LeighAnna MacFadden at Pixar put her trust in me, and Emily Haynes, my editor at Chronicle Books, helped shape the text and guided me through the rough patches.

Some fine folks at Pixar answered my questions: Bill Cone, Ralph Eggleston, Harley Jessup, Ricky Nierva, Elyse Klaidman, and Christine Freeman. Many more fine folks at Chronicle and Pixar contributed to the making of this book: Kelly Bonbright, Andy Dreyfus, Karen Paik, Meg Ocampo, Sarah Boggs, Heather Feng, Jacob Gardner, Emilie Sandoz, Becca Cohen, and Beth Steiner.

I’m also grateful to Richard Vander Wende and Hans Bacher for valuable historical input; Michael Ruocco, who transcribed the interviews and assisted in countless other ways; Jerry Beck, who is always ready to lend a helpful hand; and my parents and Celia for their continued love and support.

—Amid Amidi


Colorscript, Toy Story 3, Dice Tsutsumi, Digital, 2009