- 24-hour news cycle, impact, 24–9
- 401(k) account
- after-tax 401(k) contributions, 175–6
- balances, increase, 140
- business partnership, 160
- contributions, increase, 208
- creation, 20
- investment willingness, 69
- management, 22
- possession, 159
- Roth 401(k) contributions, 174–5
- tax deferral, 162
- 403(b) account
- possession, 159
- usage, 21
- 457 account, possession, 159
- A
- Active mutual funds, index underperformance, 73
- Advice. See Financial advice
- Aesop's Fables, tortoise/hare tale, 5
- After-tax 401(k) contributions, 175–6
- Allocation deviations, 257
- American Stock Exchange, ETF listing, 187
- Amsterdam Stock Exchange, establishment, 186
- Anchoring, 189f
- behavioral trait, 189–90
- bias, manifestation, 189
- response, 190
- Annual returns, impact, 42f
- Annuities
- CDs, contrast, 246–7
- explanation, 245–7
- investment, assumptions, 245–6
- purchase, example, 244–5
- AQR Capital Management, 77
- Arnott, Rob, 196
- Ask price, 238
- Asset classes
- data, irrefutability, 72
- movement, rate variation, 254
- performance, 38, 39f, 149, 251f
- returns, 38–9
- risk, consideration, 211–12
- sectors, performance, 40–1
- selection, 39
- Assets
- allocation
- building, risk assumption (consideration), 252
- example, 255
- examination, 233
- locations, 41
- safety, 132
- skepticism, 233–234
- tax-deferred assets, 159
- Average investor, performance, 40f
- B
- Baby Boomers, retirement savings amount, 101
- Bad news, representation, 264f
- Balanced portfolio, example, 131–2
- Bankruptcy, 87, 133
- Bears
- attack, survival, 249
- markets, 270
- defining, 249–50
- preparation, 250–2
- Behavioral biases, 189f, 269
- Benchmarks
- Bid-ask spread, narrowness, 238
- Bid price, 238
- Black Monday
- cash, movement, 60
- catastrophe, 212
- crash (1987), 61
- impact, 211–3
- S&P500 single-day gain, 49
- Black-Scholes pricing model, 242
- Bogle, Jack, 67, 187, 268
- Bonds
- bond market factors, 87–93
- corporate bond option-adjusted spread (OAS), 93f
- investment, commissions (examination), 237–41
- junk bonds, 92
- markets, problems, 129, 240
- municipal bond pricing, Federal Reserve study, 239
- over-the-counter trading, 238
- purchase, return (potential), 91–2
- purchase/sale, cost, 238
- role, 92
- S&P rating scale, 91f
- stocks, contrast, 90
- yield, markup payment, 239
- Breaking news alerts, 265
- Bridgeway Capital Management, 77
- Brokerage firms, commissions (absence), 18
- Brokers
- partnering, 248
- suitability standard, 240–1
- Bucketing, 195
- Buffett, Warren, 84–5, 196, 235, 263
- Bulls
- bull market, bonds (abandonment), 62
- money, making, 130
- Butterfly Effect, 59–60
- Buy-and-forget investing, 258–9
- Buy-and-forget investors (damage), valuation (impact), 259
- Buy-and-hold investing, 257–8
- C
- Cable news channels, rise (impact), 25–6
- Call options, sale, 144–5
- Capital allocation, 263
- Capital gains
- long-term capital gains, preferential capital gains rates (usage), 179
- rate, payment, 178–9
- reduction, 171–2
- short-term capital gains, ordinary income (consideration), 179
- Capitalism, power, 82
- Casinos
- cards, counting (difficulty), 70
- evolution, 71
- games, odds, 44
- lucrativeness, 69–70
- Certificates of deposit (CDs)
- annuities, trading, 246–7
- investment, example, 246
- Certified Financial Planner (CFP), defining, 226–7
- Charity, donation, 152
- Charles Schwab
- commissions, absence, 18
- rules-based vehicles, 77
- Citigroup, demise, 60–1
- commentary, audience attention (example), 208
- Mad Money (Cramer), 217–21
- popularity, increase, 210
- viewership, stock market movements (relationship), 210f
- Coin tosses, randomness, 55
- Collar, 145
- Collateralized debt obligation (CDO), prospectus examination, 235–6
- Collectibles, asset classification, 233
- Commissions, 237–41, 246
- Companies
