The page references in this index correspond to the printed edition from which this ebook was created. To find a specific word or phrase from the index, please use the search feature of your ebook reader.
Absolutely Fabulous 43–4
adaptable business models 107
accountancy firms, dominance 73–4
Acne Studios 85
Adichie, Chimamanda Ngozi 29
advertising industry, and gender 47–8
Alianza Nacional de Campesinas 164–5
alpha work culture 5–8, 11–13
and fathers 154
and profit maximization 97–102
change examples 14–15
collaboration vs. 118, 120–30
making it work 71
overwork commitment 154–5
penalizing childcare 57–8
risk-taking 110
rules, following 85
vs. change 103–5
vs. creativity 41–6, 73–5
Weinstein episode 162–5
Amaechi, John 136
ambition 4–6
circular 47–50
Angelou, Maya 67
Apple California ‘campus’, no childcare 12
Apprentice, The 99
Aristotle 94
Art Against Knives 133
articulation notebook 94–5
authenticity 134–42
Aviva, parental leave policy 152
balance in everything 119
Bank of England viii
Barclays investment bankers, gender pay gap 59
Barneys 70
Barron, Leon 156
and fashion industry 9
Newsnight 163
Today programme 166
Woman’s Hour 160
Beattie Communications 47
being one’s whole self 134–42
Bergdorf Goodman 70
Birmingham Children’s Hospital 116–18
Black Americans, demanded rights 161
Bloomsbury office 107–8
Blow, Isabella 69
Boots 17
boys, schools and alpha culture 177
breadwinners 55
Bryce, Quentin 16
bullying, workplace 164–5
Burton retail group 22
business rates rise 29
business start-up 78–9, 83
business success measurement 97–102
Business in the Community 31
Business Insider UK 47
Cadbury 100
Calvin Klein 22, 68
candour, radical 140–1
Care Quality Commission, and BCH 117
career breaks 58–9
career-progression plans 128–9
carers, primary vs. secondary 52–7
‘Carhenge’ 42
caring 119
Cartwright, Jayne 88
Central Saint Martin’s 68
Google images 20
pay statistics 100
creating a force for 159–68
implementing 103–12
recognizing need 93–6
charity shops 86–8
‘co-produced’ 148
covering every base 52–7
enabling fathers 151–8
escapes from 156
gender roles perpetuating 54–8
in offices 135
penalizing 57–8
childcare services
as national investment 63–4
cheaper 144
cost/ availability 62–5
onsite 149
self-funding 148–50
childcare workers, low pay 64
Chile, childcare investment 64
Chobani yoghurt 139
Chödrön, Pema 103
circular ambition 47–50
Clark, Greg 29
Clarks Shoes 79, 100
class issues 34–5
breaking barriers 137–40
clothes/ appearance
and media 37
appropriate 10–11
collaboration vs. alpha culture 118, 120–30
collective offices 129
Columbia Business School 19
community engagement targets 97
competency hierarchy 123
computer programming and gender 7–8
concrete ceiling vii
conflict in collaboration 124–5
consumers, driving price-cutting 101
Corbyn, Jeremy 31
corporate culture
blending-in 33–7, 50
networking 21, 33
courage not bravery 118
creating a force for change 159–68
creative review workshops 124–5
applying 131–42
vs. alpha culture 41–6, 73–5
Cross, Peter 17–18, 85, 91
culture change
balanced working 114–18
fathers and childcare 151–2, 154–5
implementing 120–30
inclusive 134–42
Dagworthy, Wendy 68
Dalai Lama 10
Danks, Richard 106–9
decision making, creative 45–6
Denny and Dazzle 86
Design & Art Direction Festival 113
Dick, Cressida 38
Dickens, Charles 97
digital high streets 90
moving toward 113–19
Portas Agency 120–1
dogs in office 135
earnings see gender pay gap
EasyJet, gender pay gap 59
Edelkoort, Li 45
girls outperform boys 60
workforce 8
Einstein, Albert 143
Eliot, George 20
Emma, You should have asked 53–4, 55
emotion as tool 119
emotional intelligence 131–2, 134–42
