
“Syria Is Not Iraq” by Shadi Hamid first appeared online on, February 4, 2013.

“Why There Is No Military Solution to the Syrian Conflict” by Aslı Bâli and Aziz Rana was written for this volume. It also appears (in slightly different form) on, May 13, 2013.

“Bosnia and Syria: Intervention Then and Now” by Michael Ignatieff was written for this volume and appears here for the first time.

“What Should Be Done About the Syrian Tragedy?” by Richard Falk first appeared (in slightly different form) on his blog, Citizen Pilgrimage, as “On Syria: What to Do in 2013,” January 19, 2013.

“Anxiously Anticipating a New Dawn: Voices of Syrian Activists” by Afra Jalabi was written for this volume and appears here for the first time.

“Syria Is Not a Problem from Hell—But If We Don’t Act Quickly, It Will Be” by Anne-Marie Slaughter first appeared on, May 31, 2012.

“Supporting Unarmed Civil Insurrection in Syria” by Stephen Zunes first appeared, in longer form, on as “Supporting non-violence in Syria,” December 20, 2012.

“A Syrian Case for Humanitarian Intervention” by Radwan Ziadeh was written for this volume and appears here for the first time.

“Syria: The Case for Staggered Decapitation” by Tom Farer was written for this volume and appears here for the first time.

“A Humanitarian Strategy Focused on Syrian Civilians” by Mary Kaldor was written for this volume. It also appears (in slightly different form) on as “Bordering on a New World War I,” April 27, 2013.

“How to Ease Syrian Suffering” by Kenneth Roth first appeared in the New York Times, February 8, 2013.

“The Last Thing Syrians Need Is More Arms Going to Either Side” by Charles Glass first appeared in The Guardian, March 4, 2013.

“Syria Is Melting” by Rafif Jouejati was written for this volume and appears here for the first time.

“Shopping Option C for Syria” by Marc Lynch first appeared on, February 14, 2013.

“The Price of Inaction in Syria” by Christoph Reuter first appeared on Spiegel Online International, the English-language web edition of Der Spiegel, as “War without End: The Price of Inaction in Syria,” April 4, 2013.

“With or Without Us: Why Syria’s Future Is in Its Own Hands” by Fareed Zakaria first appeared in TIME as “With or Without Us,” May 13, 2013.

“The Dangerous Price of Ignoring Syria” by Vali Nasr first appeared in the New York Times on April 15, 2013.

“Syria, Savagery and Self-Determination” by Nader Hashemi was written for this volume and appears here for the first time.

“From Dayton to Damascus” by Christopher R. Hill first appeared in the New York Times as “When to Talk to Monsters,” May 15, 2013.

“Better Assad Than the Islamists?” by Thomas Pierret was written for this volume and appears here for the first time.