SubString is for strings like what ArraySlice is for arrays: a view of a part of a string, where its startIndex and endIndex are indices into the original string. It conforms to the same protocols as String:


StringProtocol contains many of the common text operations, so when you write functions that take a string parameter you can often use StringProtocol instead to also accept substrings. When you do, you have to use generics, as shown here:

Just as with ArraySlice, substrings keep a reference to the entire string, so when you are done processing substrings you should turn them into normal strings and allow the original string to be released (if nothing else is using it):

Now it's time to create substrings. Follow these steps to do so:

  1. We can create substrings by passing a range of indices to a string subscript:
  2. And we get a substring of the entire string with this little shortcut:
  3. The following methods return a substring and leave the original string intact:
    let string = "This is  a pretty 👍 sentence"
    // a substring from the 2nd character and out
    // a substring from the 6th character and out
    // a substring from the first up to and including the second last
    // a substring from the first up to the 9th last character
    // a substring from the first space and out
    string.drop(while: {$0 != " "})
    // the index of the first space, or the first character if there are no spaces
    let space_index = string.index(of: " ") ?? string.startIndex
    // a substring with the first 7 characters
    // a substring from the first up to space_index (excluding)
    string.prefix(upTo: space_index)
    // a substring from the first up to and including space_index
    string.prefix(through: space_index)
    // a substring of the consonants at the beginning of the string ("Th")
    string.prefix(while: {!["a", "e", "i", "o", "u"].contains($0)})
    // a substring of the last 8 characters
    // a substring from space_index and out
    string.suffix(from: space_index)
  4. The following methods return an array of substrings:
    // the substrings between the spaces
    string.split(separator: " ")
    // split the string into 5 substrings (at the first 4 spaces), including the empty substring between the 2 adjacent spaces
    string.split(separator: " ", maxSplits: 4, omittingEmptySubsequences: false)
    // the substrings between the vowels
    string.split(whereSeparator: {["a", "e", "i", "o", "u"].contains($0)})

Earlier, we made the countLinguisticTokens method for counting the number of words, sentences, and paragraphs in a string. It would be nice if we could get hold of the actual words, sentences, and paragraphs, too:

The only changes are the return type and these two lines:

tokenRange is of type NSRange, so we can't use it directly on String, but have to cast ourselves into NSString first.

This works fine, but it would be even nicer and more Swifty if we could get back ranges instead of strings, so we can decide for ourselves if we want to turn them into substrings or strings or do other operations with them. If we try to convert the NSRange to a Swift Range with Range(tokenRange, in: self), it returns an optional, and worse, in the third-last line of the example text, it returns nil. Twice. This is presumably because these characters do not fit in one UTF-16 code unit, and the conversion would create an index pointing to the middle of a Swift Character (see methods linguisticTokens2 and linguisticTokens3 for attempts at moving the index to the correct side of this character).

This highlights the usefulness of a string type which takes care of these things for us, and potential problems with converting between Foundation types and Swift types, not to mention the importance of testing with various languages.

Luckily, there is another Foundation method we can use that returns Swift ranges. We will use enumerateLinguisticTags in the next activity.

In this section, we have looked at substrings in detail: starting from its relation to strings to creating substrings.

Such a method can be used to automatically format code or create a text service on the Mac.

To use an Xcode playground to create a method on String, which turns it into one CamelCased word, optionally with the first letter lowercased.

  1. Open the StringsExtra Xcode project, and go to the StringsExtra.swift file.
  2. Add this code to the bottom of the file:
    extension String {
  3. Go to the unit tests in StringsExtraTests.swift.
  4. Uncomment the next comment block, so this becomes active:
      func testCamelCased() {
  5. Run all unit tests and verify that they pass.