cost of, 129
Reis on, 120
3RD Space Vest, 109
8–6–3–1 architecture, 23–25, 156, 173–174, 176
Abrahamsen, Mikkel, 223
act into the future, 214–215, 220–221
Activision, 106
Adamson, Gary, 69
Adidas, 144
advertising, 230n3
aerospace industry, 40–41
in Colossal Cave Adventure, 235n2
Agrarian Economy, 3
A.I.: Artificial Intelligence, 52
Airborne Ultrasonic Tactile Display, 42
alienation, 219
Alternate Reality, 20, 49–61, 51f, 154, 155f, 204
affecting reality, 58–59
applying, 59–61
Augmented Reality shifted to, 61
background for, 60
commonality among, 61
electronics retailer example of, 163–164
examples of, 20
on Experience Design Canvas, 179–181, 180f, 204
icon representing, 18f
McGonigal on, 59
mobility and, 58
as New Business Reality, 59
pervasive games and, 53
Reality’s relationship with, 206
toys and, 60–61
Virtuality’s relationship with, 207
alternate reality games (ARGs)
defined, 20
Jenkins on, 52 for marketing, 52
rabbit hole of, 51
Wellejus on, 50–51
Alternate Reality Gaming Network, 52
Altman, Sam, 38
Amazon Kindle, xii Ambient Devices, 142
Ambient Orb, 142
Ambient Umbrella, 142
American Heart Association, 107
Amusing Ourselves to Death (Postman), 217–218
exploring from, 160
moving, 167
offering’s anchor, 159
Reality and Virtuality, 17
Realms of the Real, 32–33
Realms of the Virtual, 100
third spaces, 203
Anderson, Chris, 241n35
Ando-Shinoda Laboratory, 42
Andreini, Larry, 125
Andrews, Mike, 91
Anoto Group, 42
Apple, 5, 30, 31, 61, 187, 244n6
ARGs. See alternate reality games
Art of Game Design, The (Schell), 212
Art of the Heist, The, 52
Arthur, W. Brian, 31–32
Arts, Pieter, 124
Audi, 52
Augmentation Axis, 107–108, 113, 115
Augmented Reality, 19–20, 104, 35–47, 37f, 154, 155f
aerospace industry and, 40–41
applying, 46–47
automobile industry and, 40–41
background of, 46
choosing, 45–46
defined, 104
electronics retailer example of, 161–162, 166
to enhance learning, 47
enhancing world around us, 36–38
examples of, 19–20
icon representing, 18f
kinesthetic, 43–44
Lens-Fitzgerald on, 105
location-based services and, 38–40
Mirrored Virtuality differentiated from, 148
museums and, 39
Perey on, 38
Reality’s relationship with, 206
Rice, Robert, on, 45–46
scenic viewer, 39
sensory prosthetics and, 41–46
shifted to Alternate Reality, 61
smartphones and, 46
sports and, 39–40
tactile, 42–43
for tracking, 47
Virtuality’s relationship with, 207
Wired on, 41
Augmented Virtuality, 20, 103–115, 105f, 154, 155f
applying, 114–115
bodily engagement of, 106–108, 115
controllers, 115
device eliminated in, 110–114
electronics retailer example of, 164–167
examples of, 20
experience design in, 114
icon representing, 18f
for learning, 115
mind enhanced through, 108–109
Reality’s relationship with, 206
senses expanding through, 109–110
Virtuality’s relationship with, 207
Auletta, Ken, 227
AuRAM, 40
capabilities statement, 119
Gallery, 118–119
avatar, 87–88
Boellstorff on, 88
reputation of, 98
World of Warcraft, 120–121
Avidasports, 144
Baker, Chris, 41
baseball, x, 69–70
Goodwin on, 69
basketball, 70
Baudrillard, Jean, 246n18
Bauerlein, Mark, 217
Beast, The, 52
Becoming Virtual: Reality in the Digital Age (Lévy), 95
