufficient guards to help keep the herd in check and by now the Baroness would be expecting her to be setting the scene for the night’s events at the castle. She gave the virgin herd one last lookover, seemingly satisfied that they had indeed quietened somewhat.

“Alright, just make sure nothing goes wrong. I wouldn’t like to be in your shoes if you fuck this up.”

“I won’t. And anyway I’ve got plenty of help. My sisters and the guards can take care of anything.”

“Alright. You just better hope that I won’t be seeing you later because that would mean only one thing for you: trouble!”

Esmeralda waited for the Anna and Donatien to take their leave and then turned her attention to her sisters, who to the accompaniment of agonised screams and howls, were still enthusiastically laying into the virgins.

“You two! Is that all your imaginations run to? You’ve got a hundred slaves laid out in front of you. Short of fucking them in the wrong hole, you can do anything you want. The Baroness doesn’t give a toss so long as the girls remain intact and the boys don’t actually get to fuck a cunt. That way they remain virgins in her eyes and it gives you lots of leeway. So, what are you waiting for? After tonight there’ll be nothing left to play with in any case, so if you don’t want to wait months for another chance, stop arseing about and get on with it.”

Needing no further bidding, Esmeralda’s two sisters delved into the herd and drew out six protesting unfortunates. Wicked, cutting slashes of the canes quelled any sign of rebellion, the slaves meekly accepting what was required of them. In a deliberately provocative motion one of the sisters stood upright with her legs spread wide, and under further threat of the cane, one of her selected slaves lost no time in tweaking and sucking her nipples while two others dropped to their knees, sticking their tongues and fingers up into her vagina and anus.

The other sister sank to the ground and laid herself out flat with her knees bent and legs wide open. Two girl slaves were ordered to suckle and fondle both breasts at the same time and judging by her facial grimaces and the way she sucked in air, she found their attention nothing less than exhilarating. A boy slave prostrated himself between her thighs and peeling her sex lips apart nuzzled her clitoris before burying his tongue deep into her dripping love tunnel. With three slaves working on each woman, there was not an inch of their bodies from which an arousing reaction could be wrung that escaped their attention. Writhing and squirming they both looked to be set on the road to climactic orgasms and Esmeralda felt she could safely leave them to their own devices.

As for herself, it was true that she was and would probably forever remain a slave. But she was in a favoured position in the distinct hierarchy that operated within the castle walls. The Baroness was of course her mistress and she or any member of her strange coterie could call upon her for any service they required, but in turn although ranking far below Anna, like her, Esmeralda held dominion over the slaves of the herd and could use them in any way she desired. Or at least, she thought that she could.

And at that moment her desire was to numb her anxiety by sating herself with sexual pleasure before the summons came. The summons to appear before the Baroness and explain herself. The summons that she knew would have only one outcome; punishment, excruciating pain and sexual abuse. And should the Baroness prove to be in no mood to accept her explanation, then something far worse would befall her, consigning her to a wretched half-existence with the pitiable zombies who inhabited the fetid horrors of the vile dungeons of doom in the catacombs deep below the castle. Zombies who had once been full-blooded, young and vibrant girls and boys until the Baroness had drained them of their vital life-sustaining forces.

Shuddering at the thought, Esmeralda took herself in rein. If that same monstrous and unthinkably satanic fate were to be the outcome of that summons, then before it was decreed she would gain some satisfaction for herself by using and abusing the Baroness’ two favourites.

Slapping the coiled bullwhip against her thigh, she stalked the chained masses of the herd, now once more agitated and unsettled after seeing the unfeeling, brutal manner in which six of their number were being treated by Esmeralda’s sister slave gatherers. Up and down, she strutted before the line of trembling, ululating virgins. The Baroness was her mistress, that was a fact, but she was not present; she was not there to enforce her authority and so if Esmeralda wished to use the Baroness’ favourites for her own purposes, then so be it.

Rebelliousness flared up within her.

Fuck the Baroness!

If she was going to end up sharing eternity with a bunch of gormless brain-dead non-people, then she was going to shag them into eternity herself. The Baroness could go fuck herself and nothing she could do would make any difference. Striding the line of shackled penned-up virgins, she searched for the Baroness’ two favoured slaves. And after a while, she found them.

Columbine and Arlecchino.

“Her, and him!”