empathy 133
employers, and childcare 57–8
enrichment culture 131–42
entrepreneurs, women as 75–7
environmental impacts targets 97
Equality and Human Rights Commission 163
ethics and respect 127
ethnic-minority women and self-employment 75
everyone has a voice 126
excellence not perfection 118
expectations, managing 124
Express (store) 22
Facebook, She Means Business campaign 76
failure, admitting 117
Family and Childcare Trust 148
fashion industry 9
New Generation project 68–70
and childcare, enabling 151–8
job insecurity and SPL 152
Federation of Small Businesses 76
feedback, group 129
feminizing the system ix
fifty plus, advice to 175–6
financial information sharing 121–2
financial management dominance 73–4
financial obligations 109
financial trading, bravado 11
flexible working 144, 145–7
Millennials and 102
football vs. fashion 9
Ford, Dominic 72
forty-somethings, advice to 173–5
Fox, Liam 10
France, childcare investment 64
free childcare, self-funding 148–50
FTSE 100 companies
CEOs and women directors 31
Project 28–40 46–7
fun, bringing into work 135–6
Gadhia, Jayne-Anne 38
Gates, Bill 46
gay couples and childcare 56
gay people, refuse to hide 161
GCHQ board, changed by women 45
gender bias
second-generation 20–8
unconscious 17–20
gender pay gap 6
and return to work 61–2
median pay difference 58–60
UK 2018 165–6
Generation Z and work 101
childcare investment 64
paternity leave 153
anxiety and alpha culture 178
outperform boys in education 60
giving-back 137
Global Entrepreneurial Monitor 75–6
Goldman Sachs, and women entrepreneurs 114
Google Images, CEOs 20
Google job adverts, fewer for women 20
grandparents and childcare 63
Griffiths, Andrew 31
group feedback 129
Guess (store) 22
hairdressing male dominated 4
Halpern, Sir Ralph 22–5
Hanley, Patrick 71–2
Harrods 40, 67–8
flashing boss 165
window dressers protest 1–3
Harvey Nichols 17, 32–6, 40–4, 50, 51–2, 67–73
and Absolutely Fabulous 43–4
and financial management 73–4
consultancy days 79
financial meetings 121
mentors 71–3
New Generation project 68–70
windows, undecorated for charity 40–2
Headen & Quarmby, Middleton factory 16–17
Heatherwick, Thomas, seascape 42–3
Hein, Sonja and Ralf 150
high streets, issues/ safeguarding 88–91
home life, separating 51–8
Hopkins, Katie 99
Hopper, Rear Admiral Grace 8
House of Commons 29–30, 32
House of Fraser 17
housework 53–6
‘Howard’ and ‘Heidi’ experiment 19
Hulme, Daniel 120
Hurley, Elizabeth 68
paternity leave 153
women’s 1975 strike 159–60
identity question 32–7
imposter syndrome 106
inclusive culture 134–42
intellectual stimulation 131–42
intelligence services, alpha management 11–12
internships, funded 137–8
intuition and decision making 45–6, 106, 118, 127
investment banking, gender pay gap 59
investment, in people and place 107–8
J.Crew (store) 22
Jackson, Betty 43
Jaguar Land Rover, women engineering apprentices 113–14
James Grant Group 104
Japan, paternity leave takeup 153
JFDI 168
job-leaving, Millennials and 102
Jobs, Steve 46
Joseph Rowntree Foundation 148
Kant, Immanuel 40
key qualities 118–19
Kindberg, Daniel 131–3
kindness 119
King, Martin Luther Jr. 177
Kinky Knickers 16–19
KPMG, Project 28–40 46–7
Kuenssberg, Laura, bodyguard 30–1
Laloux, Frédéric 131
Reinventing Organizations 123
definition issues 47–50
women and 46–7
learning and growing 128
legacy not status 119
letting go 105–8, 141–2, 169–76
Libertys 17
life/ ambition harmony 119
Limited (store) 22
linear advancement, portfolio careers vs. 102
linear power ladders 47–50
Llewellyn, Pat 85–6
Lloyds Bank 100
Logue, Christopher, ‘Come to the Edge’ 111
London Fashion Week 69, 70
low job status, and return to work 61–2
