21 MAY 1593
Nine days
Robyn –
Sollicitae non possunt cure mutare aranei stamina fusi! I am ready to endure whatsoever shall be inflicted, et facere et paci Romanorum est.
What my course has been towards [Sir Francis] you can witness, what my love towards you, yourself best can tell. Proceedings at my lodgings have been very strange. I am the same as I always pretended. I pray God you be, and ever so remain towards me. Take heed of your own part, lest of these my misfortunes you bear the blame. Est exilium inter malos vivere.
Farewell, sweet Robyn, if as I take thee, true to me. If not, adieu, omnium bipedum nequissimus.
Return me thine answer for my satisfaction, and my diamond, and what else thou wilt. The furnace is prepared wherein our faith must be tried. Farewell till we meet, which God knows when.
Thine, how far thou knowest, Anthony Babington