And now it’s the next day and everyone sounds so f/n morbid. She’s still breathing. Why are we even listening to what they’re telling us about her chances?

Meanwhile, at school, we’ve got reporters hanging around the gates trying to talk to us.

Toby goes, ‘Go home to your families! There’s nothing to see here!’ in that speaker-voice thing he does. The journos ignore him.

This is the weirdest time that I, for one, have ever experienced. It’s weird being here in the waiting room, kind of getting to know Bindy’s family. It’s weirder being at school.

We all want to hang around the police talking to them but they say they’ve talked to us enough. Meanwhile, they keep uncovering stuff, such as that Finnegan, I guess his name is Markus—anyhow the criminal types who set up the software scam, they’d been keeping an eye on Markus because he’d been asking questions about his cousin. So, then they realised he’d disappeared from Queensland, and they were kind of wondering where he was. And it was just last week they realised that he was actually Finnegan. The bookshop lady set up the meeting so she could feed him a muffin full of strychnine. That would have killed him pretty fast, if Liz and I hadn’t shown up and got him out of there.

He’s going back home to Queensland. He’s kind of wrecked that he didn’t save Bindy’s life, even though that was why he was here. Which makes us all feel wrecked for thinking he was here to finish her off, but, listen, he’s from Queensland. You never know with Queenslanders, right?

Well, we are supposedly waiting for Bindy to die, and as I said, that is f/n morbid.

Okay, but Emily and Astrid are going on about how this is the time to stop, while she’s still alive, so this is how we should end this. They wanted to put the story together, kind of a tribute to Bindy, so that’s why we’ve been typing this. So, they think we’ve said it all now, and I am supposed to end it.

So, goodbye, Bindy Mackenzie.

We love you.

The End.