Beem, Rich, 35
Being Digital (Negroponte), 14–15
on recording life, 146
Benedikt, Michael L., 247n19, 249n11
Benjamin, Jeff, 121
Best Buy, 244n4
Bezos, Jeff, xii, 227n5
Bid Time Return (Matheson), 235n 17
abundancy of, 8
characteristics of, 6–8
combining, 7–8
customizing, 7–8
enabling impossibilities, 7
experimentation with, 7
imagining, 7
as immaterial, 6
improving, 7–8
integrating, 7
modifying, 7–8
prototyping with, 7
Bloomberg Terminal, 147–148
Boellstorff, Tom, 248n22
on avatars, 88
on intimacy, 251n31
business concept illustration, 68–69
CAD. See computer-aided-design
CafePress, 21
Cairncross, Frances, 93, 237n35
Caldwell, Christopher, 71
Camden Yards, 70
Cameron, James, 184
Carbone, Tyler, 74
Carr, Nicholas, 217
Cashmore, Peter, 143
Castronova, Edward, 87
CBA. See Center for Bits and Atoms
Center for Bits and Atoms (CBA), 128–129
CEREC, 122
Cheaney, Janie B., 247n18
check digitization, 168
Chicago Museum of Science and Industry, 68
Christie Medical Innovations, 40, 159
CityOne, 90
CityVille, 87
Civil War Adventure Camp, 63, 71–72
ClearWorlds, 199
Coleridge, Samuel Taylor, 86
Collision Warning with Brake Support, 41
Colossal Cave Adventure, 81–82
agency in, 235n2
Coming of Age in Second Life (Boellstorff), 88
computer-aided-design (CAD), 118–119
Computers as Theatre (Laurel), 6
constructing substances, 23–25, 75, 78, 173–174, 184, 194–195
Continuous Invention, 130, 132, 241n41
Contour Crafting, 121
Contour USB, 144
cosmetic customization, 241n 39
cosmos incogniti, 11–13, 16, 33, 78, 83–84, 99, 108, 148, 153, 156, 157, 174, 204, 214, 224
cross-reality environments, 200
Crowther, Will, 81–82
Cruise, Tom, 44
Csikszentmihalyi, Mihaly, 73, 76, 212–213
on optimal experience, 65–66
customer sacrifice, 190–192
customer types, 170
CustomMade, 127
CyArk, 89
cyLEDGE Media GmbH, 124–125
Dance Dance Revolution, 106, 111
Dark Knight, The, 20
DARPA. See Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency
Davis, Stan, x, 13, 14, 122–123, 240n13
Death of Distance, The (Cairncross), 93
Deeplocal, 121
Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA), 129
Delivery Information Acquisition Device (DIAD), 36
Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV), 74
design, 22–25, 165, 173. See also Experience Design Canvas; Variable Design Expedition
digital technology, 7
of experiences, 22–25, 114, 165, 209–211
as exploring, 173
for human capability, 170, 185, 196, 244n 7
design-your-own companies, 123
Desktop Factory, 129
DFBW. See digital fly-by-wire
DIAD. See Delivery Information Acquisition Device
DigiScents, 44
Digital Binocular Station, 39
digital fly-by-wire (DFBW), 7
digital media strategy, ix
Digital Millennial Consulting, 201–202
digital technology. See digital frontier; technology, digital
DigiWall Technology AB, 56–57
dimensions, 13–18, 23f. See also realms; variables
architecture of experience, 22–25
defining third spaces, 203–204
definition of, 13–15
three-dimensional world, 9, 14f
DirectLife, 144
Distracted (Jackson), 217
DJ Hero, 106
DMV. See Department of Motor Vehicles
Doblin, 68–69
do-it-yourself movement, 127–128, 132
websites catering to, 127
