Ths bibliographical contribution here presented is the first section of an attempt towards a "library bibliography." It is hoped that it may prove useful in connection with the work of the various library schools and bibliographical courses.

The present section ends with the establishment of Christianity in the ancient world, consequently no works dealing with Christian institutions are included.

There are given, as nearly as possible, all classical references to libraries and all the writings of any importance which have appeared in print. Of the latter nearly 300 titles are listed, about one-half being of works in the compiler's possession. Although every effort has been made to verify the accuracy of the remaining half of the bibliography, a margin of error is unavoidably present because of the impossibility of seeing all the books included, and this applies also to a few references to later Greek and Roman authors whose works are not accessible.

The compiler will be grateful for any additions or corrections which may be communicated to him.


I. General. II. Oriental.

III. Greek.

a, Alexandria. ^. Pergamon.

IV. Roman.

a, Herculaneum. V. library management and bibliography.


GSNSRAL. Lost work: Varro, 4U HbliaHUcis lib. III.

Patricias, Frandscus. [De bibliothecis.] in kis De institutione reipublicae. Paris,

1534. f*. in Madems, cit. infra, i, 35-36.

Cassanaeus, Bartholomaeus. [De bibliothecis.]

Ml kis Catalogus gloriae mundi. Venice,

1571. 4*. lib. 12, p. 307 f.

in Madems, cit, infra, i, 32 - 34.

Middendorpius, lac. Academiarum celebrium

universi terrarum orbis. C5ln, 1594. 8**.

^ Same. COln, 1602. 8". lib. 2, p. 231 f.

Lib. of Jerusalem, lib. 3, p. 612 f. Roman


Lipsius, Justus. De bibliothecis syntagma.

Antwerp, 1602. 4*. — Same in Vossius, Gerardus. Dissertationes

de studiis bene instituendis. Utrecht, 1658.


— Same in Maderus, cit, infra, i, 1-23.

— Same in kis Opera omnia. Wesel, 1675.

4 vols. 8°.

— Same: Trait6 des bibliothdques. Traduit

par Etienne Gabriel Peignot.

in Peignot, E. G. Manuel bibliographique. Paris, an ix. (1800). 8**. Pancirollus, Guido. De librariis sive bibliothecis.

in kis Res memorabiles sive deperditae. Frankfurt, 1631. 4**. tit. xxii.

m Maderus, ^V. m/ra. 1,30-31. Tomasini, Giacomo Filippo. De bibliothecis manuscriptis.

in kis Bibliothecae Patavinae manuscriptae publicae et privatae. Udina, 1639. 4*. preface.

in Maderus, cit, infra, i, 54-62. Jacob de Saint-Charles, Louis. Traict6 des plus belles bibliothdques publiques et particu-lieres, qui ont est6 et qui sont ^ pr^ent dans le monde. Paris, 1644. 12". Lomeier, Johann. De bibliothecis libellus. Ziitphen, 1662. 12*.

— De bibliothecis liber singularis. Ziitphen,

1669. 8*.

— Same, 2d ed. Utrecht, 1680. 8*.

— Same in Maderus, cit, infra, iii (1705), i - 278. [—] Same abridged: Traitt6 historique des plus

belles biblioth^ques de 1'Europe. . . . Par

le Sieur [Pierre] Le Gallois. Paris, 1680.


Same, Paris, 1685. i6'.

. Same, Amsterdam, 1697. 16*.

On the relation of these works and the following

see Nation (May ao, 1897) 64: 377-378. [ "l Same : A critical and historical account

of all the celebrated libraries in foreign

countries, as well ancient as modern. . . .

By a Gentleman of the Temple. London,

1739. i6'. —- Same : An account of all the celebrated

libraries. Reprinted [by Sir Thomas Phil-

lipps] from a small work printed in 1739.

Middle Hill, 1826. T. ao copies privately printed. — Same, 2d ed. London, 174a 16*.

rei litterariae et Jena, 1704. 8'.

Hottinger, Johann Heinrich. Bibliothecarius quadripartitus. Ztlrich, 1664. 4**. Pt. i.

p. 7-34. Maderus, Joachimus Joannes, ed, De biblio-thecis atque archivis virorum clarissimorum libelli et commentationes. Helmst&dt, 1666.


— Same, Secundam editionem curavit J. A.

S[chmidt]. Helmst&dt, 1702-5. 3 vols. 4'.

