Shopping (I)


Once you’ve mastered this unit, you’ll be able to use Chinese to:

1.  Buy ice pops at a street vendor’s stand.

2.  Purchase pens at a small department store.

3.  Go shopping for vegetables at a vegetable stand.

4.  Go shopping for fruit at a fruit stand.

5.  Ask where to go to purchase various items.

6.  Complain if something is too expensive and inquire if there are cheaper ones.

7.  Discuss alternatives: this one or that one? Red ones or blue ones? etc.

8.  Talk about different kinds of vegetables and fruit.

9.  Talk about different kinds of writing instruments and office supplies.

10. Ask someone what they’re majoring in at their college or university, and answer the same question when you are asked.

11. Discuss the names of common academic fields and majors.