dramatic structure, 210
Drawing a Circle in the Square (Harrison-Pepper), 72
Durhuus, Bergfinnur, 223
EA Sports, 107
Eilers, Søren, 223
Electronic Age Assessment, 162, 166
Elliot, T. S., 160
eMachineShop, 129
emotions, 169
playing with, 190–192
Empathica Mobile Reporting, 147
Entertainment Technology Center (ETC), 212
Eriksen, Thomas Hylland, 73, 216
ETC. See Entertainment Technology Center
eternity, 224–225
Etsy, 127
events, 22
autonomous, 23–24, 57–58, 184, 186
enacting, 24–25, 65, 75, 78, 83, 173–174, 184, 194–195
Evers, Reinier, 143
Everything Bad is Good for You: How Today’s Popular Culture is Actually Making Us Smarter (Johnson), 217
ExpeData Digital Writing Platform, 42
Experience Design Canvas, 173–178, 174f
Alternate Reality on, 179–181, 180f
experience plotting on, 179–181
playing on, 185–187
Experience Economy, 3, 13, 221
experiences, 3, 4f, 14, 133, 155, 198
amusing ourselves to death, 217–218
analyzing, 194
architecture of, 22–25
changing perceptions of, 78
classifying, 154–155
in context, 195–196
depicting, 182–183
design of, 22–25, 114, 165, 209–211
digital technology as technology of, 8
4Es of, 210
as game, 77
guide-reading, 5
infused with technology, 31
inner, 83
intensity of, 195
location-based, 38–40
mass customizing, 123, 125, 126, 132
new value in, 196–197
physical, 16
plotting on Experience Design Canvas, 179–181
purchasing, 5
Reality presenting richest, 29–31, 205
realms of, 15
source of, 205
telephone using, 5
themes, 210
time and actual time, 65–66, 77
transformations building on, 171
in Virtuality, 97
Virtuality as most imaginative, 83–84
acting into the future, 214
exploration and, 214–215
possibilities, 10
smartphones, 58
Time, 148
design as exploring, 173
digital frontier, 9
exploitation and, 214–215
exploring the Multiverse, 153–157
ideation, 158
guidance by realm, 169–171
guidance with variables, 194–197
possibilities, 10
possibilities to opportunities, 197–198
stages of by realm, 159–160, 160f
Virtuality, 98
EyeToy, 110–111
Fab: The Coming Revolution on Your Desktop—from Personal Computers to Personal Fabrication (Gershenfeld), 129
Gershenfeld on, 129–130
Facebook, 216
FriendFeed, 143
Time on, 36
FarmVille, 87
Febreze Scentstories, 44, 143
fiction, 95–96
FigurePrints, 120–121
Fischer, Martin, 126
Fitbit, 144
FittingBox, 125
Flightwise, 139
Csikszentmihalyi on, 65, 87–88
sub-second response time and, 236n 16
Fluid Interfaces Group, 43–44, 113
focusing ability, 217
SmartGauge with EcoGuide, 147, 211–212
forgetting, digitally, 243n 27
Foursquare, 38–39
Fresh Green Light, 110
Fries, Ed, 120–121
Full Spectrum Warrior, 91
Fun Inc. (Chatfield), 57
future con sul tants, 68–69
Future Perfect (Davis), 13, 122–123
GaitAid, 42–43
Galvanek, Paxton, 91
gambling, 71
Game Play Festival, 201
games. See also specific types of games
changing people, 213–214
design, 211–214
experience as, 77
gamification, 211–214
“Gaming Can Make a Better World,” 59
Gee, James Paul, 217
Geest, Yuri van, 142
on Mirror Worlds, 137–138
on topsight, 146
General Motors, 41
geocaching games, 54
geoteaming, 54–55
Gershenfeld, Neil, 128–129
on fab labs, 129–130
gestural interface, 43–44