References throughout are given to the ad ed. The work contains the following which are not mentioned elsewhere:

Neander, Michael. De bibliothecis deper-ditis ac noviter instructis. i, 37 - 53. Spizel, Gottlieb. Dissertatio de illustrium bibliothecarum nov-antiquarum exstruc-tione. ii, 135-212. Struve, Burckhard Gotthelf. De bibliothecis earumque praefectis. Jena, 1696. 12*.

— De jure bibliothecarum. Halle, 1702. 4*.

— Same, Jena, 1709. 4*,

— Introductio in notitiam

usum bibliothecarum. ch. 2.

— Same, Other eds. Jena, 1706, 1710, 1729,

1754. 8'.

— Same, Frankfurt & Leipzig, 1754. S'* Falsterus, Christianus. Sermo panegyricus de

variarum gentium bibliothecit scholasticis.

Flensburg, 1720. Schulze, —. De bibliothecis publicis veterum.

Naumburg, 1737. Schellhorn, Johann Georg. Anleitung fiir

Bibliothekare und Archivare. Ulm, 1788-

91. 2 vols. 8'. i, 116-186. Home, Thomas Hartwell. An introduction to

the study of bibliography. To which is

prefixed a Memoir on the public libraries of

the antients. London, 1814. 2 vols. 8^

I, 1-25. Petit-Radel, Louis Charles Frangois. Re-cherches sur les biblioth^ques anciennes et modernes, jusqu'a la fondation de la bi-blioth^que Mazarine. Paris, 1819. 8**.

p. I - 59. Savage, James. Ancient libraries. in his Memorabilia. Taunton, 1820. 8*. in American bibliopolist^ i (1869) : 299-301. Bailly, J. L. A. Notices historiquet sur les

biblioth^ques anciennes et modernes. Paris,

1828. I2'. G6raud, Pierre Hercule Joseph Fran9ois. Essai

sur les livres dans Tantiquit^, particuli^re-

ment chez les Romains. Paris, 1840. 8*.

ch. 10. p. 211-228. Schmidt, Johann August Friedrich, Hand-

Lx^yrnty J^jleA-vs

buch der Bibliothekswissenschaft, der Lite-ratur- und Bticherkunde. Weimar, 1840. 8'. p. 215-283. Cowper, B. H. Notices of ancient libraries. Notes and queries^ ser. I, voL II (1855):

258. 337. 361. Additions: P. H. Gosse, xz: 493; B. W. O., iz : sza. Edwards, Edward. Memoirs of libraries. London, 1859. 2 vols. 8^ i, I - 79.

— Libraries and founders of libraries. Ixnidon,

1864. 8*. p. I-21.

Becker, Wilhelm Adolf and Teuffel, Wilhelm S. Bibliotheca. in Paulys Real-Encyclopftdie der classischen Altertumswissenschaft. 2. Aufl. Statt-gart, 1862 f. 8". i, pt. 2. p. 2374-2376.

Clerico, Giuseppe. Delle biblioteche pubbllche presso gli antichi. Giomale delle MUiftecAe, anno 4, (1870): n. 8 f.

Axon, William Edward Armitage. Ancient and modern libraries. British almanac companion^ 1876 : 103 -122.

— Same: Biblioteche antiche e moderne. [Trad.

C. Castellani.] H duonarrottit ser. II, vol. IT. (July & Aug., 1876). Michaut, Narcisse. Pauca de bibliothecis apad veteres quum publicis tum privatis. Paris,

1876. 8^

Ernouf, Baron, Les biblioth^ques de Tan-

tiquit6. Le livre, I HxAn, 1880) : 221-284. Birt, Theodor. Das antike Buchwesen in seinem

Verh&ltniss zur Litteratur. Berlin, i88a.

8*. see index. Tedder, Henry R. aK</Thomas, Ernest Chester.

Libraries : history and description. in Encyclopaedia Britannica, vol. 14 (i88a):

509-536. Castellani, Carlo. Le biblioteche nell' antichitil

dai tempi piii remoti alia fine dell' impero

romano d' Occidente. Bologna, 1884. 16*. Bliimner, Hugo. Bibliotheken. in Baumeister's DenkmSler des klassischen

Altertums. Mdnchen u. Leipzig, 1885.- 88.

3 vols. 8*. i, 314-316. Olschki, Leo S. Das Bibliothekswesen im Al-

tertum. Deutsche Buchhandler-Ahademie, 6

(1889): III-118, 153-163, 205-209.

— Same: Delle biblioteche dalla loro origine

fino all'etft di Augusto. Firenze, 1896. 12*. *' Estr. dalla Iditfista delle Hblioteche e dtgU archivis vol. VII, nos. 1-4." Garbelli, Filippo. Le biblioteche in Italia all' epoca romana; con un* appendice smile antiche biblioteche di Ninive ed Alessandria. Milano, 1894. 8*.

