Dear Reader,

I was raised in a farming community, so neighbors’ visits and Christmas were almost the extent of family excitement. Once a year, however, the circus came to town.

I thought it was the most exotic, amazing event in the world. They had camels and trapeze artists and clowns and popcorn and hot dogs... I remember watching with my heart in my mouth, sure that the lady in the pink sparkles would come crashing down. My dad must have worried as much as I did, for most years we repeated the five-mile drive into town, to see the performance all over again.

So I guess it’s no wonder I’ve finally written a circus book, complete with heroine landed with a run-down circus and a billionaire hero who has to step in to save not only the lady in sparkles but her assortment of circus animals and her extended circus family.

To research this book, of course I had to go to the circus. My husband complained all the way—“Why are we going to the circus without the kids?” But who needs kids? We sat at the back and ate popcorn, we watched the lady in pink sparkles and I fell in love all over again. Sometimes I love being a romance writer.

