1: Great Teams Think of Themselves as Winning Underdogs
Herb Brooks—A Winning Underdog for the Ages
Commit to Proving the Doubters Wrong
Victor, Not Victim—Results, Not Reasons
Expect Adversity—It Never Gets Easier
Accept the Challenge—Embrace the Opportunity
Beyond the Ice—Other Coaches and Mentors
2: Great Teams Have a Shared Dream
Have a Clearly Defined Mission, Values, and Messages
Get with the Program—Or Get Out
Leverage Individuality for Team Strength
Bring People Together—In One Place
Beyond the Ice—Other Mentors and Coaches
3: Great Teams Make Personal Sacrifices
Understand That Not Only You Sacrifice
Sacrifice for Something You Love
Recognize and Show Appreciation for Those Who Sacrifice with You
Beyond the Ice—Other Mentors and Coaches
4: Great Teams Hold Themselves and Others Accountable
Accountable, Yes. But for What?
Accountability Is a Two-Way Street
Beyond the Ice—Other Mentors and Coaches
5: Great Teams Are the Product of Picking the Right Players
Not Necessarily the Best Players—But the Right Ones
Look for Those Who Will Dream Big—But Not Make Dreams Their Master
Recruit the Dreamers Who Can Handle Defeat
The Best Recruiters Are Master Salesmen
Recruit the Right Values and Right Character
Stick with the Plan—Own the Outcome
Beyond the Ice—Other Mentors and Coaches
6: Great Teams Have a Real or Invented Enemy
Identify and Fixate on a Common Enemy
Be Ready for Anything—Respect Your Opponent
You Take on the Enemy Together
Beyond the Ice—Other Mentors and Coaches
7: Great Teams Stay Young in Spirit and Outlook
Don't Let Your Players Get Comfortable
Make the Workplace Fun—At Least Some of the Time
Caring About Your People and Your Customers Makes the Workplace Fun
Dare to Be Different—Push Innovation
Take Care of Yourself—Be Good to Others
Beyond the Ice—Other Mentors and Coaches
8: Great Teams Manage Through Ego and Conflict
Everyone Has an Important Role
Get Outside Your Comfort Zone for the Team
Beyond the Ice—Other Mentors and Coaches
9: Victory—The One and Only End Game