Dziatzko, Karl. Bibliotheken.

in Pauly's Real-Encyclopftdie der classischen Altertumswissenschaft, hrsg. w)n G. Wis-sowa. Stuttgart, 1894 f. 8*. 3:405-424.



Maderus, Joachimus Joannes. De scriptis et bibliothecis antediluvianis. in his De bibliothecis etc. Helmstftdt, 1666. 4**.

— Same, 2. ed, Helmst&dt, 1702. 4*. p. 1-30. Spizel, Gottlieb. De veterum Ebraeorum et

recentiorum quorundam erga bibliotheca-

riam et literariam rem amore ac studio. in Maderus, cit, supra, ii, 213-228. Greppo» J. G. Honor6. Notice historique sur

les biblioth^ques des H6breux. Belley,

X835. 8*. Layard, ^tV Austen Henry. Nineveh and its

remains. London, 1849. 2 vols. 8*". ii,

153 f.

— Discoveries among the ruins of Nineveh and

Babylon. London, 1853. 8**.

— Same, N. Y., 1871. 8'. p. 295-298. Oppert, Jules.

Archives des missions sHentifiques, 5 (1856):

177 f.

Loftus, William Kenneth. Travels and researches in Chaldaea and Susiana. London, 1857. 8*. p. 229-232, 254 etc.

Larini, L. La scoperta della bibliotheca di Sardanapalo. Atti della R, Accademia Luc-chese di Scienze, Lettere ed Artt, 18 (1868):

153 f. [Smith, George.] Babylonian and Assyrian

libraries. North British review^ 51 (Jan.,

1870) 1305-324.

— Same article. Eclectic magazine^ 74 (1870) :


— ? Same article, American bibliopolist, 7

(1875): 156-158.

— Account of recent excavations and dis-

coveries made on the site of Nineveh. Transactions of the Society for Biblical Archeology, 3 (1874) : 446-464.

— Assyrian discoveries. London, 1875. 8^

— Same, 6th ed. London, 1876. 8'. p. 94 f.,

144 f., 317 f.

— The Chaldean account of Genesis. London,

1876. 8'. ch. 2, p. 19-36.

Radzlinski, —>. [Assurbanipal and his library. In Polish,'] Biblioteka Warszawska, 3 (1877): 83f.,28of.

Sayce, Archibald Henry. Babylonian literature. London, 1877. 8**.

Assyrian libraries. National repository, (May, 1878.)

Menant, Joachim. D6couvertes assyriennes. La biblioth^que du palais de Ninive. Paris, i88o. i6'.

Pinches, Theophilus Goldridge. The terracotta tablets of Babylonia and Assyria. Journal of the British Archceological Association, 36 (1880): 398 - 404.

Wheatley, Leonard A. Assyrian libraries. Trans, and proc. of yd ann, meeting of L, A, U, K,, (1880): 87-90.

— Same article. Library journal, 5 (i88(^; 266-267.

Libraries of Babylonia and Assyria; by a member of the Society of Biblical Archaeology. Knowledge, 2 (Nov. 24, 1882) : 414-415 ; 3 (Mar. 2, 1883): 131 -132; (May 25): 307.

Lamy, —. Une biblioth^que royale en Assyrie au 7* si^cle avant J. -C. Bulletin de VAcademic royale de Belgique, ser. 3, vol. i (1885) 1460-484.

Rassam, Hormuzd. Recent discovery of ancient Babylonian cities. Transactions of the Society for Biblical Archeology, 8 (1885): 172-197.

Tiele, Cornells Petrus. Babylonisch-assyrische Geschichte. Gotha, 1886-88. 2 vols. 8*. p. 402-3, 557-583.

Bezold, Carl. Die Fortschritte der Keilschrift-forschung in neuester Zeit. Hamburg, 1889. 8'. (Virchow und Holtzendorffs VortrSge, N.F., 3. Ser., Heft 65.)

British Museum. Catalogue of cuneiform tablets in the Kouyunjik collection; ed. by Dr. C. Bezold. London, 1889 f. 4 vols. 8°. in progress,

Teloni, Bruto. Libri, documenti e biblioteche neir antica Mesopotamia. Firenze, 1890. i6'. **Estr. dalla Rivista delle biblioteche, N. 20-21. Agosto - Settembre 1889." Vol. 2: 134-150.