The order was issued. Two of the guards detached themselves from the gaggle of female custodians and somewhat hesitantly, pulled the Baroness’ favourites out from the herd. To them, Esmeralda’s word was law; but these two particular slaves? That was another matter altogether. Usually the guards would have turned to Anna for guidance, but she was gone, and so the slaves found themselves thrust before the lustful, avenging philistine who had reaped them from their homeland in the first place.

The guards turned to one side. What was to be, was to be, and it was no concern of theirs. If Esmeralda wished to risk the wrath of the Baroness then the consequences were her lookout. First Arlecchino was delivered to her side, and then Columbine.

“Alright my pretty, come here.”

She was addressing Arlecchino.

He sidled up to her, remaining motionless at her side.

“And you, over here on this side.”

Columbine obeyed just as quickly as Arlecchino had done.

“You miserable pair of useless yokels have a task to perform. A special task. If you don’t complete it to my satisfaction, I’ll make you suffer; suffer more than you’ve ever suffered before. I know that you’re the Baroness Elizabeth’s little pets and that you’re always down in that black chamber of hers, feeling her up, playing with her tits, licking her fanny and doing whatever else you do to her. Well, she’s never tired of you so you must be doing something right. And now you’re going to do it for me! And Arlecchino, we’ll start with you.”

Deathly pale and apprehensively rubbing his neck where the Baroness had sunk her fangs the previous evening, Arlecchino seemed to shrivel before her. Esmeralda savoured his nervousness; his fright was palpable, so intense that the feeling of absolute power over him generated a surge of excitement and anticipation deep within her. From the very moment of his arrival at the castle, he had been the Baroness’ favourite boy slave and he had never been subjected to punishment or sexual attention from anyone else. He was absolutely terrified and that terror somehow thrilled and enlivened her. A sudden shard of electric tension speared her vagina and unbelievably she felt her sex lips peeling apart and her clitoris harden beneath its hood. She had disciplined countless slaves before but never with this outcome; and she had not even started. Now at last she understood that power and dominion over another was sexually arousing in itself and she would milk it to the full.

Grabbing both their arms, she pulled them over to an empty pen.

“Right, you girl. You’re going to help me. Fetch me a pair of cuffs, a collar and those chains.”

She pointed to the array of torturer’s equipment hanging from the rough carved-out stone wall. Columbine was too slow in obeying. Her sluggishness was immediately rewarded with a series of very forceful and deliberate slaps to her breasts before Esmeralda pinched one of her nipples between a thumb and forefinger and squeezing tightly, pulled her close. Esmeralda’s grip was vice-like, the agony showing on Columbine’s bruised and reddened face.

“When I order you to do something, you jump to it like Jack Flash. Understand?”


Columbine’s answer was hesitant and mumbled. The crushing pressure on her tormented nipple doubled, a frantic squeal ripping from her lips.

“When the Baroness asks you a question, is that how you answer?”

“N . .no.”

Pushing her away, Esmeralda rained a flurry of clenched-fist punches to Columbine’s heavy tits, almost knocking her to the ground. Begging for mercy, with tears streaming from her eyes, Columbine wrapped her arms around herself, seeking protection from any renewed attack. Esmeralda grabbed Columbine’s wrists and pulling her arms down, clamped the fingers of both hands firmly into her breast meat, wrenching the supple flesh and digging her fingernails deep.

“Don’t you ever learn? Try again; what do you call the Baroness?”


“Yes, that’s right. And that’s what you’ll call me. Understand?”

“Y . .yes.”

This time, Esmeralda’s attack was so vicious that Columbine did indeed stagger backwards and fall to the ground in a wailing heap.


“Yes mistress. I’m sorry mistress.”

“You will be if you forget again. Now, get up and bring those chains and things over here.”

Staggering to her feet, Columbine obeyed the order.

“Right, the cuffs first. And because I think there’s something going on between you two, it will be all the better if you do it. Pull both arms behind his back and cuff his wrists. And make sure they’re tight.”

Whispering to Arlecchino that she was sorry, Columbine locked his hands behind him. Esmeralda tested their tightness, grudgingly affirming that it was to her satisfaction.

“Now, his ankles. Clamp them as tight as his wrists.”

Columbine fitted an iron cuff around each of Arlecchino’s ankles and ratcheted them tight.

“Good, now we’re getting somewhere. Alright pretty boy, kneel down.”

