Chapter Fifteen

The ten-minute drive out to the Denning ranch felt like an hour. It probably just seemed that way because she was tired, her head hurt, and she was starting to feel a little silly for calling Colton. Any sane person would have called the cops or animal control. What did she do? Called the man she’d gone on one date with.

Can you say clingy?

Sure, they were friends. Had been friend. Were still friends? Oh crap, she had no idea what was going on. Her business was either suffering from some major coincidental problems, or someone was intentionally messing with her. And here she was, getting all panicky over what to call this thing with Colton.

How had she let Lizzy talk her into this? She should’ve kept the dinner friendly and not agreed with that whole stupid “I want it to be a date” thing he brought up. She had given into her inner wants, and now, she had no clue what was going on.

Great job self.

The truck pulled up to the ranch. The porch light was on in welcome as well as a few house lights, but everything else was dark. It was darker out here than in town. No streetlights. Just a thousand twinkling stars, lighting up the night sky like sparkling diamonds across black velvet. Colton had called Dade just before they left and given his brother the brief details.

Including the fact she was coming home with him.

Putting the truck in park, Colton turned the keys, shutting off the ignition. He reached for the door handle, but before he could exit the truck, she reached out and placed a hand on his shoulder.

“Colt, I’m sorry.”

He turned back with a puzzled expression. “For what?”

She brought her hand back to her lap, twisting her fingers together. “For dragging you out of bed in the middle of the night. For having to crash with you, again. For bringing you into my problems when we’ve only had one date. I really can take care of myself, I swear.”

He was silent for a moment. She ducked her head, sure he was going to tell her she was too much trouble, too dependent, that the first date was the last.

“Don’t be an idiot, Maggie.”

Her head snapped up. “Excuse me?”

“First of all, I wasn’t in bed yet. Second, it’s never a problem to lend a hand to someone in need. Third, it doesn’t matter if we’ve had one date or a hundred dates. We’re friends first and forever. I’m always here for you, no matter what.”

A hundred dates? That sounded promising.

“And lastly,” he added, his brows drawing together. “You are the most capable person I know. You always have been. Even as a kid, you had to do everything yourself. Which is why Clementine knocked you over when you tried to mount her from the wrong side.”

She remembered that. Her first time riding alone. She’d wanted to get on the horse herself. Only her pride had been hurt. Maggie smiled.

Hands came up, cradling her face. Colton stroked her cheeks with his thumbs. She shivered, and it had nothing to do with the cool night air. Those hypnotic blue eyes stared so deeply into her own, it felt as though he was looking into her soul.

“The only thing you have to apologize for is scaring another ten years off my life. This is the second time in a week you’ve nearly stopped my heart.” His voice dropped to a husky timber. “Quit doing that.”

Then his lips were on hers, soft, but demanding. He kissed her like she was oxygen and he was a dying man. His tongue pressed along the seam of her lips, and she opened willingly. She brought her hands up to rest on his broad, strong shoulders. Man, did he taste good. Like coffee and sex. Pure Colton.

Maggie made a little moan of delight when his hands started to move down, roaming over her neck and shoulders. One found its way to her waist, pulling her closer in the small confine of the truck. The other moved down to cover her right breast. She gasped as his rough hand stroked and squeezed, sending a thousand tingling shock waves racing though her entire body.

The hand at her waist moved down to her thigh, and in a move she only thought happened in the movies, he pulled her to him, lifting her leg over until she was straddling his lap. The steering wheel dug into her back, but she didn’t care.

With both hands free now, he ran his palm under her shirt. The rough feel of skin on skin felt glorious. Shivers ran up and down her spine. Sensation started to tingle at the sweet spot between her legs. Had anything ever felt as good as this man’s hands on her body? She didn’t think so.

Colton’s hands paused when they met her bare breasts. One of the female officers at the scene had been kind enough to grab her a pair of jeans and shirt to put on over the tank and underwear she’d slept in, but hadn’t grabbed her a bra.

He growled in the back of his throat as he squeezed and said in a raspy voice, “Shit, Maggie. You may have the most perfect breasts in the whole damn world.”

She laughed. “You haven’t even seen them yet.”

“Don’t need to.”

He ran his thumbs over her nipples, causing her breath to catch.

“Yup, perfect.”

She moaned as he tweaked and rolled the hard little buds between his fingers. She could feel the thick length of him beneath her, and moving her hips, she ground down onto him. He swore, meeting her thrusts with an excited fever. They were lined up perfectly.

If only they were naked in a bed, instead of fully clothed in a small, cramped truck cab.

“Colt? Maggie? Is that you guys?”

Her back was to the house, but she recognized Dade’s voice calling from the front door. Heat flooded her face. They were both fully clothed, but it was pretty obvious what they were doing. She had never been one for exhibition. Had Dade seen?

“He can’t see us, sweetheart. The headlights are on,” Colton said, answering her unasked question.

Sure enough, she turned her head to see Dade standing on the porch, squinting into the bright beam of light emitted by the truck’s headlights. She scrambled off Colton’s lap, in a hurry to get back over to her side of the truck. Unfortunately, in her haste, her knee hit a spot that only seconds ago she had been quite enjoying. He sucked in a sharp breath, hands going to his crotch.

