DR. BARRIOS SANK into his desk chair, coffee in hand. He needed it. There was nothing like the onslaught of e-mails a principal received during testing season.
6:59 A.M.
Subject: Testing Protocol and Security Measures
URGENT: As you are all aware, testing begins next week. Administrators are reminded to follow all protocols and test-security measures. Failure to comply may result in disciplinary action.
7:01 A.M.
Subject: Sample Question of the Day Achievement Initiative
URGENT: Effective immediately, instructors at Believers Zone schools are to write one sample test question on the board each morning and discuss it with students. Please note the Sample Test Question of the Day must be erased before students are released to their testing rooms. Failure to comply may result in disciplinary action.
7:06 A.M.
Subject: TCUP Assessment Pep Rally
URGENT: All Believers Zone schools are to hold a motivational pep rally in the one-week period leading up to the TCUP test. If you have not scheduled a pep rally, please begin planning one immediately.
7:09 A.M.
Subject: Take Our Daughters and Sons to Work Day
URGENT: This year brings yet another increase in participation in Take Our Daughters and Sons to Work Day. Teachers and administrators are to respect students’ decisions to embrace real-world work experience but also reiterate the importance of taking upcoming tests seriously. Please encourage students to look for opportunities to practice test-like questions while visiting their parents’ workplaces.