Arlecchino struggled to obey but with his feet clamped tightly together and his wrists cuffed behind his back, he had great difficulty in keeping his balance, almost falling over at one stage until finally he dropped very heavily onto his knees.

“This is taking too long, I’ll do it myself.”

Pushing Columbine to one side, Esmeralda took over and selecting a short length of iron chain looped it around the wrist cuffs, dropped it down and passed it under the ankle cuffs, pulling it as tight as she possibly could before locking it in position with a rust-pocked iron padlock. With his hands and feet bound together, Arlecchino’s spine was arched backwards at an alarming angle; the pain must have been excruciating, exactly what Esmeralda intended.

Next, the studded iron collar was fastened around his neck, chain was clipped into the ring on its back and again locked tight to the ankle cuffs, forcing his head back and facing upwards. Esmeralda stood back and admired her handiwork.

“There, doesn’t he look nice. But there’s something missing.”

She made a show of pondering for a moment.

“I know. A gag, that’s what we need. There, that iron ball gag, fetch it!”

Columbine ran to the wall, she was not going to risk further punishment. Taking the gag from its hook, she handed it to Esmeralda.

“Open wide pretty boy, let’s see how you look with this stuck in your measly cock-sucking mouth.”

It was the work of moments to shove the ball between his teeth and fasten the straps behind his neck.

“That’s it, we’re all ready now; it’s time to find out just how good you really are.”

Lifting the skirt of her gypsy dress, she tucked the hem into its waistband, revealing long olive-skinned legs, smooth downy thighs and a prominent mons tightly enveloped by a miniscule thong. Slipping a finger between her legs, she hooked the gusset of the thong and tugged it down past her knees, letting it drop to the floor before she kicked it away.

Widening her thighs, she straddled Arlecchino’s upturned head.

“Now, lick me out. Stick your tongue up my cunt and make me come like you do the Baroness.”

With her vulva squashed against his nose and the ball gag stuffing his mouth, his tongue was trapped behind his lips. He could no more do as she ordered than he could wank his suddenly erect cock; despite the awfulness of his situation the juicy muskiness of Esmeralda’s vagina had propelled his virgin weapon from inertia to full action stations in the blink of an eye.

Esmeralda gave it several seconds, then lifted herself from his face.

“I see. You don’t want to get your teeth into my pubes and your nose stuck into my twat. I’m not good enough for you, is that it? You only want your stuck-up Baroness, don’t you?”

Arlecchino’s rock-hard cock told her that her accusation was far from the truth, but she pressed on. She was in absolute control of one of the Baroness’ favourites and the feeling was delicious. A hesitant, stuttering protest from Columbine halted her momentarily.

“But . . But mistress, he’s gagged; he can’t do it.”

In a rush of anger, Esmeralda leapt onto Columbine, and pushing her to the floor landed several hefty kicks to her stomach and breasts, feeling her toes dig into her flesh as she did so.

“Who asked for your opinion slut? Keep your mouth shut until I want you to use it.”

Of course it was true. Gagged, bound and chained, there was no way whatsoever that he could obey her order, which was of course exactly as she had intended. She turned to Columbine, who was still squatting on the floor nursing her injuries.

“What punishment does the Baroness hand out if you disobey her?”

“We never do that. We always do as we’re ordered. We’ve heard awful, horrible tales of slaves and servants being found dead in the woods and the cellars with their bodies all slashed and cut and drained of blood after they’ve upset her; we’re frightened of her and we don’t want that to happen to us so we do everything she says.”

Esmeralda had heard those stories too and although she had never seen any bodies herself, she was fairly certain of what happened during the Ceremony and so she was well inclined to believe them.

“Alright. What does she do to you if you’re too slow to do something she orders you to do.”

“Sometimes she whips us, and sometimes she beats us with the cane.”

“How many strokes?”

“Twenty five.”

“Umm. . Twenty five eh? Well, for disobeying me, he’s going to get fifty. From both of us! Get over there and fetch me that bundle of canes.”

Columbine scrambled to her feet and scurrying over to the rear of the pen to collect the canes, handed them to Esmeralda. Pulling one cane after another from the bunch, Esmeralda bent them between her hands before slashing them through the air to test their pliability and resilience. Finally she settled on two canes that satisfied her, handing one to Columbine and keeping one for herself.