Gigantic Mechanic, 58
Gigaputt, 58
Globe Genie, 88
GoCar Tours, 55
Goffman, Erving, 219
good, being, 215–220
goods, 3, 4f, 14, 133, 155, 198
do-it-yourself, 127–128
Goodwin, Doris Kearns, 69
Chrome, 8
email, 8
Goggles, 38
Insights for Search, 141
Trends, 141
Google Price Index (GPI), 141
Googled: The End of the World as We Know It (Auletta), 227n 4
Gorman, Paul, 213
GoToMeeting, 168
GPI. See Google Price Index
GPS games, 54
GPS navigation system, 19–20, 36, 141
“Grand Theft Ovid,” 201
Griffith, Saul, 132
Gross, Shawn, 201–202
Groundspeak, 54
Grove, Andrew, 8
G-Speak Spatial Operating Environment, 44, 113
guitar, 193–194
Guitar Hero, 106
Guitar Hero World Tour, 193–194, 193f
Hallmark cards, 103–104, 190–192, 203–204
Hamlet on the Holodeck (Murray), 86
Hamlet’s BlackBerry: A Practical Philosophy for Building a Good Life in the Digital Age (powers), 216
Hanulneotech Co., Ltd., 125
commercialization of, 109
Harmonix Music Systems, 106
Harrison-Pepper, Sally, 72
Hatch, Mark, 128
HealthMap, 22
on Paralympics, 231n19
Historical Preenactment Society, 69
History of the Future Museum, 68
How Computer Games Help Children Learn (Shaffer), 217
Huckleberry Finn (Twain), 237n37
human capability. See design
hyper, 84
I Love Bees, 20, 49–50, 232n 1
IBM Land, 90
ICU. See Institute for Creative Technologies
immersion, 158. See also virtual immersive environments
Immersion Corporation, 114
incentives, 212
information overlord, 215–216
defined, 4
life-changing, 156
Institute for Creative Technologies (ICU), 91
Instructables, 127
International Spaceflight Museum, 138
Internet, 83, 93, 94, 125, 129, 164, 217
“Internet Symphony No. 1 ‘Eroica,’” 201
Intersense, 40
intimacy, 251n31
iPhone, 5
copying, 114
electronics retailer example of, 162
Ipplex, 42
iWalk, 43
Jackson, Maggie, 217
on ARGs, 52
“Jewel Collector,” 38
Kacyra, Ben, 89
Kangaroo TV. See FanVision
Kapp, Karl, 92
Kay, Alan, 6
Keeley, Larry, 68–69
Kelley, Kevin, 144–145
Kelson, Keith, 44
Khoshnevis, Behrokh, 121
Killer, 53
Kim Possible World Showcase Adventure, 52–53
Kimmelman, Michael, 89
Kipman, Alex, 113
Kitchens, Mark Brady, 75
Known Universe, 13–15, 14f, 19, 224
Kohn, Alfie, 212–213
Konami, 106
Laakkonen, Juha, 56
on somatic cognition, 113
Länkinen, Ilkka, 71
Lappset Group Oy, 56
LARPs. See live action role-playing games
Lasik surgery, 43
Laundy, Peter, 68–69
Laurel, Brenda, 6
on interactive fiction, 235n2
Lausberg, Marc, 110
content layers of, 37–38
LeapFrog Enterprises, 42
LearnAR, 108
Learning in 3D (Kapp & O’Driscoll), 92
Lee, Erin, 216
Leeum, Samsung Museum of Art, 39
LEGO Design byMe, 117–118, 223–224
promotion of, 118
LEGO Digital Designer, 117–118
LEGO Systems A/S, 117–118
immeasurable possibilities of, 223–224
Lens-Fitzgerald, Maarten, 37
on Augmented Reality, 105
Lévy, Pierre, 95
Lewis, Jim, 129
Life on the Screen (Turkle), 219
Lifton, Robert, 218
defined, 72
Turner on, 72
live action role-playing games (LARPs), 66, 86
Livescribe Echo digital smartpen, 42
living history museums, 21, 67
location-based experiences, 38–40
location-based services, 38
LookTel, 42
Loopt, 38
Lost Ring, The, 20
Lutron Electronics Corporation, 122–123