- long-term profits, 81
- market value, list, 141
- prospects, change (list), 140
- Compound interest
- Concentrated positions, usage, 143–5
- Confirmation bias, 189f
- behavioral trait, 190–191
- response, 191–2
- Consumer confidence, political affiliation (contrast), 215f
- Consumer loans, example, 91
- Contributions. See Roth 401(k) contributions; Roth IRA
- Conviction
- importance, 10
- levels, 193
- Core lifestyle, income level, 162
- Corporate bond option-adjusted spread (OAS), 93f
- Corporate corporations, list, 138
- Corporate earnings, impact, 82
- Cramer, Jim, 217–21
- Credit crisis, 147
- Credit premium factor, 91–2
- Credit risk, exposure, 236
- Crisis, opportunity (comparison), 48–50
- Crypto currencies
- asset classification, 233
- sale, basis, 234
- Currency
- hedges, usae, 90
- volatility, impact, 90
- D
- Dealer, beating, 69–70
- Defined benefit plans (pensions)
- operation, 20
- pension boards, oversight, 21
- Defined contribution plans, 20
- Derivatives, usage (reasons), 241–2
- Dimensional Fund Advisors, 77
- Discipline, importance, 5
- Distribution rate, determination, 104–5
- Diversification. See Smart diversification
- benefits, reduction, 92
- logic, 149
- tax diversification, 158–9
- Diversified portfolio, wealth (growth), 150f
- Dividends, taxation (ordinary income tax rate), 179
- Dow Jones Industrial Average (DJIA)
- decline, 249–50
- losses (Black Monday), 213
- return, 116
- trading level (2019), 189
- Drawdown measures, maximum, 119
- Dutch East India Company, inflation-adjusted market value, 141–2, 142f
- E
- Earnings release (breaking news alert example), 208
- Economic data
- breaking news alert example, 208
- improvement, 216
- Economic outlook, politics (impact), 215f
- Economy
- awareness, 28
- changes, 16, 17f
- direction, government (impact), 216
- future, uncertainty, 4
- growth, 82
- variables, 59
- Emerging market stock funds, avoidance/investment, 230–1
- Employees
- defined benefit plan coverage, 22
- defined contribution plans, impact, 20–1
- Employers
- defined benefit plans, impact, 20
- employer-sponsored plan, possession, 159
- Energy companies, investor overweighting, 136–7
- Enhanced indexing, 76
- Entitlement programs, funding, 157
- European Union, Britain (exit), 264
- Exchange-traded funds (ETFs)
- American Stock Exchange listing, 187
- focus, 72
- usage, recommendation, 237
- Expected return, increase, 80, 124
- F
- Factor-based approach, 76
- Factor premiums, 93
- Factors (investing), 78–9
- Family, money (giving), 152
- Fear
- irrational fear, 59
- reduction, 13
- selling, 209–10, 234
- susceptibility, 28–9
- Fear of Missing Out (FOMO), 195
- Federal capital gains tax brackets, 157f, 178f
- Federal income tax brackets, 155f
- Federal Reserve (Fed)
- estimates/forecasts, 58
- rate increases, impact, 129
- Fees, reduction, 229–32
- Fidelity Investments, 67
- commissions, absence, 18
- dead clients, returns, 19
- Fiduciary standard, 226, 240–1
- suitability standard, contrast, 226–8
- Finances
- education, 188
- news, impact, 214
- Financial advice, 35
- advisor, personal financial situation (understanding), 10
- aim/focus, 219–20
- problems, 9–10
- Financial advisers
- fiduciary actions, law (overturning), 228
- fiduciary classification, determination, 226
- impact, 224–5
- Financial analysts, predictions (study), 56
- Financial companies, investor overweighting, 136–7
- Financial crisis (2009), 142
- CNBC popularity, increase, 210
- Financial Crisis (2007-2009), consideration, 212
- Financial decision making, media (impact), 216
- Financial freedom, 270
- navigation, 2
- principles, 269–70
- Financial goals, 95
- Financial independence, achievement, 99, 223
- Financial life
- accumulation phase, 49
- distribution phase, 49
- taxes, navigation, 152–3
- Financial markets
- awareness, 28
