
Just as I finished writing the book you now hold in your hands, I celebrated ten years of publishing, ten years of sharing the stories of my heart with readers like you. What an incredible privilege it has been to be part of your lives. You’ve been an escape and encouragement during difficult times, a sweet friend in the quiet hours. I wouldn’t get to do this without you, and I’m grateful. Thank you for reading!

As this book releases, I will celebrate ten years as a client of Rachel Kent and Books & Such Literary Management. What a wonderful ride it’s been. Thank you for believing in my stories. Thank you for believing in me. Thank you for your steady guidance and calm assurance over these years.

The amazing team at Revell has made this journey brighter and my books so much better. I’m honored to get to work with Vicki, Jessica, Michele, Karen, and the rest of the team. Thank you for all you’ve invested in me and my books. Thank you for sharing messages that matter.

Even with this amazing team, the actual writing journey can be a lonely one. So I’m beyond grateful God brought a special group of writers into my life. They encourage and challenge me every day to be a better writer and a better woman, and I look forward to our writing sessions every other week. Thank you, Lindsay Harrel, Tina Radcliffe, Sara Carrington, Jennifer Deibel, Tari Faris, and Ruth Douthitt. Your examples and perseverance inspire me.

A special thank-you to reader Jordan Sims, who suggested the name of Penelope’s favorite nonprofit and received a character named after her. I’m so grateful for all my readers and love to connect with you on social media, through email, and at reader events. You make writing these books even more fun!

Having a writer in the family isn’t always easy—like when I tell my family they can’t visit or call me so I can write. It happened many times while I was working on this project, but they still love me, and I’m so grateful for them. They’re always there as I climb out of my writing hole, ready to be part of the world again. Being part of this family is the best. I love you guys.

And finally, to my good, good Father, who threw a wrench in my plans this year and showed me once again that his plans are so much better and his lovingkindness never ends.