Mackinac Island, 67
Maes, Pattie, 43–44
Magri, Carmen, 123
Major League Baseball Gameday, 135–136
Makezine, 127
man cave, xi–xii
maps, 11–12
Marx, Karl, 219
Mashable, 143
mass customization, 131–132, 195
of experiences, 123, 125, 126, 132
Physical Virtuality and, 122–123
transformations, 123, 125, 126, 132
massively multiplayer online role-playing games (MMORPGs), 86
Matrix, The, 85
Matter, 13, 14, 14f, 15, 15f, 22–24, 83. See also No-Matter
eternity and, 225
defined, 186
on Alternate Reality, 59
McMichael, Joe, 88
Mead, Carver, 157
MediGait, 42–43
Medtronic, 40
Mercedes-Benz, 41
miCoach, 144
Microsoft Bing, 143
Microsoft Kinect, 111, 112, 201
Kipman on, 113
New York Times on, 111
Mid-Columbia Medical Center, 73
military simulations, 91
Mind Candy, 52
MindSpace Solutions, 39
Minority Report, 44, 143–144
Mir:ror, 110 “Mirror Worlds,” 22
Gelernter on, 137–138
Mirror Worlds (Gelernter), 137–138
Mirrored Virtuality, 135–149, 137f
applying, 148–149
Augmented Reality differentiated from, 148
electronics retailer example of, 164, 166
examples of, 22
icon representing, 18f
predicting present and, 140–142
Reality’s relationship with, 206
summary, 21–22, 154, 155f Time and, 136, 148–149
Virtuality’s relationship with, 207
Mistry, Pranav, 43–44
MMORPGs. See massively multiplayer online role-playing games
Mobile Mondays Amsterdam, 142
mobility, 58
molecular gastronomy, 121
Monitor Group, 68–69
Montola, Markus, 53
motivations, 212
Moto, 121
Motorola, 4–5
Mobility, 5
Multi-User Dungeons (MUDS), 86
Multiverse, 16–18, 16f, 23f, 224. See also Reaching through the Realms 8–6–3–1
architecture of, 23–25
anchor realm, 17, 32–33, 100, 159–160, 167–169, 203
icons, 18f
tour of, 18–22
Multiverse variables, 17f, 186. See also Variable Design Expedition
capabilities of, 196
guidance, 194–197
harmonizing, 196
intensity of, 174, 175f order change, 176
thinking in, 183–184
Murphy, Jack, 122
Murray, Janet, 86
on belief, 95–96
Museum of Natural History in Berlin, 39
museumgoudA, 108–109
museums, 39. See also specific museums
album art, 187–188
digital, 6
MUVEDesign, 57
MyFord Touch, 8–9
Narrative as Virtual Reality (Ryan), 211
NASA, 88
NASCAR Live Leaderboard, 136
Nass, Clifford, 83
National Oceanic & Atmospheric Administration, 138
NedSense enterprises n.v., 124
Negroponte, Nicholas, 14–15
A New Kind of Science (Wolfram), 247n 19
Nike+, 144
American Heart Association collaboration with, 107
Balance Board, 107
Motion-Plus, 106
Penenberg on, 112–113
in rehabilitation, 112–113
Nokia, 4–5
No-Matter, 16f. See also Matter defined, 14, 186
No-Space, 16f. See also Space defined, 15, 186
No-Time, 16f. See also Time defined, 15, 186
Warped Reality and, 64–75
NovoGen, 122
Nowism, 143
Oakhurst Links, 67
Odegaard, Hanne, 118
O’Driscoll, Tony, 92
Ombrellaro, Mark, 109
OneRiot, 143
O’Reilly, Tom, 128
Organovo, 122
Össur, 43
Otherlab, 132
Overy, Charles, 120
Paffendorf, Jerry, 184
Palmisano, Sam, 90
Paradiso, Joseph, 200
Paralympics, 231n19
Pearce, Celia, 96–97
Penenberg, Adam, 112–113
Perey, Christine, 38
Perplex City, 52
Personal Space Technologies (PST), 108, 110
personalization, 241n39
Personalizemedia, 230n6
