I'd like to thank Daniel Harmon, Hallie Warshaw, and all of the crew at Zest Books for their advice, help, and guidance. An especially big thanks to Alec Dinner, a great friend and my unpaid agent—you've kept me afloat, professionally and personally, for two decades and counting. To Sports and Fitness Publishing and the old-school posse at VeloNews for publishing my first rough attempts at journalism and getting me going in the world—much appreciated!

Most of all, to a funky, fun, and fantastic cast of characters, many of whom I met through cycling—Jordan Kobert, Pete Isert, Jimmy Mo, Chris Wherry, Andy Hampsten, Chuck Ibis, Scot Nicol, Phil Voorhees, Jonny Coln, Bobby Soderstrom, Andy Farrand, Ashley McCullough, Jimmy Mac, Rick Lofaro, Luca Boscardin, Chris Grealish, Mark Mahan, Enrico Caracciolo, Jeremy Gage, and all of you I'm forgetting. Thanks for the encouragement, couches on which to crash, and good times. Love you all.