

Cover and 3: ©TopFoto/The Image Works

Endpapers, 90–91: Mary Evans/Robert Hunt Collection/Everett Collection

810–11, 145, 174–175: ©Mary Evans/Robert Hunt Collection

36–37, 122–123: Science & Society Picture Library/SuperStock 58–59, 218: Courtesy of Everett Collection


We would like to acknowledge the following publishers and individuals for permission to reprint the following material. Every effort has been made to obtain permission from the appropriate parties to include these works, but if any errors have been made we will be happy to correct them.

“Bombardment” reprinted by permission of the Estate of Richard Aldington, c/o Rosica Colin Limited.

“When I’m Killed”, “The Assault Heroic”, “Corporal Stare”, and “Recalling War” from Complete Poems in One Volume (2000). Reprinted by permission of Carcanet Press Limited and AP Watt Limited.

“The Dearness of Common Things” and “First Time In” from Collected Poems (1982). Reprinted by permission of Carcanet Press Limited.

“August, 1914” reprinted by permission of the Society of Authors as the Literary Representative of the Estate of John Masefield.

“The Retreat” from Collected Poems (1966), published by Faber & Faber. Reprinted by permission of David Hingham Associates.

“Moonrise over Battlefield”, “The Soldier Addresses His Body”, and “War and Peace” from Collected Poems (1991). Reprinted by permission of Carcanet Press Limited.

“Counter Attack”, “Dreamers”, “Prelude: The Troops”, and “The Rear-Guard” copyright Siegfried Sassoon, by kind permission of the Estate of George Sassoon.