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Chapter 8


Precious was lying across the bed while Nino was laying across the floor playing with his chew toy. She was watching Judge Hatchett and her cell phone rang. As she moved the blunt from between her lips to say hello, she looked at the clock and it was now 10:45PM and Doja wasn’t home yet. He was supposed to be home since 8:30PM, he hasn’t called or anything and that wasn’t like him. A few more thoughts ran through her head, but she quickly removed these thoughts as she answered her cell phone.

“Hello,” she said into the phone. It was a slight pause and she was getting ready to say hello again, but she was cut short in the middle of her next words.

“You have a one minute complimentary collect call from ‘Doja.’ Do you accept?”

Her stomach dropped and she felt sick but she quickly said “Yes.”

A few seconds passed and then the operator said “Thank you, your call will be monitored.”

She was anxious to hear from him because she was now in the state of mind that shit was really fucked up. Doja was 17, had never been in trouble with the police, but yet was one of the most feared niggas in the streets. She needed to know what the fuck was going on and she needed to know now because this shit made sense. Especially since she knew how careful he was about drawing attention to himself.

“Hello, Hello! Baby!” said Precious into the phone.

“Yeah baby listen, I need you to call the bondsman and let him know to come get me asap. I’m gonna call you right back, on 3-way, I love you,” he said.

The phone went dead  and she started to cry, but she knew that Doja wouldn’t want her to be weak. So she did what Doja told her to do, she called the bondsman. Doja called back about ten minutes later and they talked about what happened. Doja was riding off of the Track and had just turned down 78 because he was headed to make a sale. Once he turned off of HWY 78 onto Main St and headed towards the interstate the police got behind him and threw on their lights. He started to high speed but his Benz was in his aunt name so he didn’t. He was smoking a boonk and trying to figure out why they were fucking with him because he wasn't doing anything illegal. But he was young and black in a nice car so that was more than enough reason to pull him over. When the officer got to the car, he found a loaded 9mm Luger, and a few grams of purp. The officer never found the dope because he stuffed the coke and few more grams of purp in his ass. He couldn’t put the 9mm in the stash spot, because the stash spot already concealed a weapon. After he called her a few more times he told her that she needed to call his lawyer and tell him to come to Dorchester County Detention Center asap.

Days were going by quick, and after a while it had been a month and a half that Doja was in county. His team was still going hard for him and Precious was becoming more and more devoted to Doja. Everybody thought that it was strange for Doja to be in county for this long, but nobody really knew that the police was trying to build a case against Doja and his squad. They had a few people feeding them information but couldn't confirm any of it at the moment. He knew something wasn’t right so he signed the guilty plea to hurry up and get things over with before they really tried to railroad him. He talked it over with Precious numerous times to see if she could stay loyal and devoted to him if he had to do some time and she always told him that she would. Even if it came down to her serving the product, she would hold him down. Doja’s lawyer came in with a deal for him to turn state, but Doja was too solid for that. And that put him on point that they had no hard evidence or co-defendants. Two days later. Doja’s lawyer appeared once again with another deal. He thought about the YOA 1-6 Program, since he was only 17 years old. Or he could do 5 straight years and be home in 3. Somehow Doja’s lawyer got the solicitor to drop the straight time to 3 years which meant that he would only have to do a little over 18 months. He heard about the “Baby Life Sentence,” the YOA program, and he was not feeling that.

On the visits in County, Doja broke down to Precious how to read the letters. He would write her in codes, so that she would be able to handle some light things for him. He already hollered at Exotic, Lil Pistol, Flight Risk, Skyp, and Lost Soul. These were the niggas who were in Doja’s cipher. He was on his way to Kirkland Correctional Institution to get processed and off to start his time. By the time Doja got on the transporting bus, his mind started exploring all types of places within itself. He thought in his head, that he’ll be coming home when he was 20 years old. He was about to miss Christmas and New Years with his new love. He trusted her, loved her, and would do anything for her, but he swore if she broke the code she would pay the price and meet Destiny. He leaned back on the bus to get a little more comfortable. Before he dozed off he mumbled to himself, “If she really that gip, I’m gonna make her my wife.”