- bear survival, 251
- changes, 16, 17f, 267
- evolution, 14, 70–1
- fluctuations (volatility), 120
- navigation, approaches, 5
- Financial media
- entertainment/information purpose, 28
- information, framing, 207–8
- purpose, 207
- Financial news
- channels, impact, 25–6
- dissemination, 14
- Financial plan, information (relationship), 10
- Financial providers
- Financial success, 2–3, 111, 270
- hype/noise, ignoring, 9
- key, 15
- performance measurement, 262
- roadblocks, avoidance, 5
- role, importance, 188
- time/discipline, 5
- Financial weapons of mass destruction, avoidance, 241
- First Index Investment Trust, launch, 67
- Fixed income sources, 103
- Forecasts
- fun, 52–3
- guesses, comparison, 51
- problems, 59–60
- usage, 62–3
- worthlessness, 57
- Fox News, political leaning, 214
- Framing bias, 196–8, 245
- behavioral trait, 196–7
- overcoming, media (impact), 197
- response, 197–8
- Funds, flow, 73f
- Future
- forecasting, attempt, 75–6
- investment, 263–4
- planning, commitment, 269
- Future income streams, taxation (control), 154
- Futures
- avoidance, 241–2
- investment process, timing, 242
- pricing models, complexity, 242
- unlimited losses, 241
- G
- Galbraith, John Kenneth, 54
- Gambling, long-term investing (contrast), 43–5
- Garzarelli, Elaine, 61
- Global bonds, investment, 90–1
- Global diversification, 90
- Global investing, information flow (increase), 29–30
- Globalization, 29–31
- Global stock market results, information, 30
- Go-Go years, 101
- Great Depression, 82, 264
- S&P500 single-day gain, 48f
- Greater fool theory, 11
- Great Recession, 147
- Greed, reduction, 13
- Gross, Bill, 69
- Growth
- tax-free status, 182
- value, outperformance (contrast), 85f
- Growth stocks, 80–1
- H
- Headlines, accuracy, 197
- Health Savings Account (HSA), tax-free income distribution, 159
- Hedge fund managers
- risk/reward scenarios, problems, 11
- upside incentive, comparison, 11
- Hedge funds
- closure rates, 31–2, 32f
- initiation, 61
- resources, availability, 32
- Hedging, methods, 144–5
- Herd behavior, 194–6
- behavioral trait, 194–5
- response, 195–6
- High-frequency traders, impact, 24
- High-frequency trading, 23–4
- Hindsight bias, 198–9
- behavioral trait, 198–9
- response, 199
- Holdings
- concentration, problem, 133
- period returns, investor control, 24
- Housing
- collapse, 60
- expense, 151
- Human condition, exacerbation, 53
- Hype
- barrage, 9–10
- ignoring, difficulty, 12–14
- I
- Income. See Retirement income
- future income streams, taxation, 154
- Roth IRA contributions income limits, 173
- tax-free distribution, 159
- Income in Respect of a Decedent (IRD), 165–6
- Income taxes, 154–7
- calculation, example, 156f
- federal income tax brackets, 155f
- marginal rates, 155
- personal income taxes, reductions (forecast), 157
- Indexed products, 72–5
- investment, movement, 67
- portfolio component, 73–4
- Indexes
- construction, 74
- gaming, 74–5
- index funds tracking, 74–5
- market weighting basis, 74
- reconstitution process, 75
- style drift, 75
- Index mutual funds, focus, 72
- Individual investors, professional traders (contrast), 211
- Individual Retirement Account (IRA)
- business partnership, 160
- creation, 20
- investment, willingness, 69
- losses, waste, 183
- possession, 159
- stretch IRA, 165–6
- tax deferral, 162
- Industrial companies, investor overweighting, 136–7
- Industry downturn, impact, 133
- Inflation
- Information
- availability, problems, 27–8
- dispersion, impact, 27
- financial plan, relationship, 10
- Innovations, impact, 268
- Institutional investors
- rise, 31–3
- sophistication/competitiveness, increase, 14
- Interest, ordinary income consideration, 178
- Interest rates
- economists, prediction (polls), 54
- timing, components, 54–5
- Internal Revenue Service (IRS)