Erhardt, Alb. [** Von denalten B. Palaestinas."] Romische Quartalschrift, (1891) : 217-265.

Masp6ro, Gaston Camille Charles. Life in ancient Egypt and Assyria. London, 1891. 8**. ch. 16. 'Assurbanipal's library.'

Teloni, Bruto. Intorno alle pretese 'biblioteche ' deir Assiria e della Babilonia: nuove osservazioni. Giornale della Societh Asiatica Italiana, 6 (1892) : 208 -214.

Heuzey, L6on. Mission de M. de Sarzec en Chald^e. Revue d cusyriologie, 3 (1894): 65-68.

Jastrow, Morris, jr. The Bible and the Assyrian monuments. Century magazine^ 47

(Jan. 1894): 395-4".

King, Leonard W. Ashurbanipal: his books and buildings. Illustrated archaologist^ 2 (Sept. 1894): 65-76.

Masp6ro, G. C. C. The dawn of civilization; trans. M. L. McClure. London, 1894. 4*.

— Same, 3ded, New York, 1897. 4'. p. 398-401.

Hilprecht, Herman VoUrath. Old Babylonian inscriptions, chiefly from Nippur. [Philadelphia], 1896. 4^ p. 242-247. 'An ancient temple archive.'

** From Transactions of American Philosophical Society. New series. Vol. 8."

Masp6ro, G. C. C. The struggle of the nations;

trans. M, L. McClure. New York, 1897,

4**. p. 496 f. Peters, John Punnett. Nippur. New York &

London, 1897. 2 vols. 8\ see index,

* tablets' etc. Rassam, Hormuzd. Asshur and the land of

Nimrod. Cincinnati, 1897. 8°. p. 31, 221,

270, 276, 348, 365, 395. 406. 419. Sayce, Archibald Henry. Recent discoveries

in Babylonia. Contemporary review, 71 (Jan.

1897): 81-96.



General: Polybius xii, 27; Plutarch Demos, a; Apu-

leius apoL gx ; Athenaeus i, 4 ; Isidor. orig. vi, 3.3.

Athens : Aristidcs or, xiii, vol. i, p. 306, cd. Dindorf.

(Pisistratus) Aulus GcUius vii, 17.1; Athcnaus i, 4;

TertuUian apol. 18 ; Hieronymus adMarcell,JXV^

I; Isidor. orig. vi, 3.3.

(Ptolcmaion) Pausanias i, 17.2; CIA. ii, 465, 8; 466,

36; 468, as; 478. i ; 480, 23 ; 48a. 50. (Hadrian) Pausanias 1, 18.9; Eusebius chron. ii, X67 ed. Schbne; Keil, Rhein. Mus., N.F. x8(z863); 369. (Destruction of libs.) Zonaras xii, a6; Anon. cont. of Dio Cassias in MUller, P.H.G. iv, p. 196. Corinth : Dio Chrysostom or. xxxvii, p. X04 R. Delphi: Keil, Rhein. Mus., N.F. 18 (1863) : a^-Patrae : Gellius xviii, 9.5. Smyrna: Strabo xiv, 646.

Antioch: Malalas chronogr. x, p. 335, 30a; Sutdas Ev^ptwy.

Private libs.: Xenophon mem. iv, a.xo; Isocrates xix, S; Alexis frg. X35 K.; Strabo, ii, 69; Memnon in Photius hihl. aaa b; Lucian adv. indoci. 4; Athe-nsus i, 4; Diogenes Laertius Strato 7, Lycon 9, Epicurus 8.

(Aristotle) Strabo xiii, 608 f.; Plutarch Sulla a6:

Athen«us i, 4, ▼, 53 ? Diogenes Laertius Theoph.


Montfaucon, Bernhard de. Palaeographia

Graeca. Paris, 1708. f*. p. xv-xxviii:

" Verzeichnisf der in dem alten Griechen-

land bestandenen Bibliotheken."

Brandis, Christian August. De perditis Aris-totelis de ideis libris. Bonn, 1823. 8*.

— Ueber das Schicksal der aristotelischen Schrif-

ten. Rheinisches Museum fUr Philologies I (1827): 236 f. Bernhardy, Gottfried. Grundriss der griech-ischen Litteratur. Halle, 1836-45. 8*.

— Same. 4. Bearb. Halle, 1876-80. 2 vols.

in 3. 8*. 1,517-542. Becker, Wilhelm Adolf. Charikles. Leipzig, 1840. 8*.

— Same ; trans. Frederick Metcalfe. 8th ed.