low-income parents, and childcare services 63
lower pay rates, part-time work 58–9
lowest/ highest-paid US jobs 7
Mackenzie, Amanda 31
making a difference 137–40
Marilyn 22
Marsh, Sarah-Jane 116–18
Mary Queen of Shops 86–8, 92
Mary’s Bottom Line (TV) 16
Mary’s Living & Giving shops 88, 128
‘masculine’ qualities rewarded 6
maternity statutory pay 61
McDormand, Frances 165
McGill, Tess 169
median pay difference 58–60
mediocre people 136
meetings, dispensible 70
and childcare 54–6, 143–5
as breadwinners 55
entry to job raises pay 7
wage rises when parent 62
mental energy demands, motherhood 54–8
Mercedes 85
Metropolitan Police 38
micro-managing 108
and flexible working 146
and leadership 48–50
and work 101–2
Montague, Sarah 166
Morita, Akio 125
Moss, Kate 68
as primary carers 52–7, 61–6
mental energy demands 54–8
need to relinquish control 156–8
ambitions 64–6
and UK economy 63
work/ family clash 4
see also childcare; women
moving on 105–8, 141–2, 169–76
MPs, female statistics 30
Munsch, Christin 55
museum passes fund 133
national happiness vs. GDP targets 98
Neiman Marcus 70
culture document 125
parental leave policy 152
corporate 21, 33
dispensible 70
New Generation project 68–70
New York University 19
Nichols, Catherine/ George 19–20
Nicholson, Mark 106–9
Norway, childcare investment 64
Obama, Michelle 118
office library 133
offshore oil rigs, culture shift 14–15, 110
organizations culture change 113–19
size and 115–16
Orpington Save the Children 87–8
Oscars 2017 165
Östersunds football club 131–2
overwork culture, ending 154–5
paramedics, Chicago Board of Trade 11
parental leave 147–8, 151–4
insurance 148
parliamentary committee on working fathers 153
part-time work 58–9
Patagonia clothing, onsite childcare 149
paternity leave 151–4
pay transparency 120
Penny 97
People of Portas 133
Phase Eight, gender pay gap 59
PHD media agency 78
political power-play, high streets project 90–1
Poon, Sir Dickson 32
Portas, Elisabeth 82
Portas, Graham 21, 53, 78, 79, 157–8
amicable divorce 79–82
Portas, Mary 152
early life 2, 3, 21
early career see Harrods; Harvey Nichols; Topshop
amicable divorce 79–82
and RADA 111–12
brothers 2
children see Portas, Mylo; Portas, Verity; Rickey, Horatio
married to Graham see Portas, Graham
married to Melanie see Rickey, Melanie
maternity leaves 69, 70
mentors 71–3
need to change 93–6
sister 53
see also Portas Agency
Portas, Mylo 51–3, 69, 80–2, 147
and Portas Agency 137–8
leaves for university 92
Portas, Verity 51–3, 59–60, 70, 72, 80–2, 157–8
Portas Agency
changing hierarchy 105–7
culture document 126
diversity 120–1
flexible working 146
parents’ options 147–8
remodelling 107–11
start-up 78–9, 83
team 85
Portas Pilot Towns 89–91
portfolio careers 102
potential, determining to reach 169
Potter, Graeme 131–3
primary carers
vs. secondary carers 52–7
women as 143–4
professional ambition 46–50
goals revision 109
maximization, alternatives to 97–102
sharing 122
profit-neutral planning 109–11
progress not activity 126
progressive top layers 12
Project 28–40 46–7
promotions gap 6
Publicis Groupe 47
Quaker companies 100
quotas 8
RADA 111–12
radiators not drains 127
radical candour 140–1
Ralph Lauren 22
Ramsay, Gordon 92–3
Rathburn, Nancy 113
Reagan, Ronald 100
refugee initiatives 139–40
resilience 119
retail industry
alpha CEO, and Kinky Knickers 17–19, 24
customers, gender balance 3–4
workforce, unbalance 3–4
return to work issues 61–6
Rickey, Horatio 92, 93, 177
Rickey, Melanie 80–3, 92, 93, 95–6
risk-taking 6, 110
Roberts, Kevin 47–9
Rodford, Neil, help from 104–5
role models 37–9
round tables 122
Rowntrees 100
Royal College of Art 68
