A Memo from Bindy Mackenzie


To:Mrs Lilydale
From:Bindy Mackenzie
Subject:The Death of Debating
Time:Wednesday, 2.40 pm

Dear Mrs Lilydale,
I tried to find you at lunchtime and I’ve just looked for you again, but no luck.

I guess you want to see me to discuss a new second speaker? Coincidentally, Emily Thompson has mentioned that she wants to join the team! I assume this is some kind of misunderstanding.

As you know, debating is very important to me—I probably won’t stay on the team next year, because of concentrating on the HSC. So this is my last chance to win the Tearsdale Shield (again).

It would be great if you could clear up this confusion as soon as possible! Ernst and I are happy to discuss a new member, and naturally, we would consider E.T., along with all the other options.


Bindy Mackenzie

A Memo from Bindy Mackenzie


To:Ernst von Schmerz
From:Bindy Mackenzie
Time:Wednesday, 2.45 pm

Dear Ernst,

(I know.) (Say no more.) (Me neither. I can’t believe it either.)

I went straight to find Mrs Lilydale but she’s still not in her office so I put a memo under her door. But I could hardly come right out and say that Emily is too stupid, could I? (Mrs L. surely knows that already. Or at least she has access to Emily’s class records?)

What does Emily think she’s doing, anyway? Isn’t she too ‘cool’ for debating? Why would she sink to our level?

Come and find me in the library as soon as you get this! I’ll be there for a while after school but not too long as I have to babysit.

I’ll keep trying Mrs L.’s office sporadically through the afternoon. If I find her, don’t despair, I will convince her of her folly.



PS Your ‘philosophical musing’ poem was great. Very funny.


A Memo from Ernst von Schmerz


To:Bindy Mackenzie
From:Ernst von Schmerz
Subject:And Yet
Time:Wednesday, after school some time

Yo Bind,
Emily Thompson on our team? Rock my kingdom like a cradle, Bind, that’s total. Why you trippin? Emily is flippin and fly. I dig that chick.

Take some serenity, B: if Em joins our team, it will be both gangsta and inspired. That’s my view, anyhow, so fry it up anyway you like.

Would love to chat, nevertheless, I must leave this at your locker. And will blog on the issue of Emily some time, so check it out should you like to. If only I had time to seek you in your dominion, but I don’t as I must run thru the rain to my transcendental chatroom.


PS But what do you mean about Emily ‘sinking’ to our ‘level’?


A Memo from Bindy Mackenzie


To:Mrs Lilydale
From:Bindy Mackenzie
Time:Wednesday, 4.00 pm

Dear Mrs Lilydale,
I must apologise for my slight outbreak of temper in your office just now. I’m sure you understand: it was just that I feel very strongly about this issue. And I was so surprised that you couldn’t see my point of view!

As I said to you, I really think it’s a mistake letting Emily on the team. It spells DOOM for debating! It spells SPONTANEOUS COMBUSTION for the Tearsdale Shield! (It’s mainly made of wood, remember.) Think about it: when has Emily even shown the slightest glimmer of interest before? I doubt she even really knows what debating is. Don’t you remember how disrespectful she was to you when she played at being a ‘lawyer’ last year? She’ll never show up, you know—she’ll disrespect debating, too, preferring parties, shopping or some other phenomenon of teenage life.

Let’s choose someone else for the team. I’m sure Emily won’t mind, and I hope with all my heart that you agree.

Bindy Mackenzie


Wednesday, 4.25

On the bus, on the way to ‘babysitting’ for Eleanora.

Boy in the aisle speaks to a girl:
Cause that’s why you eat chocolate, cause serotonin gets released in the brain.

Girl replies: Yeah, I was thinking, if you, like, ate chocolate and then gave someone a hug? It’d be like sensory overload. [She shakes her folded umbrella, holds it up and says:] Are you umbrella aware?


TO:   cecily.mackenzie@mackenzieworld.com.au;
FROM:   bindy.mackenzie@ashbury.com.au
SENT:   Wednesday, 9.30 pm
SUBJECT:   Permissions . . .

Dear Mum and Dad,
Hi there! How are you both? I’m well, thanks, though busy— we’ve already got a superabundance of homework. The teachers must think we have access to alternate universes in which we can draw on unlimited resources of time! And somehow I have to find time for Kmart, babysitting and piano practice (and lessons) as well!

Meanwhile, life here is chaotic. Auntie Veronica and Uncle Jake are great, and Bella is adorable—but that family have the vocal powers of kakapo birds!

Auntie Veronica and I have breakfast together each day, because we both get up early, and both like pink grapefruit with a light dusting of sugar. And I’ll tell you something funny. Sometimes, Veronica will suddenly drop her spoon onto the table with a clatter, and then she will half-shout: ‘Bindy Mackenzie!’

At this, I gasp with fright, and then I say, hesitantly: ‘Yes?’

But she simply picks up her spoon again, shakes her head to herself and says, ‘Bindy Mackenzie at my breakfast table. How superb.’

Uncle Jake sleeps in each day and hardly ever goes to university. He locks himself in his study with a sign on his door that says: ‘NO ENTRY’. Despite the sign, Bella wanders in all the time. And the other day I heard Jake say: ‘Bella, can’t you read?’ and Bella replied, ‘Yes, Daddy, I can read, but the words fall out of my head.’

She’s so funny.

She really can read, you know. And she’s only four years old. Veronica and I both think she’s ready for school, regardless of whether the words fall out of her head.

Anyway, how are things in the city?

I hope your ventures are succeeding beyond your wildest dreams.

Could one of you do me a favour? I’m supposed to get permission to go on some excursions for a new course called Friendship and Development. It isn’t assessable, and I cannot see its point. I’ll scan in the relevant notes. I’d be grateful for your feedback.




TO:   bindy.mackenzie@ashbury.com.au
FROM:   cecily.mackenzie@mackenzieworld.com.au
SENT:   Wednesday, 9.31 pm

Cecily Mackenzie will be unable to read your e-mail until Thursday next week. If your message is urgent, please contact Cecily’s assistant, Megan, at


TO:   bindy.mackenzie@ashbury.com.au
FROM:   mackenziepaul@mackenzieenterprises.com.au
SENT:   Wednesday, 9.55 pm
SUBJECT:   Re: Permissions . . .

Dear Bindy,
Hi there, yourself.

Permissions granted, as requested.

