Waddy Dwyer was hungry and tired. He missed his wife and was, until five minutes ago, in great need of a piss. He knew one thing for certain, though: he was going to take it out on all of them. He had a gallon of petrol and a sleeve of Styrofoam cups, which he was tearing into strips and stirring into said petrol. He didn’t have the time or the wherewithal in his hotel room to make proper napalm by melting soap into the gasoline, but this would do quite nicely. The mixture, which was nearing the consistency of jelly, smelled comfortingly chemical and took him back to the defoliated jungles of his past. A two-liter soda bottle, a funnel, and a prepaid mobile phone—all the ingredients for a quality firebomb—most citizens had no idea these were sold at every gas station that had a well-stocked convenience mart. Whether they had need for a firebomb might’ve been another question altogether, but he unfortunately did.

Sitting around waiting for Banco to recover, or to fall weak enough for Dwyer to take his rifle away and finish him was one thing, but now that Banco was getting his doorbell rung by the big pro, the ultimate precaution needed to be exercised.

He’d followed the big pro and a pregnant blonde, his wife or girlfriend it seemed based on the solicitous hand placed on the small of her back, to an address that struck him as their home. He wasn’t sure but thought he might’ve been burned on the tail right there at the end. It disgusted him. With even one backup operative and an alternate vehicle it would’ve never happened. No matter. He’d take care of the car soon enough, and he’d be sterile once again. He ran the address but didn’t come up with anything by way of a name. The big pro was a pro after all and knew how to scrub personal information. There was another way to get the man’s identity, and it was somewhere he was going already. He still had lots to do. He kept on stirring.