“You take his back and shoulders, and make sure you strike his flesh and not the chains. Now, go!”

Obviously fearful of damaging Arlecchino, Columbine drew back her arm and landed a strike to his shoulder that lacked any real measure of force. In a flash Esmeralda lashed out with her own cane and delivered a devastating, cutting slash across both of Columbine’s heaving breasts, the white-edged groove turning almost instantly into an angry red tramline. Columbine’s screams were of such intensity that momentarily a hush descended over the muttering herd. Esmeralda glared in their direction.

“That’s right. Any of you upset me and you’ll get the same treatment. Now you’re quiet, keep it that way.”

Then she turned to deal with Columbine.

“I said beat him, not stroke him gently like my beautiful Djali. He’s not a pet goat, so hit him again and this time put some muscle into it.”

Undoubtedly fearing further punishment, Columbine needed no second bidding and flailed into Arlecchino with all the force of which she was capable. The boy’s flesh marked up just as her own had done, angry weals striping his back and shoulders.

“Stop, stop. That’s better but this has got to be done right; slowly so that he can fully appreciate the pain. I’ll beat him, then you beat him; one after another. I’ll start and you count the strokes out loud so we know where we are.”

Esmeralda landed the first devilish stroke, followed by Columbine;

Arlecchino’s firmly-muscled flesh rippling under the savagery of each blow. Slowly and very deliberately the beating progressed with Columbine counting the strokes as she had been ordered. Over his shoulders, up and down his back the crippling strokes fell until his torso was a bloody criss-crossed mess. And still only fifty of the one hundred strokes had been delivered.

“You’re doing well, keep it up and maybe I won’t punish you as severely.”

If Esmeralda’s words were intended as some kind of sop to lessen Columbine’s fears, they certainly did not work. The poor girl still looked terrified.

“Now we’ll go for his arse, his legs and his cock. I’ll go first this time.”

And so the beating carried on until Columbine counted the hundred. Arlecchino’s backside, his thighs, the backs of his legs, the soles of his feet and his sorry mashed cock were all glowing crimson and rivers of tears flowed from his bloodshot eyes.

“He looked nice before but he looks even better now. That blood and those stripes and bruises suit him very well. You did well too, I’m sure the Baroness would be proud of you if she knew.”

Esmeralda strutted around Arlecchino. In truth she was extremely pleased. He was cowed, ravaged and in a wretchedly sorry state and it pleased her to think that even the Baroness had probably never given him such a savage going over as this.

But before his ordeal was over, she had another treat in store for him. Calling Djali to her side, Esmeralda fondled his jaw before murmuring softly into one of his ears. The goat began to circle Arlecchino, pawing the ground before suddenly lowering his horns and charging full tilt at the wretched unfortunate virgin. Arlecchino keeled over like a stunned cow in an abattoir and lay on his side, groaning in agony. Djali remained, again pawing the ground with his bovidae eyes fixed firmly on Arlecchino. Stroking his beard, Esmeralda calmed him and ordered him away.

“That’s a good boy. Now you go and play. Maman will call you again if she wants you.”

The goat trotted off and once more began showing off to the Herd and its guards. That was Arlecchino dealt with, now for Columbine.

The beating of Arlecchino and her sense of total domination over him had ignited a raw sexual passion in Esmeralda that had to be quenched; and quickly. Her nipples throbbed, her sex was awash with juices and her whole being cried out for fulfilment. She would have loved to subject Columbine to the same sort of treatment that she had meted out to Arlecchino but her need was too urgent and so after treating her to half a dozen perfunctory slashes of the cane, Esmeralda dragged Columbine over to a rough bench on which was laid an array of evil-looking devices of torture. Sweeping the iron horrors to the floor, Esmeralda laid herself onto the bench with her backside close to one end and her legs bent at the knees.

“You know what I want. Get on with it . . . And make it good!”

Dropping to her knees, Columbine buried her head between Esmeralda’s spread legs, licking the dribbles of musky love juice from the insides of her thighs. Esmeralda raised her torso from the bench, reached out and tugged viciously on a handful of Columbine’s hair.

“Stop fooling around! I want an orgasm and I want it fast, so don’t mess about, get your tongue in there.”