pervasive games
Alternate Reality and, 53
defined, 232n10
PGA Championship at Hazeltine National Golf Club, 35–36
PGA Tour Shot Tracker, 136
Photosynth, 88
Physical Virtuality, 117–133, 119f
applying, 130–133
electronics retailer example of, 162–163
examples of, 21
icon representing, 18f
Mass Customization and, 122–123
modularity of, 123
Reality’s relationship with, 206
Virtuality’s relationship with, 207
places, 22,
communication example, 188–190
forming, 23–25, 75, 78, 83, 173–174, 184, 194–195
playing with, 188–190
planes, 74
Plato, 85
Postman, Neil, 217–218
post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), 91
Power Gig, 201
PowerFoot One, 43
Powers, William, 216
Priebatsch, Seth, 54
privacy, 216
Procter & Gamble, 44
“Progression of Economic Value,” 3, 4f, 90, 155–156, 198
Project K-nect, 201–202
PST. See Personal Space Technologies
PTSD. See post-traumatic stress disorder
Punished by Rewards (Kohn), 212–213
Qualcomm, 201–202
Quest to Learn, 202
Quest Visual, 38
Reaching through the Realms, 157–171
electronics retailer example of, 161–167
Reality start point, 161f stage one, 159, 161–163
Read, Leighton, 92
Reality, 16, 29–33. See also third spaces
Alternate Reality affecting, 58–59
Alternate Reality’s relationship with, 206
Augmented Reality’s relationship with, 206
Augmented Virtuality’s relationship with, 206
characteristics of, 95
common threads of, 30–31
electronics retailer example of, 161
examples of, 18
icon representing, 18f
Mirrored Virtuality’s relationship with, 206
Physical Virtuality’s relationship with, 206
Reaching through the Realms starting at, 161f
reality of, 205–206
as referent for representation, 205
richest experiences in, 29–31
shifted to Warped Reality, 75–76
social construction of, 204
Virtuality’s relationship with, 206, 208
Virtuality underlying, 206–208
Warped Reality’s relationship with, 205
Reality Jocket Ltd., 42
realms, 16–18, 17f, 23f See also dimensions; variables
definition of, 16–18
essences of, 153–155
fused, 5, 24, 193, 200–203, 204, 209, 211, 215
overview of, 18–22
real-time web, 142–143, 148, 149
Segal on, 143
Reeves, Byron, 83
on Virtuality, 92
regenerative medicine, 122
Reis, David, 120
Republic, The (Plato), 85
Respondesign, 107
Responsive Environments Group, 200
RFID games, 54
Rheo Knee, 43
Rice, Nathan, 38–39
Rice, Robert, 45–46
Rickshaw Bagworks, 125
Ridemakerz, 125
RjDj, 42
Rock Band, 106
Ryan, Marie-Laure, 211
RZ Virtual Experience, 125
Sackett, Aaron, 73–74
sacred space, 220
Salen, Katie, 202
SantaPark, 71
scavenger hunts, 54
Schatzker, Mark, 231n24
Schiesel, Seth, 201
Schüll, Natasha Dow, 71
Schultz, Howard, 3
ScienceSim, 138
Scrapblog, 127
“Second Earth,” 139–140, 148–149
IBM Land in, 90
Maldives embassy in, 89–90
real-life data feeds in, 138
on real-time web, 143
self-tracking, 143–145
SensAble Technoligies, 202–203
sensory evocation, 169
sensory prosthetics
Augmented Reality and, 41–46
services, 3, 4f, 14, 133, 155, 198
ShadowLab, 200
Shaffer, David, 217
Shallows, The: What the Internet Is Doing to Our Brains, 217
“Shopping Cruise,” 75
Shufflebrain, 212
Shuler, Laura, 110
Simulation and its Discontents (Turkle), 220
