Example of a Food Journal
Date _____________
Example of a Weekly Contract
Name ________________
Date _________________
A. Eating/Nutrition Goals (meal plan commitments, food challenges, plans to eat with others )
1. I will try a new breakfast this week.
2. I will keep my food journal up to date.
B. Weight and Weighing Goals
1. I will not weigh myself.
2. I will work on maintaining my weight.
C. Exercise Goals
1. I will go to yoga class instead of running three times a week.
2. I will take a rest day where I do no exercise.
D. Behavior Goals
1. I will write in my journal if I feel like bingeing or purging.
2. I will write a healthy self versus eating disorder self dialogue at least three times this week.
F. Relationship/Family Goals
1. I will ask a friend to have diner with me one night this week.
2. I will call someone if I feel like bingeing or purging.