Terrified, Columbine sank her nose between Esmeralda’s sopping sex lips and drove her tongue into her flooded vagina. It took only seconds. Esmeralda was so hopped up that squeezing Columbine’s head between her thighs, she thrashed and convulsed in a frantic orgasm the moment that the virgin’s nose nuzzled up against her pulsing, erect clitoris.

Columbine’s hot tongue stuck up her hole had transported Esmeralda to the realms of sexual bliss but gradually the surges of electrifying spasms died and she found herself still in need. The girl’s tongue had been alright but what she really needed to satisfy her completely was a good stiff cock. A cock like Arlecchino’s.

Using her bare feet she pushed Columbine backwards onto her haunches and sat up to address her.

“The pretty boy! Unchain him and bring him over here.”

It was a fiddly business freeing Arlecchino and Esmeralda felt the impatience growing within her. It was taking too long, her fanny was twitching and she wanted his cock now, not next year.

“Hurry up you lazy bitch. If you don’t get him over here damn quick, I’ll make you sorry your mother didn’t dispose of you the moment you were born.”

The wait seemed interminable, although in reality it was only minutes before Arlecchino stood between her sprawled thighs, his cock standing proud. There was no preamble; Esmeralda was too desperate for that.

“Fuck me you pathetic bastard. Fuck me now!”

“But mistress, I can’t. The Baroness forbids us to do that.”

“Sod the Baroness, I’ll sort her out. And don’t tell me that you can’t fuck me because your bloody cock says different. Look at it, it’s like a flag pole.”

And so it was. Esmeralda reached forward and feeling its hot throbbing girth beneath her fingers, she guided the slave’s virgin cock to her soaking vagina. Lodging his bulging glans into the entrance to her hole, she wriggled forwards until his whole bell end was sunk inside her sex.

“Now, push!”

He penetrated three or four inches and his cock was definitely the real thing. But it was not enough.

“Put your hands under my arse and lift me up so you can get in right up to the hilt.”

Arlecchino did it like a professional and she felt his pulsing cock stretch her hole to its limit and gasped aloud as his bell end smashed all the way in. He was good for a virgin and he had not come on the first stroke as usually happened with inexperienced youths.

“Now bend over and suck my tits. And don’t stop shagging.”

With his mouth fastened over one of her acorn-sized nipples he thrust in and out, ramming his pubis against her clitoris on every up stroke. Her passion arose anew, her vagina squirting lubricating juices over his cock, juices that leaked from her sex petals to soak his mass of curly black pubic hair. God, he was big. And he felt magnificent. He was not only good for a virgin, he was as good as any man she had ever fucked and the tingling, numbing spikes of approaching orgasm radiated from her sex to her nipples and then to her every nerve ending.

Faster and faster he plunged deep into her as she moaned in ecstasy until she felt his cock expand even further as thick rivers of spunk raced up his urethra as he came. But all was not lost; his throbbing, shuddering cock tipped her over the edge and into gypsy heaven as she joined him in a mutual thrashing orgasm.

As she calmed her senses, she savoured the feeling of her cunt awash with his sperm and the pheromone-laden scent of their musky combined juices that drifted up to her nostrils. And he had not slackened! Not one iota. His cock was still plugging her solid, and if it were possible, he was almost too big. And unlike older men he was ready to go again without a pause.

Alright, if he was, then so was she.

So Arlecchino fucked her again. And again. And every time without fail, she reached a screaming, debilitating climax that saw the eyes everyone in the temple glued on to their thrashing bodies.

Eventually, her skin glistening and her hair wringing with sweat, even she had had enough. Amazingly he had not, because when she ordered him to pull out, his love pistol still stood proudly aiming for the stars.

“Not bad for a beginner. It’s a pity we’ll never be able to do it again.”

The real significance of her remark was lost on Arlecchino. Like all the other virgins he had no idea of what awaited him at the Ceremony. He had enjoyed the fucking, that much was patently obvious; but he was also obviously troubled.

“Mistress, I’m no longer a virgin. What’s going to happen to me when the Baroness finds out?”

“She won’t. This lot will keep their mouths shut if they know what’s good for them. And I’m certainly not going to tell her. Are you?”

“No mistress.”

“Well, there you are then. Both of you get back to your pens and nobody will be any the wiser.

But there was one fatal flaw in Esmeralda’s reasoning: the mirror. She was completely unaware of its existence, but it was aware of her. Her fate was sealed.

And so was Julian’s.