“Oh shoot, Colt. I’m so sorry.” She reached for him, but his palm snaked out, grabbing her wrist, stopping her from checking the damage.

“I’m fine, but trust me, your hand anywhere near that area is not going to help at the moment.” He shifted in his seat, adjusting his jeans. “Don’t worry. You can kiss the boo boo later.”

She shook her head, but couldn’t keep the smile from tilting her lips “In your dreams.”

He leaned over, grazing her ear with his lips, his breath a warm, soft promise. “And yours.”

Damn the man for being right.

“Come on, let’s not keep my brother waiting or he’ll know what’s going on.”

With that, he shut off the headlights, opened the door, and exited the truck. Maggie followed, walking up the front steps to where Dade waited on the porch. Taller, with hair a few shades darker than Colton, the older Denning brother stood calmly in his usual stoic manner. They both had those amazing blue eyes and enough facial similarity to depict them as siblings, even if their personalities were polar opposites.

“You okay, Maggie?” Those clear blue eyes, so like Colton’s, filled with genuine concern.

“I’m fine.”

Colton slung his arm around her. “Nothing can get our Magpie down.”

She shoved an elbow in his ribs.

“Ow.” Removing his arm, he rubbed the offended spot. “What was that for?”

“I’m going to start calling you Colt the Dolt. See how you like it.”

He laughed off her irritation. “Sorry, sweetheart. I forgot I was supposed to stop using that name.”

Tipping down, he brushed his lips against hers in a barely there kiss. When he brought his head back up, she noticed Dade staring at his brother with a strange expression. She wouldn’t call it a happy one. Did he disapprove of her dating Colton?

The look was gone in a flash, replaced by relief when his gaze met hers again.

“I’m glad you’re okay. Gas leaks can be deadly. You did the right thing calling Colt. I got the guest room all ready for you. Unless you want something to eat before bed?”

“No, thank you. I’m about ten seconds away from falling asleep right here on the porch.” She shivered as a gust of cold night air wrapped around her. Okay, maybe she wasn’t quite that tired.

Dade motioned for her to follow, then turned and headed inside. Colton placed a gentle hand on her back, bringing up the rear.

The Denning house looked pretty much the same as she remembered from her childhood. A few new pictures, a new fifty-inch flat screen, new appliances, but the feeling of home, the comfort, that was the same.

Often during her summer visits, she spent long hours at the ranch with the brothers. Mrs. Denning had fawned over her. Having no daughter of her own, their mother had doted on her at every visit. She’d always been so kind, and Maggie felt a pang of guilt for the way she’d treated the entire Denning family by never coming back.

The mistakes of a stupid teenage girl with a broken heart.

“Here you go.” Dade stopped in front of his old room. “There are fresh sheets on the bed and extra blankets in the closet if you get cold. Do you remember where the bathroom is?”

She nodded. “Down the hall to the right.”

“Bingo. Sleep tight, Maggie.”

“Thanks, Dade, and thanks for letting me crash here tonight. I’ll try not to be too big a bother.”

The older Denning brother reached out, pulling her into a hug. It surprised her because he was not overt with his emotions. Not like his brother. Where Colton was outgoing and flirtatious, Dade was stoic and enjoyed his personal space.

“You’re welcome here as long as you want, Maggie. Always were. Heck, I think Mom would have traded us for you in a heartbeat.”

She laughed, pulling out of his embrace. “That’s not true. She loves you two to pieces and you know it.”

The brothers shared a grin.

“Well, I better sack out. Night.” He waved as he turned and headed down the hall to the master suite, now his room.

“I’ll go grab you something to wear for bed,” Colton said. “If you need, there’s a fresh toothbrush under the sink. We keep a couple around in case any of the hands need to crash for the night.”

“Thanks, but I brushed before bed. I might use it in the morning though.”

He crossed the hall to his room. Maggie stayed firmly where she was—after that make out session in his truck, she didn’t think she could keep her clothes on if she followed him into his room. And she needed to keep her clothes on. This thing with Colton was going from zero to a hundred in no time flat. She needed time to process.

“Here you go Magpi—Maggie.”

“Nice catch.” She took the dark blue T-shirt from him.

“Do you really hate the nickname?”

No. In fact, it kind of felt special to have him call her something no one else did. At least, that’s what she always thought as a kid. Something he did that made her special to him. After he started dating Natalie, the name had annoyed her as she no longer felt special. But now, now that they had started something, it was starting to feel special again.

“Fine, you can call me Magpie.” She threw her hands up in pretend exasperation.

He chuckled, pulling her in close. “I don’t really care what you let me call you. As long as I can call you mine.”

He captured her lips in a hot, but too short, kiss.

“Good night. Magpie.”

As he turned away, she pressed a hand to her tingling lips, still feeling him there. The night may have started out terrifying, but after having Colt’s hand’s on her body, his lips pressed against hers, it was turning out to be a very good night indeed.