London, 1889. 8'. p. 272-276. Heitz, Emil. Die verlorenen Schriften des

Aristoteles. Leipzig, 1865. 8*. Essen, Ernst. Der Keller zu Skepsis. Ver-

such liber das Schicksal der aristotelischen

Schriften. Stargard, 1866. 4". Bergk, Theodor. Griechische Literaturge-

schichte. Berlin, 1872-87. 4 vols. 8*.

i, 214-217. Bruns, Carl Georg. Die Testamente der grie-

chischen Philosophen. Zeitschrift d, Sa-

vigny-Stiftungt L R6m. Abth. p. I f.

— Same. Leipzig, 1872. 2 vols. 8*. Wachsmuth, Curt. Die Stadt Athen im Alter-

thum. Bd. L (all). Leipzig, 1874. 8*.

p. 692 f. Srd^f, 2. ILtpl T&v nap' ""EXh/ai PtpXiodifK&v.

BiGWj (15 Mar., 1878) Irog A', ifwX. p\ Map/c(57roi;Aoc, Aiovbaioc. Hepl "NLowreujv xal 'BipXuh

dfjKov Kapci Toic apxoioic ""E^Xtfai. M-ovaeiov ml piphoO^ictf Tfj^ TSmayytTMc^ ^x^^^i

ireploSog F', (1880) irog «', jS'. oeX. 1-33. Christ, Wilhelm. Geschichte der griechischen

Litteratur. Mtinchen, 1888. 8*". (MfUler's Handbuch der klassischen Alter-

tumswissenschaft. VII. Bd.)

— Same. 2. vermehrte ^ufl. Mtinchen, 1890.

8\ p. 54f 428, 431. 524* 648.

Haeberlin, C. Beitrilge zur Kenntniss det an-tiken Bibliotheks- und Buchwesen. CW»-tralblaUfUr Bibliothekswesen, 6 (1889): 481 -503; 7 (1890): I -18, 271-302.

Curtius, Ernst. Die Stadtgeschichte von Athen. Berlin, 1891. 8^ p. Ixxxii, 265 - 266, 282.

Poland, Franz. Oeffentliche Bibliotheken in Griechenland und Kleinaslen. in Historische Untersuchungen. Ernst FOr-stemann zum fdnfzig jfthrigen Doctorjii-bilSlum gewidmet von der histor. Gesell-schaft zu Dresden. Leipzig^ 1894* 8*.

p. 7-14. Pausanias^ Description of Greece ; trans, with a commentary by J. G. Frazer. London, 1898. 6 vols. 8*. a: 144-145, 184-185»

a, Alexandria,

Lott works : Alcidamas Movwioy.

AristODicus ircpl rov iit 'AAcfw^pclf

Movcrtiov. Callimachus Movoviov.

Strabo xiii, 609.

Plutarch a^k. rtg. p. 189 D. Athencus i, 4, t, aoj c. Busebius ckron, i, 52, ii, xi8 f. ed. Sch6De. Itidor. orig, Ti, 3.3; Syncellus p. 271, 273.

(LXX. translation) Aristeas in Busebius/ra/>. tv, viii, 3 ; Philo vit. Mot, 2 ; Josephus ant, Jud, xii, s; Justin cohort, ad Gratcos c. 13, a^ol, i, 31; Irenieus adv. hair, iii, sx ; Cl«m«nt Alex, strom, i, •9; Tertullian apol. c. z8 ; Busebius/ra/>. ev. viii, x-3, xiii, IS, h, i. v, S.xx ; Theonas tp. ad. Luc. 7; Athanasius synop. scrip, ii, p. 156 ; Cyril cateeh. p. 36, 37 ; Epiphanius dt mins. *i pond. c. 9-xx ; Hieronymus praef. in Pent., quatst. in Gtnes. prooem.; Augustin di civ. Z>«/xviii, 4a ; Chrysos-tom adv. Jud. i, 443; Hilary in psalm, a; Theodoret praef. in psalm. ; Zonaras //. hist, iv, x6.

(Acquiring books) Galenus xvii, p. 603, 607.

(Destruction by Csesar) Seneca ds tranq. anim. ix, 5; Plutarch Cats. 49; (Tellius vii, 17.3; Dio C^assius xlii, 38; Ammianus Marcellinus xxii, x6.xa-i3; Orosius Ti, X5.3X.

