As you read on, I will address exactly how to realize all of the benefits outlined and develop a practical strategy to achieve your goals.

You will begin to see how social networking isn’t just about the initial A of ‘acquisition’ (finding or acquiring people to sell your crafts to) or just the final C of the ‘conversion’ stage (convincing people to buy). Networking online is also about encouraging specific positive ‘behaviour’ – clicks and shares of the content you post on social media channels and on your own site.

Your social networking should primarily be about discovering and nurturing relationships with brand influencers and brand advocates – the people who will market and sell your work for you.

The terms acquisition, behaviour and conversion are part of the process of measuring your marketing activity using Google Analytics software. By embedding this terminology in your mind right from the start, you will be able to measure the success of your A B C marketing strategy later on without thinking ‘What on earth does “acquisition” have to do with my lovely, friendly craft business?’