Saatchi & Saatchi 47
Sandberg, Sheryl 13
Sangster, Abi (MP’s assistant) 108
Satalia 120
Saunders, Jennifer 44
Save the Children 87–8, 137
schools and alpha culture 177
second-generation gender bias 20–8
self, bringing into work 134–42
as option 75–7
low returns in 76
since financial crash 75
self-managing teams 123
Selfridges 17
Seuss, Dr 159
sexual harassment exposed 162–5
shared parenting leave (SPL) 151–3
and sex discrimination 152–3
shareholders and profit maximization 100
sharers not hoarders 126
Shiva, Vandana 61
Shook, Teresa 161
sidelining 27–8
Sky, women leaders 114
Slaughter, Anne-Marie, Unfinished Business 145
Slovenia, childcare investment 64
smaller businesses, parental leave insurance 148
Socrates 1, 94
Sony 125
‘soul’ business concept 115–16, 133–42
childcare investment 64
women’s 2018 strike 160
appraisals 128
losing 141–2
travel fund 133
values 116–17
status quo assessment 136
Steele, Tanya 88
Steinem, Gloria 13, 51
Strayed, Cheryl 84
strength vs. dominance/ power 118
Sugar, Alan Lord 99
Sumin, Haemin 120
Sunday Times 166
superwomen not role-models 37–8
supply chain targets 97
support, Millennials and 102
childcare investment 63
paternity leave 153
symphony orchestras, ‘blind’ auditions 15
barriers at work 5–8
standing up to 169
talk and unite 166–8
targets, revising 97–102
tax system, self-employment and childcare 57
team cohesion, Millennials and 102
Tent Foundation 139–40
Thatcher, Margaret 100
think ‘we’ not ‘me’ 159–68
30% Club 47
thirty-somethings, advice to 172–3
Thompson, Emma 163
time management 70–1
Time’s Up campaign 164
Titanic band-playing 67
Toal, Gill 72
Tolle, Eckhart 78, 94
Topshop 21–8, 72, 74
put-downs at 24–8
‘Town Teams’ 89
Trans people, refuse to hide 161
transparency and candour 127
Treacy, Philip 69
Trump, Donald
parental leave proposals 153
ridiculed 161–2
twenty-somethings, advice to 170–2
Ulukaya, Hamdi 138–40
and planning 110–11
embracing 103–12
not alpha risk-taking 110
unite and talk 166–8
United Kingdom
gender pay gap 2018 165–6
high streets project 88–91
ineffectual childcare subsidies 63–4
United States
Department of State 145
no paid parental leave policy 153
women agriculture workers 164–5
Unterföhring (Munich suburb), free childcare 149–50
and culture change 116–19
connecting to commercial enterprise 100–2, 103–5
implementing 120–30
Vandana Shiva 94
Verdan, Amanda 68, 72, 73
Vigdis Finnbogadóttir 160
Virgin Money 38
vision over ambition 118
Vuitton, Louis 85
Wackett, Caireen 106–9, 125
Wan, Joseph 33, 71
‘we’ not ‘me’ 159–68
Weinstein, Harvey, prosecution 162–5
‘What Got Me Here’ talks 135
wider picture not tunnel vision 119
Wilson, Louise 68
Winterson, Jeanette 29–30, 32
wisdom over knowledge 119
Without us the world stops 160
and leadership 29–50
as breadwinners 55
as entrepreneurs 75–7
as primary carers 52–7, 61–6
compliant 160–1
directors, FTSE 100 31
engineering apprentices 113–14
entry lowers pay 7
in power, statistics viii
MPs 30
perpetuating status quo 12–14
physical work 54
pregnant, job losses 61
purchasing decisions 4
workforce percentage 8
see also mothers
Women in Enterprise Taskforce (FSB) 76
Women’s Budget Group 148
Women’s Equality Party 148
Women’s March 2016 161–2
‘women’s work’ pay 7–8
work culture vii
work has to be personal 84–96
work is play 128
work/ life balance 70–1
worker happiness targets 98
working mothers
ambitions 64–6
and UK economy 63
work/ family clash 4
workplace bullying 164–5
workshops 124–5
World Economic Forum 140
on gender pay gap 59
young men, raising up/ stepping up 178, 179–80
young women, raising up/ stepping up 178–80
YSC business psychology 47
Zaloom, Caitlin 11