Frank’s Story (cont.)
Blackpool, England. July, 1981
Frank Harvey sat in a snug at the Oliver Arms, an apocalyptic little pub close to the ABC cinema.
Jock walked in, bought a couple of pints and took the seat opposite him. ‘How do, Frank?’
‘Y’all right?’
‘What the hell are you doing in this place? It’s probably the worst boozer in Lancashire.’
‘One of the lasses in the office recommended it.’
‘Tall, fair-haired woman?’
‘Yeah, she said she’d mentioned this hellhole.’ Jock took a sip of bitter. ‘Were you rude to her?’
Frank grimaced. ‘Probably.’
‘That’s why she sent you here. Payback. Right! Have you calmed down yet?’
‘I suppose so.’
‘Good! Let’s sort out your first story, then! Covering the wedding of Charles and Diana from a Blackpool point of view. I had wanted you to go to the Pleasure Beach on the day of the wedding. They’re giving out free tickets to anyone called Charles or Di. But you said—’
‘I said that the wedding day is going to be a bank holiday. Except some registry offices will be opening. I think we should cover a local wedding. Follow it. See how the married lives of our Blackpool happy couple differ from those of the Prince and Princess of Wales.’
Jock nodded. ‘Not a bad idea. Run with it!’
Frank nodded. ‘Can I ask you something?’
‘Long as it’s legal.’
‘Why are you helping me out? You took a chance on me after I was kicked out of London. I was an idiot today in the office and here you are again. Actually, maybe I don’t need to know why. But I just wanted to say . . . Thank you. It means a lot.’
Jock smiled. ‘One day you’ll be an old man. And you’ll meet some younger bloke who’s a hothead and impulsive and kind of smart but off the rails. He’ll do things his way and to hell with the consequences. But you’ll also see he’s got a good heart. When you meet him, remember me, yeah? Remember this, lad.’
Frank nodded. ‘Aye, will do.’
The two men clinked glasses.
‘Time for some shots, yeah, Jock?’
‘Not yet. Still got a bit of business.’
‘What might that be?’
‘You’re covering the Charles and Diana story like you wanted to. No problem. But someone else already suggested that angle. So I’m teaming you up with her. She’s young. A complete novice. But I think she’s special.’ Jock turned around. ‘Come on over, luv!’
The fair-haired woman from the office picked up her drink and joined Jock at his table.
Frank groaned, ‘Bloody hell!’
‘Yeah! My thoughts exactly,’ she shot back.
Jock laughed. ‘Frank Harvey, I’d like you to meet your new partner. Molly Stone.’