(Librarians) Suidas 'AiroAAwi'ioc, *Apt<rrapxoft 'Apioro* ^ivnv /3v^^Krio«, 'Apurrwwfiof, Aion;<ruK, 'EpaTOtf*-9hnft^ Zi}v68orof, KcAAtfiaxof ; Athenieus ix, 408; vii. anon. Apoll. Rh, p. 5X Westerm. see also inscriptions CIG. 5900; Journal Hellenic studies^ ^\ 040, Mahaify Empire, p. 424.

(Serapeum) Tertullian apol. c. x8 ; Epiphanius de mens, et pond. c. ix ; Ammianus Marc, xxii, x6.x3 (cf. Traube, in Comment. Woelfflinian«. Lpz., X89X. 8*. p. aoa) ; Aphthonius>rtf^. za, p. X07 W.; Orosius ▼i, X5.3a ; Eutychius ann. i, p. 296.

(Sebasteum) Philo leg. ad Cai. m.

(Destruction by Amrou) Abul-faradj. Hist, compend. dynastiarum ; [trans, and ed.] B. Pocock. Oxon., X663. 3 vols. 4**. Bk. ix, p. X14. Abd-allatif. Relation de PBgypte; trad, et ed. Silvestre de Sacy. Paris, z8io. 4*. p. X83.

Extract from the Relation respecting Egypt.

in Pinkerton*s Voyages, xv : 809.

Txetxes scholia in—

Ritschl, F. Die alexandrinischcn Bibliothekeo. Breslau, X838. 8<*.

Corollarium disputationis de bibliothecis Alex-

•ndrinis. Bonn, X840.

— Opuscula philologica. Lpz., X866-79. 5 toIs. 8*. i, 1-172.

Cramer, John Anthony. Anecdota Gr«ca e codd. manuscriptis Bibliothecae Regis Parisiensis. Oxford, X839--4X. 4 vols. 8*. i, 3-X0.

Matter, J. Histoire de T^ole d*Alexandrie, a* id, Paris, X840-48. 3 vols. 8*. i, 131-133, 359-361.

Meineke, J. A. F. August. Fragmenta comicorum (yrsecorum. Berlin, X840. a vols. 8*. ii, a. p. 1334 f.

Keil, H. in Rheinisches Museum, N. F. 6 (1848): Z08-Z34, 343-257, 6x6-6x8.

-"^same in Ritschl, F. Opuscula philologica. i,


Aristophanis Comoedias ed. Theodorus Bergk. ed. altera. Lpz., 1867-73. a vols. 13*. i, xxxvii-xl. • 19-39.

Nauck, August. Lexicon Vindobonese. St. Petersburg, 1867. 8*. p. 333-352.

(veppert, C. B. in Hermes, 7 (1873): 365-366.

Dlibner, Priedricus. Scholia Graeca in Aristopha* nem. Paris, 1883. 4*. p. xvii-xx.

Studcmund, Wilhclm. Anecdota varia Grcca. Berlin, x886. 8*. p. 851-955.

in PhiUUgus, 46 (x888): x-a6.

Zacher, Konrad. Die Handschriften und Classen der Aristophanesscholien. Lpz., x888. 8*>. p. 580-603. From Jahns JahrbUeher far elassische PhiUlogie^ Suppl. Bd. 16. see also Dziatzko, K. cit, ii^ra (x89x).

Keilhacker, Johann. Schediasma historicum de

Museo AlexandrinQ. Praes. A. Rechen-

bergio. Leipzig [1698]. 4^ Gronovius, Joannes Fredericus. De Musaeo

Alexandrine post deperdita Andronici, Cal-

limachi et Alcidamantis scripta. in Gronovius, Jacobus. Thesaurus Grae-

carum antiquitatum. Leyden, 1697-1702.

12 vols. £•. vol. 8:2738-66. Klister, Ludwig. De Museo Alexandrino diatribe. in same, vol. 8:2767 - 78. Dale, Anthony van. Dissertatio super Aristea

de LXX Interpretibus. Amsterdam, 1705.

4*. ch. 2 f. Hody, Humphrey. De Bibliorum textibus

originalibus. Oxford, 1705. T. Galenius, Joannes. De bibliotheca Alexandrina.

Dresden, 1710. 4^ Renaudot, Eus^be. Historia patriarcharum

Alexandrinorum Jacobitarum. Paris, 1713.

4*. p. 70 f., 170 f. CroUius, Joannes Philippus. Oratio de celebri

quondam Alexandrinorum Museo. Zwei-

brUcken [1721]. 4*. Bonamy, Pierre Nicolas. Dissertation his-

torique sur la biblioth^que d'Alexandrie. M/moires de FAcad/mie des inscriptions et belUs

lettres, 9 (1731) : 397-415. Gerischerus, Carolus Friedericus. Commenta-

tio de Museo Alexandrino eiusque Sopedic

et 66poic. Leipzig, 1752. 4^ Heyne, Christian Gottlob. De genio saeculi

Ptolemaeorum. G5ttingen, 1763. 4".

