
Chapter 33


Janet was taken out of school by John after her diagnosis with dementia. John resigned from his job working at the group home so he could home school Janet. Janet’s teachers would send John the curriculum for her courses as well as the assigned homework. Her teachers were immensely helpful to John.

Janet’s friends stayed connected with her daily, either by visits or by calling John asking for updates. It was a bit overwhelming for John, but he appreciated the kind words they had for Janet. The high school basketball team dedicated their season to Janet and retired her number. They made it to the state semifinals their senior year. The school would raise money for Janet’s care throughout the school year. Betty and Angie would visit Janet daily, which John appreciated. They would play cards with Janet and talk to her about their days at school.

Unfortunately, Janet took a turn for the worse. Janet would often forget that John was her dad and mistook him for her basketball coach in junior high. She could not complete her lessons or her homework. At times she would yell at John and sometimes become aggressive towards him. She lost her ability to do things on her own, like brushing her teeth or bathing. John assisted her in her daily skills. After ten months since her diagnosis of dementia, Janet lost her ability to walk and required the use of a wheelchair to get around. Janet was no longer recognizable to John.

John was given recommendations for Janet to reside in places that specializes in Janet’s type of care. He refused them. He wanted to spend every moment with his daughter and was more than willing to care for her. The neurologist was hopeful that a new experimental drug would slow down the process. They gave Janet more good days than she was having before, which gave John hope.

One afternoon during one of Janet’s good days, she and John were eating lunch. Janet looked at John and smiled.

“I’m going to be ok, Dad,” Janet said smiling.

“I know, peanut,” John said forcing a smile.

Janet held John’s hand and then asked if he could go up to her room to get Te Te. After all the years, she still had the teddy bear that John gave her when he visited her at the foster home for the first time.

John ran upstairs to grab Te Te when he heard a loud bang. He ran down the stairs and found Janet on the ground, unresponsive. John called 911.