- investment partner, 160
- loan, 163
- penalties, 166–7
- International economics, background (requirement), 30
- International securities, investor allocation, 29
- Internet
- adoption, 25
- development, impact, 18
- impact, 26–7
- Inventories, release (breaking news alert example), 207
- Investing, 5
- approach, implementation/identification, 2
- buy-and-forget investing, 258–9
- buy-and-hold investing, 257–8
- certainties, absence, 6
- competition/game, avoidance, 14–15
- factors, 78–9
- focus, 233
- fortitude, 1
- global investing, information flow (increase), 29–30
- long-term activity, 262–3
- long-term approach, usage, 11
- process, components, 12
- self-directed investing, 20–3
- speculation, contrast, 10–12
- success, 92
- trading, contrast, 16, 232–3
- Investment
- allocation, considerations, 254–5
- characteristics, stability, 258–9
- decisions, impact, 201
- definition, examination, 232
- errors, overconfidence (impact), 192
- exposure, reduction, 260
- familiarity, advantages/disadvantages, 132–7
- fees, reduction, 229–32
- growth (S&P500), 47f
- growth (example), annual returns (impact), 42f
- growth rate, example, 105–6
- options, 68, 121
- partnership, 159–161
- performance, 142–3
- portfolio, performance (impact), 208
- products, complexity, 234–6
- professionals, fees (reduction), 229–32
- providers, monitoring/evaluation, 224
- purchase, identification, 232–4
- requirement, 113
- returns, factors, 67
- risk, types, 46
- rules-based approach, usage, 72
- solution, 71–2
- time horizon, length, 211–12
- types, 233
- understanding, importance, 236–7
- usage, determination, 103–4
- value, decrease, 144–5
- volatility, reduction, 90
- Investment Advisers Act (1940), 226
- Investment Policy Statement (IPS)
- Investors
- all-star team, 60–2
- average investor, performance, 40f
- balanced portfolio, example, 131
- Black Monday, impact, 211–13
- financial news channels, impact, 26
- international securities allocation, 29
- ownership propensity, 136f
- psychological challenge, 132
- self-impact, 185–7
- time horizons, increase, 24
- IRD. See Income in Respect of a Decedent
- Irrational fear, 59
- J
- Jerry Springer Show, The, 220
- Johnson, Edward, 67
- Junk bonds, 92
- L
- Large companies
- large-company stocks, performance, 38
- risk, decrease, 86
- small companies, performance (contrast), 85, 86f
- Large-value companies, index (investment), 83
- Las Vegas casinos, niceness, 43–5
- Life
- certainty, 163–7
- expectancy, increase, 96
- fulfillment, 6
- shortness, 127–8
- speed, 15–16
- Lifestyle
- core lifestyle, income level, 162
- cost, 100
- determination/questions, 97
- Living expenses, accumulation, 126
- Living standard, increase, 100
- Load, 229
- Longer-term bonds
- interest, payment, 89
- risk, 88
- Longer-term gains, expense, 201
- Long-term capital gains, preferential capital gains rates (usage), 179
- Long-Term Capital Management (LTCM), crash/rescue, 242
- Long-term investing, gambling (contrast), 43–5
- Long-term investors, tools/techniques, 5
- Long-term returns, impact, 213f
- Lost Decade, 147–150
- Lynch, Peter, 132
- M
- Macro trading, 30–1
- Mad Money (Cramer), 217–21
- Markets
- avoidance, 147, 149
- benchmark, 213
- capitalization, 77
- constitution, 149
- crash, warnings, 60
- direction, information, 209
- events, 116f
- market-tracking products, focus, 72
- mistiming, 46
- recovery, 265
- selloffs, impact, 117
- time/timing, contrast, 41–2
- timing, difficulty, 45–6
- tops/bottoms, identification precision (absence), 259–60
- valuations, problems, 259–60
- volatility, 4, 120
- Markets, beating
- difficulty, 32, 75
- impossibility, 71–2
- possibility, 69–70
- Markup, payment, 239–40
- Married couple, income tax calculation (example), 156f
- Maturities, risk (equivalence), 90
- May Day, 18
- Media. See Financial media