corporate, 92
military, 91
roller coaster, 126
sports, 91–92
Sirona Dental, 122
Small Pieces Loosely Joined (Weinberger), 93–94
Smarter Planet initiative, 90
smartphones, 5, 36–38. See also iPhone
Augmented Reality and, 46
exploitation of, 58
for math, 201–202
SmartUs, 56
smell, 44
Smith, Harvey, 99
Smith, Susan, 121
Snow Crash (Stephenson), 139–140
somatic cognition, 113
Sony Playstation Move, 106
Space, 13, 14, 14f 16f 22–24, 83. See also No-Space
defined, 186
eternity and, 225
sacred, 15
Specialist Schools and Academies Trust, 108
sports. See also specific sports
Augmented Reality and, 39–40
fantasy, 53–54
simulations, 91–92
time and, 69–70
SpotRank, 143
StandardRobot, 121
Star Trek
replicator, 128–130
warp drive, 21
Star Trek: The Experience, 68
Starbucks, 3
Starizon Studio, 69
Stateless Systems, 142
Stephenson, Neal, 139–140, 200
Sterling, Bruce, 129
StockTwits, 143
substances, 22
constructing, 24–25
material, 23, 24, 184, 186, 232n6
music album art and, 187–188
playing with, 187–188
Superstruct, 59
Swinxs, 54
Tag Reading System, 42
Tan Dun, 201
technology. See also technology, digital
Arthur on, 31–32
capabilities extended through, 170
choosing, 218
creating value, 32
defined, 31–32
denying, 218
experience infused with, 31
to fulfill human purpose, 31–33
for sake of technology, 32–33
technology saving us from, 38
topsight, 147
technology, digital, 32
changing people, 220
design, 7
fragmented by, 218
as frontier, 4–5
as a game changer, 6–9
as greatest source of innovation, 4
impersonalized by, 218
intrusion of, x-xi
Kay on, 6
making us stupid, 217
man-made technology differing from, 6
as technology of experiences, 8
tsunami of, 32
value creation from, 12–16
Wolf on, 145
Technopoly (Postman), 218
TechShop, 127–128
telephone, 137. See also smartphones
experience, 5
teleportation, 74
telepresence, 137, 189, 189f
TeleSuite, 137
television, 136–137
terra incognita, 11
“Theatre of the Arcade,” 201
theme parks, 71
third spaces, 5, 200–203, 207, 208, 215, 219
balancing, 216
defined, 203–204
Thomas, Douglas, 249n9
Thomas, Michael Tilson, 201
Thompson, Clive, 128
Time, 13, 14, 14f, 15, 16f, 22–24, 83. See also No-Time
annihilation of, 93
autonomous, 75–76
as currency of experiences, xiii, 87, 236n 14
defined, 186
Eriksen on, 73
eternity and, 225
experience and actual, 77
exploitation, 148
freedom from tyranny of, 66, 73
hyperlinking, 74–75
Mirrored Virtuality and, 136, 148–149
optimal experience and changes in, 65–66
slow, 73
sports and, 69–70
stopping, 77
Warped Reality and, 64–78
Time Treasure, 57–58
TimeSpace: World, 143
TN Games, 109
Tolkien, J. R. R., 87, 236n11, 247n18
Tommy John surgery, 43, 231n17
Tomorrowland, 68
TOPPS baseball cards, 105
topsight, 146–148
analytics, 147
dashboard, 147
Gelernter on, 146
monitoring tools, 147
pattern recognition in, 146
platform, 147
sensors, 147
storage, 147
technology for, 147
tracking tools, 147
Touchable Holography, 42
TouchNetworks, 109
Toy Island, 107
TrafficCast, 141
trains, 74
transformations, 3, 4f, 90, 133, 145, 149, 155–156, 175, 198
game design and, 213–214
mass customizing, 123, 125, 126, 132
transmedia storytelling, 246n 15
