Back in the safety of the Red garden, Nanette was dying for details of Juliet’s night.

“So…where’s this oh-so-important, life-changing orchid?” Nanette asked. It hadn’t escaped her that Juliet had sneaked out of the garden for the precious flower but had come back empty-handed.

Juliet didn’t answer. She was off in her own world, thinking about Gnomeo. “Um, what orchid?” she said dreamily. She walked up the steps of the grotto.

“Hmmm,” Nanette replied. The frog quickly grew suspicious. Juliet was hiding something, she was positive. But what could it be? She caught up with Juliet and grabbed her by the shoulders.

“What?” Juliet asked.

Nanette looked deep into Juliet’s eyes. She knew her friend better than anyone. If Juliet had a secret, Nanette would figure it out. Then, all of a sudden, she had it!

“No way!” Nanette exclaimed. “You met a boy,” she declared, pointing a finger at Juliet.

Juliet looked flustered. “What? No!” she cried. “Well, maybe…sort of…I’m…” Juliet blushed. She couldn’t hold it in any longer. “Yes! Yes, I did!” she shouted. It felt great to tell someone.

Nanette shook Juliet giddily. “I need details, and go slowly. Is he totally gorgeous?” she asked.

Totally,” Juliet gushed.

“Does he have a nice round belly?” Nanette inquired.

“Well, let’s just call it sturdy,” Juliet replied.

Nanette whistled. This gnome sounded too good to be true!

But Juliet knew she had to tell Nanette the whole truth about Gnomeo. He was a Blue and she was a Red. And that meant they could never be together.

Juliet tried to think of the right words to make Nanette understand. “His hat…,” she started. “You know, I suppose, in a certain light, you might say it looks sort of…blue.”

“Blue,” Nanette repeated. It wasn’t quite a question and it wasn’t quite a statement. Then she became silent, which was hard for Nanette to do. Juliet had to be kidding. Nanette laughed nervously. “Oh, this is one of your little jokes. Ahahaha. Ha ha. Ha ha!”

Juliet gave Nanette a serious look. She wasn’t joking.

“Oh, flippin’, flamin’ Nora! She’s smooching the face off a Blue!” Nanette exclaimed. This was juicier gossip than she’d thought!

Juliet clamped her hand over Nanette’s mouth.

The last thing she needed was for this news to get out. “Shhh—please shush, Nanette. Just zip it,” Juliet said, making a “zip your lips” motion across her mouth with her finger.

Nanette did the same. “Zzzzip,” she said. Juliet’s secret was safe with her. But she was too excited about it to keep quiet. “Oh, Juliet! This is fantastic!”

Juliet looked at her friend hopefully. If Nanette really thought it was okay, maybe it was. “Is it?” she asked.

“It’s doomed!” Nanette cried. “Doomed!”

“What?” Juliet said.

“A Red and a Blue. It just can’t be! It’s a doomed love, and that’s the best kind!” Nanette explained. “You’ll never see him again! And then, one day, when you die, you’ll be all, ‘Oh, my true love, I only saw him once! Oh! Oh, ohhhh…!’” Nanette pretended to faint in Juliet’s arms.

Shocked, Juliet dropped Nanette. “I’ll only see him once? What do you mean I’ll only see him once?” she exclaimed.

But Nanette was lost in her own daydream now. “How romantically tragic!” she cried, swooning again.

Juliet bit her lip. She couldn’t bear it if Nanette was right.

Nanette picked a flower. She began to pluck its petals off one by one, singing, “Your love is doomed.” Pluck! “Your love is dead.” Pluck! “Your love is doomed.” Pluck! “Your love is dead.” Pluck! Pluck! Pluck!

Nanette wandered off, leaving Juliet alone with her thoughts.

Juliet heaved a big sigh. Blue. She had finally met her perfect match, and he was out of reach. But maybe—

“Doomed!” Nanette cried out in the darkness.