- barrage, continuation, 206
- figures, polarization, 206
- impact, 197, 205–11, 216, 269
- money, making (consideration), 206–7
- Media pundits, impact, 57–8
- Mega backdoor Roth, 176
- Money
- accumulation, plan (determination), 105–7, 110
- doubling, consideration, 246
- history, 186
- increase, 125–7
- legacy goal, 119
- lending, 88
- making, amount, 114–15
- making/keeping, 181–3
- placement, 152
- requirements, determination, 105, 110
- taxable pool, building, 177–81
- tax-free pool, building, 172
- usage, continuation, 172
- Monthly mortgage principal and interest (P&I) payments, impact, 108
- Mortgage payment, calculation, 100
- Motivation, 245–6
- MSNBC, political leaning, 214
- Municipal bond pricing, Federal Reserve study, 239
- Mutual funds
- active mutual funds, index underperformance, 73
- fees, cost, 230f
- managers, index performance (problems), 71
- resources, 32
- usage, 90–1, 240
- Myopic loss aversion, 201–3
- behavioral trait, 201–2
- response, 202–3
- N
- News
- conferences (breaking news alert example), 207
- media, acceptance, 28–9
- New York Stock Exchange
- commission
- deregulation (May Day), 17–18
- levels, 17
- founding, 186
- turnover, increase, 23
- No-Go years, 102
- Noise, barrage, 9–10
- Nonmortgage spending, factor, 109
- Nonstop news coverage, Internet (impact), 26–7
- O
- One Up on Wall Street (Lynch), 132
- Online trading, impact, 18
- Opportunity, crisis (comparison), 48–50
- Options
- appropriateness, 243
- avoidance, 241–2
- investment process, timing, 242
- pricing models, complexity, 242
- risk, 145
- unlimited losses, 241
- Ordinary income, considerations, 178–9
- Other people's money, impact, 21–2
- Out-of-consensus call, 62
- Overconfidence bias, 192–4
- behavioral trait, 192–3
- manifestation, 193
- response, 193–4
- Overconfidence, investment problem, 192
- Ownership share, increase, 160
- P
- Pension. See Defined benefit plans
- Pension fund
- resources, 32
- target mix, example, 62
- Performance, focus, 262–3
- Performance, measurement, 213
- Periodic portfolio rebalancing, 256–7
- Perma-bears, 61
- Personal income taxes, reductions (forecast), 157
- Political uncertainty, 3–4
- Portfolio
- alignment, 255
- analysis, example, 240
- balanced portfolio, example, 131–2
- building, 113–14, 235–6
- decline, example, 133
- distributions, determination, 109–10
- diversified portfolio, wealth (growth), 150f
- holdings, turnover (rapidity), 19
- identification, 117
- investments, examples, 123–4
- leverage, 140
- mixes, determination, 12
- monitoring/adjustment, 12
- performance, 38, 39f
- feedback, 203
- improvement, 22–3
- periodic portfolio rebalancing, 256–7
- rebalancing, 49–50
- return generation, assumption (absence), 122
- risk/return, 118f
- selection, 124–5
- tilt, 79
- tracking, 31
- values
- decline, 22
- fluctuation, 38
- Portfolio bonds
- Precious metals
- asset classification, 233
- sale, basis, 234
- Presidents, term length (impact), 217f
- Pretax dollars, usage, 174
- Price appreciation, taxation (absence), 183
- Principal and interest (P&I) payments, impact, 108
- Professional traders, individual investors (contrast), 211
- Public behavior, guiding/shaping, 58
- Put options, purchase, 144–5
- Q
- Quarterly reporting, problems, 262
- R
- Real estate investment trusts (REITs), 132
- income, ordinary income (consideration), 179
- wealth, growth, 39
- Rebalancing, 254–6
- periodic portfolio rebalancing, 256–7
- provision, 258
- Registered investment advisors (RIAs), offerings, 228
- Required minimum distribution (RMD), 163–5
- Retirement, 96
- accounts
- assets, tax payments, 177
- types, 159
- Baby Boomer savings amount, 101
- distribution rate, determination, 104–5, 110
- enjoyment, 125, 127–8
- investments, usage (determination), 103–4
- lifestyle, determination/questions, 97