— Same in his Opuscula academica coUecta.

GSttingen, 1785-1812. 6 vols. 8*. f, 76-

135. Simon, Magister, Dissertationes subj6ctae edl-

tioni versionis Graecae Prophetae Danielis. Rome, 1772. r. p. 498-633. Gibbon, Edward. Decline and fall of the Roman Empire. London, 1776-88. 6 vols. 4*.

— Same /^ith^notes by Dean Milman, M. Guizot

and Dr. Wm. Smith. N. Y., »., d. 6 vols. 8*. iii, 254,11257 J V, 356,1358.

Gibbon, Edward. Decline and fall of the Roman Empire; ed. by J. B. Bury. London, 1896 f. 7 vols. 8'. iii, 199, 201, 495 ; v,

452-455. Beck, Christian Daniel. Specimen historiae

bibliothecarum Alexandrinanim. Leipzig,

[1779]. 4*.

— Same: Leipzig, 1829. 4*.

Reinhard, Karl. Ueber die jUngsten Schick

sale der alexandrinischen Bibliothek. G6t-

tingen, 1792. 8". Tiedemann, D. Ueber die Verbrennung der

alexandrinischen Bibliothek durch die

Araber. SnelVs und Schmidts philosophi-

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" M. Bernard communique un fragment d'un ouvrage que M. V. . . . et M. le Baron R. . . . se proposent de publier bient6t. Ce fragment a trait It la tradition relative It la destruction de la biblioth^que d'Alexandrie par Amrou." Bulletin de I *Institut igyptien, no. 13 (1875): 127-128. Weniger, Ludwig. Das alexandrinische Museum. Eine Skizze aus dem gelehrten Leben des Alterthums. Berlin, 1875. 8^ (Virchow und Holtzendorfif's VortrSge, 231.) Huit, C. Les biblioth^ques d'Alexandrie et de Pergame. Vinstruction publique, (f6v.-mars 1876).

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* — t

•t «


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253. Destruction of lib., p. 237-243.

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Heflfter, Moritz Wilhelm. Ueber die Beschreibung der Burg von Alexandria bei Aphthon. progymn. cap. 12. Zeitschrift fUr die A I' terthumswissenschaft, 6 (1839) : 377-3^9*

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(1872): 337 f.

Mahmoud, Bey, M6moire sur Tantique Alexandrie. Copenhagen, 1872. 8*.

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A^/iiT^dg, M. 'loTopla t^c *A2£^avdpelac. Athens, 1885. 8*.

N6routsos, Tassos D., Bey, L'ancienne Alexandrie: 6tude arch6ologique et topographique. Paris, 1888. 8*.

Hogarth, David George. Report on prospects of research in Alexandria. Egyptian Exploration Fund. Report 1894-95, p. 1-28.

Puchstein, Otto. Alexandreia. in Pauly's Real-EncyclopHdie der classischen Altertumswissenschaft, hrsg. von G. Wis-sowa. Stuttgart, 1894 f. 8^ 1:1376-1388.

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fit Pif^dfuofi, «

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Public libraries:

Rome: Suetonius, Cats, 44; Itidor. erig, vi, 5.1; Mirab, Roma* p. 31 P.; Ammianus Marcellinut xiT, 6.x8. (Bibl. Asini PoUionis) Ovid, trist, iii, x.nxi. ; Pliny

n,k, vii, XX5, xxxv, xo; Isidor. orig. vi, 5.2 ; GIL.

vi, 470. (Bibl. ApoUinis Palatini) Ovid. trut. iii, x.6of.; Vel-

Itus Paterculus ii, 8X.3; Suetonius Aug. 39, Cats,

56, gr, ao ; Pliny n.h. vii, 2x0; Fronto ep. iv, 5. p.

68 Nab.; Dio Cassius liii, i; Schol. to Juvenal i,

xaS. GIL. vi, 5188, 5x89, 5191, 5884. (Bibl. porticttt Ocuviac) Ovid. irist» iii. x.69f.: Sut-

^nlus gr, 31; Plutarch Marc. 30; Dlo Cassius

xlix, 43, Ixvi, 34; Orosius vii, 16. GIL. vi, X034,

»347-2349» 4433-443Si 5x9a-(Bibl. templi Divi Augusti) Suetonius Tib, 74; Pliny

n,h, xxxiv, 43; Martial xii, 3.7!.

