Books and Journals
AAntHung |
Acta Archaeologica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae |
AE |
L’Année Epigraphique |
American Journal of Archaeology |
AM |
Mitteilungen des Deutschen Archäologischen Instituts, Athenische Abteilung |
AncSoc |
Ancient Society |
AncW |
Ancient World |
Anth. Pal. |
Anthologia Palatina |
Beazley, J. D. (1963), Attic Red-figure Vase-painters, (2nd edn), Oxford: Clarendon Press |
Bryn Mawr Classical Review |
Clairmont, C. W. (1993), Classical Attic Tombstones, Kilchberg: Acanthus |
Corpus Inscriptionum Latinarum |
CJ |
The Classical Journal |
Clair |
Clairmont C. W. (1970), Gravestone and Epigram, Mainz: Philipp von Zabern |
CQ |
Classical Quarterly |
CR |
Classical Review |
Corpus Vasorum Antiquorum |
Cancik, H., Schneider, H. and Landfester, M. (1956–), Der Neue Pauly, Verlag J.B. Metzler |
EEThess |
Epistemonike epeterida tes philosophikes Scholes tou Aristoteleiou Panepistemiou Thessalonikes, Tmema philosophias, Thessalonika |
Ephesos |
Merkelbach, R. and Nollé, J. (1980), Die Inschriften von Ephesos, Bonn: R. Habelt |
Müller, C. (1841–70), Fragmenta Historicum Graecorum |
Greek, Roman and Byzantine Studies |
GV |
Peek, W. (1955), Griechische Vers-Inschriften Bd.1, Grab-Epigramme, Berlin: Academie-Verlag |
HZ |
Historische Zeitschrift |
IC |
Guarducci, M. (1942), Inscriptiones Creticae, Roma: Libreria dello Stato |
I. Erythrae |
Engelmann, H. and Merkelbach, R. (1972–1973), Die Inschriften von Erythrae und Klazomenai, Bonn: R. Habelt |
IG |
Inscriptiones Graecae |
I. Iasos |
Blümel, W. (1985), Die Inschriften von Iasos, Bonn: R. Habelt |
I. Ilion |
Frisch, P. (1975), Die Inschriften von Ilion, Bonn: R. Habelt |
I. Labraunda |
Crampa, J. (1969–1972), The Inscriptions from Labraunda, Lund: P.Åström |
Journal of Hellenic Studies |
Journal of Roman Studies |
Fraser, P. M. and Matthews, E. (eds) (1987), A Greek Lexicon of Personal Names, Oxford University Press |
Lexicon Iconographicum Mythologiae Classicae |
Lexikon des Mittelalters |
MedArch |
Mediterranean Archaeology: The Australian and New Zealand Journal for the Archaeology of the Mediterranean World |
Museo Nazionale Archeologico Naples |
MuZ |
Pfuhl, E. (1969), Malerei und Zeichnung der Griechen, (reprint), Rome: L’Erma di Bretschneider |
NC |
Payne, H. (1931), Necrocorinthia. A Study of Corinthian Art in the Archaic Period, Oxford: Clarendon Press |
Dittenberger, W. (1903-1905), Orientis Graeci Inscriptiones Selectae, 2 Vols, Leipzig: S. Hirzel |
Perachora |
Payne, H. and Dunbabin, T. J. (1962), Perachora: The Sanctuaries of Hera Akraia and Limenia; Excavations of the British School of Archaeology at Athens, 1930-1933, 2 Vols, Oxford: Clarendon Press |
P. Giss. |
Grieschische Papyri im Muzeum zu Giessen |
Pugliese Carratelli, G. and Baldassare, I. (eds) (1990-2003), Pompei: Pitture e Mosaici, Vols 1-11, Rome: istituto della Enciclopedia Italiana |
RE |
Paulys Realencyclopädie der classischen Altertumswissenschaft |
RömMitt |
Römische Abteilung Mitteilungen des deutschen archäologischen Instituts |
SE |
Alpers, M. and Halfmann, H. (1995), Supplementum Ephesium, Hamburg: Deutschen Forschungsgemeinschaft |
Chaniotis, A., Corsten, T., Stroud, R. S. and Tybout, R. A, Supplementum Epigraphicum Graecum, Leiden: Brill |
Transactions of the American Philological Association |
Thess. Mnem. |
Arvanitopoulos, A. S. (1909), ΘΕΣΣΑΛΙΚΑ ΜΝΗΜΕΙΑ. |
Περιγραφη |
των εν τω αθανασακειω μουσειω Βολου γραπτων στηλων των Παγασων, 2 Vols: Athens |
Zeitschrift für Papyrologie und Epigraphik |
Ancient Sources
Aesch., Ag. |
Aeschylus, Agamemnon |
Andoc. |
Andocides |
A.P. |
Anthologia Palatina |
App., Syr. |
Appian, Syriaca |
Arist., Pol. |
Aristotle, Politica |
Arr., Epict. diss. |
Arrian, Epicteti dissertations |
Ath. |
Athenaeus |
Callim. Delos |
Callimachus, Hymn to Delos |
Cass. Dio |
Cassius Dio |
Cato, frg. |
Cato, Fragmente |
Cic., Inv. rhet. |
Cicero, De inventione rhetorica |
Cic., Off. |
Cicero, De officiis |
Cic., Planc. |
Cicero, Pro Plancio |
Dem. |
Demosthenes |
Dig. |
Digesta |
Diog. Laert. |
Diogenes Laertius |
Fest. |
Festus |
Gell., NA |
Aulus Gellius, Noctes Atticae |
Hdt. |
Herodotus |
Hes., Erga |
Hesiod, Erga |
Hyper., Epit |
Hyperides, Epitaphos |
Inst. Iust. |
Institutiones Iustiniani |
Isoc. |
Isocrates |
Lys. |
Lysias |
Men., Sam. |
Menander, Samia |
Nic. Dam. |
Nicolaus Damascenus |
Ov., Fast. |
Ovid, Fasti |
Plin., Ep. |
Pliny (the Younger), Epistolae |
Plin., HN |
Pliny (the Elder), Naturalis historiae |
Plut., An seni |
Plutarch, An seni respublica gerenda sit |
Plut., Mor. |
Plutarch, Moralia |
Plut., Vit. Cat. Mai. |
Plutarch, Vitae Parallelae Cato Maior |
Polyb. |
Polybius |
Suet., Aug. |
Suetonius, Divus Augustus |
Suet., Claud. |
Suetonius, Divus Claudius |