1. Bleyer, Bill. George Washington’s Long Island Spy Ring: A History and Tour Guide. Charleston: The History Press, 2021, page 45. (Letter from Captain William Hull.)
2. Washington, George. Letter to Caleb Brewster. 8 Aug. 1778. George Washington Papers, Library of Congress.
3. Rose, Alexander. Washington’s Spies: The Story of America’s First Spy Ring. New York: Bantam Dell, 2006, page 43.
4. Bleyer, Bill. George Washington’s Long Island Spy Ring: A History and Tour Guide. Charleston: The History Press, 2021, page 63.
5. Roberts, Sam. “War of Secrets; Spy History 101: America’s Intelligence Quotient.” New York Times, 8 Sept. 2002, Section 4, Page 4.
6. Tallmadge, Benjamin. Memoir of Benjamin Tallmadge. Society of the Sons of the Revolution, 1858. Reprinted by Paean Publishing in 2016, page 40.
7. Brewster, Caleb. Letter to Benjamin Tallmadge. 27 Aug. 1780. George Washington Papers, Library of Congress.
8. Woodhull, Abraham. Letter to Benjamin Tallmadge. 15 Aug. 1779. Washington Papers, Library of Congress.