(Bibl. domus Tiberianae) (yellius xiii, sax; Fronto <f>. iv, 5. p. 68 Nab.; vit, Probi 3, x; vH Aurtl, 9, I (see Weifflin, S,'B*r, A had, MUnchon, X89X, p.

497) (Bibl. templi Pacis) Gellius v, ax.9, xvi, 8.3; vii,

trig, tyr, 3X, 10. (Bibliothece Ulpic) Gellius zi, 17.1; Dio Cassius

Ixviii, 16; vita Aurel, 1,7, x,xo, 8,x, 34,7; vita

Probi%, i; vita TacB, x; vita Nunter.g; Sidonius

Apollinaris «/. ix, 16.3, 38. (Bibl. Gapitolina) Orosius vii, x6; Hicronymus ad a

Abr, asos {chron. ii, p. X74 SchSne); Syncelltts

668, 4 Bonn. Comum: Pliny «>. i, 8.3; CIL. v, 536a. Cunue: Gicero ad Att, iv, xo. Tibur: (^ellius ix, 14.3; xix, 5.4. got alto GIL. iii, 607; x, 4760; xi, 3704 b.

Private libs.: Isidor. ^riff. vi, 5.x. Dig. xxx, 41 fp, xxxii, 7.xa t 34, xxxii, 53 $ 7; Paull. sent, iii, 6.51.

Cicero ad Att. passim, ad Quint, iii, 4.5, d* fin. iii, 7 ; Seneca, d* tranq. an, 9,4 ; Petronius satir. 48 ; Suetonius p. 74 R.; Martial, vii, X7, ix pr., xiv, 190; Pliny op. iii, 7.8, iv, 38.1; Plutarch A*m. Paul, 38 ; Luc. 43; Gellius iii, xo. X7 ; Lucian adv. in doct. 4; Donati vita Virgilii^ (16 ; Ansonius epigr. 7 [44] p. 3x3 Peiper; Symmacbus ep, iv, X8.5 ; Hieronjrmus op, xxii, 30; Sidonius ApoUin. ep. ii, 9.4, iv, ix.6, viii, 4.x, viii, XX.3; Hist, Aug, Gord. x8, 3; Suidas

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LIBRARY MANAGEMENT AND BIBLIOGRAPHY. . Lost bibliographical works :

Artemon of Cassandra Ilepi /3i/3AtMv xpi^o'ciof.

IIcpi oi/vaywy^f fiifiKlttv,

Callimachus Hivaxt^ (in 120 books).

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/3i/3Atwv ^i/3Aia i^'. Telephus of Pergamon Bl^Alalc^f c/um-cipiav pipKia. y. ' in quibus docet, qui libri sint comparatu digni.*

Lib. buildings: Vitruvius i, 3.7; vi, 7.x.

Statues in libs.: Suetonius Tii. 70; Pliny Tii, aio,

xxxv, 9 ; Pliny ep. iv, 38; Dio Chrysostom or.

xxxvii, p. X04 R.; Isidor. or. vi, 5.x. Catalogues: Strabo, xvi, 3.24; Philodemus ircpV

^ikotr. ; Dion3rsius Halic. w. r. dpx- pirr. p. 333 M. ;

Quintillian tmst. x, T.57 ; Athenaeus viii, 336 e. Loan of books : Gellius xiii, 30.x, xix, 5.4 ; Marc, ad

Front. 4.5 Nab. Character of a librarian : Theoras ep. ad Luc. % 7.

Pignoria, Lorenzo. De servis quorundam rei librariae adbibitis. in his De servis. Padua, 1656. Same, Amsterdam, 1674. p. 108 f. in Maderus, cit, supra, i, 63-70.

Figrelius, Edmundus. De statuis illustrium ac cumprimis doctorum virorum in veterum bibliothecis. in his De statuis illustrium Romanorum.

Stockholm, 1656. 8". in Maderus, cit, supra, i, 71-78.

Schreber, Joannes David. Dissertatio de statuis.

Leipzig, 1692. 4". Barth, Christopher. De statuis. Halle, 1702.

4'. Wachsmuth, Curt. Die pinakographische Th&tigkeit des Kallimachos. Philologus, 16(1860): 653-666.

Egger, £mile. Callimaque consid6r6 comme bibliographe et les origines de la biblio-graphie en Gr6ce. Annuaire de VAssocia-tion pour V encouragement des itudes grecques en France, 10 (1876) : 70-82.