- mindset shift, requirement, 117
- money
- accumulation, plan (determination), 105–7, 110
- requirements, determination, 105
- planning
- difficulty, 161
- steps, summary, 106f
- portfolio distributions, determination, 109–10
- rules, 125
- savings, usage (determination), 103–4
- spending, 101–2
- determination, 107–9
- status, 98–9
- step-by-step example, 107–11
- sustainable distribution rate, determination, 110
- timing, determination, 99, 108
- vision, determination, 96–8, 107
- withdrawal rate, determination, 104
- Retirement income
- determination, 99–100
- sources, determination, 103, 109
- sources, taxation process, 158
- Retirement taxes
- bill, deferral (hype), 153
- bracket, reduction (hype), 153
- payments, reduction (hype), 153
- truth, 154
- Return
- expected return, increase, 80, 124
- generation, 147
- improvement, 146
- increase, stocks (impact), 122
- keeping, control, 269
- maximization, 92
- potential, increase, 124
- rate
- calculation, 12
- requirement, determination, 261, 269
- Risk, 181. See also Shortfall risk
- bond risk, 88
- capacity
- factors, 252
- tolerance, contrast/confusion, 252–4
- company decrease/increase, 86
- compensation, 89
- increase, maturities (equivalence), 90
- investment-by-investment basis measurement, 125
- reduction, 12, 132, 144
- taking, amount, 116–20
- tolerance
- determination, 252–3
- honesty, 254
- overestimation, 253
- RMD. See Required minimum distribution
- Rockefeller, John D., 196
- Roth 401(k) contributions, 174–5
- Roth account
- mega backdoor Roth, 176
- tax-free income distribution, 159
- Roth IRA
- backdoor Roth IRA contributions, 173–4
- contributions, 172–3
- Rules-based approach
- defining, 76–7
- usage, 72, 75–8
- Rumor, attention, 13
- Russell 3000, U.S. stock market proxy, 74
- S
- Sale, tax implications, 144
- Santayana, George, 1
- Savings
- market selloffs, impact, 117
- usage, determination, 103–4
- Scholes, Myron, 242
- Securities, investor purchase/sale, 238
- Self-attribution bias, 200–1
- behavioral trait, 200
- response, 200–1
- Self-directed investing, 20–3
- Shorter-term bonds
- interest, payment, 89
- risk, 88
- Shorter-term trading, speculation requirement, 262–3
- Shortfall risk, 46, 115
- Short-term capital gains, ordinary income (consideration), 179
- Short-term market movements, meaninglessness, 214
- Short-term trading
- Cramer recommendations, relationship, 218
- long-term investing, contrast, 5
- speculation, equivalence, 11
- Slow-Go years, 102
- Small companies
- large companies, performance (contrast), 85, 86f
- risk, increase, 86
- small-company factor, 83–5
- small-company stocks, performance, 38
- small-company universe, 87
- Small stocks, risk (increase), 86
- Small value stocks, purchase, 84
- Smart beta, 76
- Smart diversification, 129
- behavior, avoidance, 131
- defining, 130
- impact, 145–7
- practice, 129
- Smart phones, usage, 15–16
- Sniff test, 224
- Social media
- impact, 14
- opinions/news stories, bombardment, 27
- Sovereign wealth fund, resources, 32
- Soviet Union, collapse, 52
- Speculation
- definition, 12
- investing, contrast, 10–12
- short-term trading, equivalence, 11
- Spending
- calculation, 99
- complication, 99
- estimate, 98
- nonmortgage spending, factor, 109
- status, determination, 98–9
- Springer, Jerry, 220
- Sputnik 1 (Soviet Union launch), 51
- Standard deviation, usage, 119–20
- Standard of living
- enjoyment, 172
- improvement, 263–4
- Standard & Poor's (S&P)
- bond rating scale, 91f
- performance, 265f
- sector performance, differences, 134f
- Standard & Poor's 500 (S&P500), 249, 260
- bear markets, impact, 22
- corrections, 250
- increase, 133
- investment, growth, 47f
- level, increase, 37f
- negative returns, 147
- performance, tracking, 67
- portfolio
- allocation, 47
- ownership, 149
- single-day percentage gains, 48f
