![Day 26: The High-Low Cycle](images/day_26.jpg)
We can rejoice, too, when we run into problems and trials, for we know that they help us develop endurance. And endurance develops strength of character, and character strengthens our confident hope of salvation. And this hope will not lead to disappointment. For we know how dearly God loves us, because he has given us the Holy Spirit to fill our hearts with his love.
RAISE YOUR HAND IF you’ve cleaned for a week or two straight, keeping everything in order and your kitchen clean, then bam—you’re back to your messy ways.
Me too.
I call this the high-low cycle. You get on a high and manage to maintain your home for a little while, and then before you know it, your old ways creep back in and you are back at square one. How demoralizing is this cycle?! Here’s the truth of the matter: You will most likely deal with this cycle the rest of your life.
You were hoping I’d have a quick fix for you, weren’t you? Sorry, no can do. (Or if there is, I haven’t found it yet. Have any of you?)
Here is what I do know: We are called to persevere . . . and to hope.
Hope keeps me going, the hope of something better one day. Everything we are doing to care for our families by way of our homes, we are doing for an eternal purpose! It all matters! God is maturing us with every spill lovingly cleaned up, every mouth wiped and diaper changed and kiss given and every other thing we do.
It matters and it is not insignificant. Your work in the mundane is refining you. Keep on, sister! At the end of it all, you’re going to shine like gold.
![Mary Challenge](images/mary-challenge.jpg)
Think about this: Who sees the work you do day in and day out in your home?
Pay attention to the times of the month when you have more energy and are motivated to clean. For three months, write down how you feel each day on a calendar; after that time, see if you notice a pattern. Perhaps you can better prepare for your days if you know what’s coming.
Today we are cleaning out either a home office or the place where you keep all your paperwork.
Get all the papers out of your desk and begin to sort! Throw things away and make piles for what needs to go where. This is a good time to reevaluate your paperwork organization system. Do you need bins or folders or other kinds of storage?
If you find you have drawings and notes from your kids or friends and family, consider using a plastic bin with a lid or a separate folder in your filing cabinet to keep those special memories safe.