Treehouse Logic, 125
Trendsmap, 142
triangulating position, 38
Turkle, Sherry, 219, 220, 251n31
Turner, Victor, 72
Tweetdeck, 147
Twinity, 138
Tyranny of the Moment: Fast and Slow Time in the Information Age (Eriksen), 216
Underkoffler, John, 44
United Parcel Service (UPS), 36
USAA, 168
Ushahidi, 139
experience and new, 196–197
negative, 190–192
technology creating, 32
types of, 170
Variable Design Expedition, 178–181
variables, 15–17, 22–25, 175f. See also dimensions; realms
architecture of experience, 22–25
depicting experiences, 182–183
experience design guidance, 194–197
Reaching through the Realms expedition, 159–160
realm depiction on, 176–178, 177f
thinking in variables, 183–184
Varying the Variables expedition, 157, 158,
Varian, Hal, 141
Venice, 67
VIEs. See virtual immersive environments
Vinopolis, 44
Vintage Base Ball Association, 67, 69
vinyl records, 6
Violet, 110
Virtual Army Experience, 91
Virtual Earth, 88
virtual immersive environments (VIEs), 92
virtual mirrors, 125
virtual reality, 6, 7, 19, 85, 109
Virtual Universe Community (VUC), 90
Virtuality, 81–101, 84f. See also third spaces
accessibility of, 98
AI-populated, 97
Alternate Reality’s relationship with, 207
applying, 96–99
Augmented Reality’s relationship with, 207
Augmented Virtuality’s relationship
with, 207
contributory, 98
creating belief and, 86–87, 99
creativity and, 98
electronics retailer example of, 165
embodiment in, 97
emotive AI in, 98
in everyday life, 93–94
examples of, 18–19
experience in, 97
explorable, 98
foundational attributes of, 96–97
fragmented by, 218–219
fully sensory, 98
imagination and, 98
immateriality of, 95
individual representation and, 82, 97
as inspiration, 207
market-based, 98
Mirrored Virtuality’s relationship with, 207
as most imaginative experience, 83–84
natural, 98
per sistence in, 97
personality, 218–219
Physical Virtuality’s relationship with, 207
Read on, 92
Reality’s relationship with, 206, 208
Reeves on, 92
reputation and, 98
rule-bound, 98
sociality and, 97
three-dimensional, 97
underlying Reality, 206–208
Warped Reality’s relationship with, 207–208
visual repre sentation, 235n 7
V.Smile Motion Active Learning System, 108
VTech Electronics, 108
VUC. See Virtual Universe Community
Hallmark cards, 103–104, 190–192
Imagineering, 126
Wardynski, Casey, 91
Warped Reality, 21, 63–78, 64f
applying, 75–78
electronics retailer example of, 166
icon representing, 18f
No-Time and, 64–75
Reality shifted to, 75–76
Reality’s relationship with, 205
time and, 64–75
Virtuality’s relationship with, 207–208
Watkins, Craig, 216
Watson, James D., 248n20
Wayner, Peter, 58
wealth creation, retarding, 228n9
Weinberger, David, 93–94
Wellejus, Asta, 50–51
What Video Games Have to Teach Us about Learning and Literacy (Gee), 217
Wieden+Kennedy, 121
Wii Fit, 107
Wii Sports, 111
on Augmented Reality, 41
Wolf, Gary, 144–145
Woopra, 147
Word Lens, 38
World of Warcraft, 120–121
World Wind, 88
World Without Oil, 59
Wowd, 147
Wright, Dave, 87
Yang, Y. E., 35
YDreams, 39
YinzCam, 40
You Are Not a Gadget (Lanier), 218
Yourself!Fitness, 107
YouTube Symphony Orchestra, 201
Zazzle, 21, 143
Zygna, 87