- tracking, 230
- wealth, growth, 148f, 150f
- Stock market
- best performing stock markets, 139f
- crash (1929), 82
- crashes, predictability, 131
- decline (1987), 4
- decline, example, 255
- factors, 79–87
- movements, 92
- CNBC viewership, relationship, 210f
- performance, president term lengths (impact), 217f
- sell-off/rebound, 23
- worries, 126–7
- Stocks
- addition, 121–3
- bonds, contrast, 90
- concentration, example, 131–2
- finding, 84–5
- growth stocks, 80–1
- identification, 84
- impact, 122
- movements, prediction (difficulty), 219
- performance differential, 56
- prices, research, 25
- proportion, 126
- purchase
- analysis, 219
- choices, 122
- mechanisms, 218–19
- selection, 83
- U.S. stock fund flows, 73f
- volatility, 124
- Stretch IRA, 165–6
- Style drift, 75
- Success. See Financial success
- demonstration, 79
- factors, 78–9
- guarantee, absence, 76
- odds
- reduction, 68
- smart diversification, impact, 145–7
- planning, impact, 95
- rate, 55
- repetition, 61
- trap, 140–3
- Suitability standard, 225–6
- fiduciary standard, contrast, 226–8
- FINRA definition, 225
- T
- Tactical allocation, 194
- Target allocation
- establishment, 62
- example, 257
- portfolio alignment, 255
- Target return, performance measurement, 261
- Taxable pool, flexibility, 178
- Tax Cut and Jobs Act (2018), 157
- Taxes. See Income taxes; Retirement taxes
- avoidance, 171
- control, 154
- deferral, 161
- diversification, 158–9
- expense, 269
- federal capital gains tax brackets, 157f
- federal income tax brackets, 155f
- hype, 153
- increase, question, 157–8
- inevitability (hype), 153
- inimization, examination, 144
- navigation, 152–3
- optimization, 161
- payment, reduction, 152
- tax-deferred account
- losses, waste, 183
- money (conversion), distribution (consideration), 176
- money, movement, 171
- tax-deferred assets, 159
- tax-deferred pool, advantages/disadvantages, 182–3
- tax-free pool, funds flow (acceleration), 176–7
- understanding, 151
- U.S. individual tax return form 1040, example, 156f
- Tax loss harvesting (TLH), 180–1
- Tax Reform and Jobs Act (2017), impact, 177
- TD Ameritrade, commissions (absence), 18
- Technical analysis, 243–4
- Technology companies
- bankruptcy, 133
- investor overweighting, 136–7
- survival, 134–5, 135f
- Technology stocks
- decimation, 134–5
- returns, impact, 256
- Term premium factor, 87
- Thrift Savings Plan (TSP), possession, 159
- Time
- horizon, length, 211–12
- usefulness, 42
- Trading, 5
- activity, high-frequency trader (domination), 23
- avoidance, 233
- investing, contrast, 16, 232–3
- Transaction costs, reduction, 17–19, 27
- Treasury bonds, maturities, 88
- Tweak, definition, 2
- U
- Uncertainty, source, 87
- United States, companies/economy, 137–9
- Upside incentive, hedge fund manager (comparison), 11
- U.S. individual tax return form 1040, example, 156f
- U.S. one-month T-bills, wealth (growth), 148f
- USSR, collapse, 51–2
- U.S. stock fund flows, 73f
- U.S. Treasury yield curves, 89f
- V
- Valuation
- impact, 259
- market valuations, problems, 259–60
- Value
- factor, 79–83
- growth, performance (contrast), 85f
- Value companies, returns, 80
- Value stocks, 81
- Virginia Company, formation, 186–7
- Volatility, 46, 119–20
- market volatility, 120
- measurement, standard volatility (usage), 120
- navigation, 265
- reduction, 90
- stock volatility, 124
- W
- Wall Street
- analysts, impact, 55–7
- investment products, creation, 234–6
- War, threat, 3
- Weapons of mass destruction, risk, 3
- Whitney, Meredith (trouble, prediction), 60–1
- Work, continuation (intention), 99
- World, changes, 16, 17f
- World Wide Web, ubiquity, 26
- Wynn Casino, losses, 44
- Y
- Y chromosome, impact, 192
- Yield curve, 88–9
- focus, 89
- shape, variation, 89
- slope, 236
- steepness, emphasis, 90