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Copyright © 2024 by Lester Fabian Brathwaite
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Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data
Names: Fabian Brathwaite, Lester, author.
Title: Rage: on being queer, black, brilliant…and completely over it / Lester Fabian Brathwaite.
Description: New York: Tiny Reparations Books, 2024.
Identifiers: LCCN 2024000484 (print) | LCCN 2024000485 (ebook) | ISBN 9780593185087 (hardcover) | ISBN 9780593185094 (epub)
Subjects: LCSH: Fabian Brathwaite, Lester, author. | Periodical editors— United States—Biography. | African American authors—Biography. | Gay authors—United States—Biography.
Classification: LCC PN4874.F386575 A3 2024 (print) | LCC PN4874.F386575 (ebook) | DDC 070.92 [B]—dc23/eng/20240207
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Ebook ISBN 9780593185094
Cover design by Kaitlin Kall
Cover photography by Harvey Jackson
Book design by Alison Cnockaert, adapted for ebook by Molly Jeszke
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